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Drafting Tournaments Explained


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[FE12] Marth Emblem #31485

1.Aircalipoor: Luke, Caeda, Minerva, Navarre, Cain, Linde, Leiden, Belf, Darros, Dolph, Ymir, Sedgar, Vyland

2.Dark Sage: Rody, Sirius, Malice, Cord, Castor, Nagi, Ellerean, Etzel, Dice, Frost, Jeorge, Sheema, Midia

3.*Passive Knight: Cecille, Palla, Ogma, Frey, Roger, Julian, Abel, Wrys, Athena, Macellan, Samson, Matthis, Rohsea

4.Kopfjager: Catria, Draug, Barst, Warren, Yumina, Norne, Katarina, Horace, Michalis, Yubello, Radd, Samto, Tiki

5.eclipse: Ryan, Malliesia, Gordin, Merric, Wendell, Bord, Caesar, Jake, Robert, Est, Astram, Tomas, Bantu

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[FE7] HNM: A Brand New Style of Draft #31227 has officially finished. All four participants finished, and in KoT's absence I tallied everyone scores.

1st: Baldrick - 498

2nd: HongLei - 406

3rd: Konnor97 - 366

4th: Boron - 344

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H3 Draft #32532

*Serious Bananas: Caeda, Cord, Wrys, Jake, Darros, Midia, Rickard, Matthis, Tomas, Bantu

shadowbreeze64: Abel, Navarre, Athena, Catria, Beck, Boah, Castor, Astram, Etzel, Macellan

Shoptimus Prime: Cain, Bord, Wendell, Draug, Roshea, Roger, Elice, Horace, Lorenz, Dolph

Manix: Barst, Hardin, Lena, Palla, Xane, Gordin, Linde, Vyland, Tiki, Ymir

underredskies: Ogma, Wolf, Sedgar, Merric, Julian, Caesar, Est, Radd, Jeorge, Maria

Here you go.

Edited by Serious Bananas
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Disregard this, i made a huge mistake in my counting, never,ind. i will just post the entire thing when i have actually typed it all out, so i can actually back it up immediately.

Edited by Vicious Sal
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[FE7] Guy's Journey Through EHM 32684 has finished drafting.

Refa: Florina, Isadora, Priscilla, Rebecca, Hawkeye, Karel

PKL: Fiora, Oswin, Lucius, Dorcas, Bartre, Jaffar

General Horace: Heath, Sain, Canas, Raven, Vaida, Geitz/Wallace

*Folgore Yellow: Kent, Erk, Serra, Dart, Wil, Renault

Kopfjager: Lowen, Pent, Harken, Louise, Legault, Nino

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Completed [FE7] Semi-SOYO Draft 31555 in 146 turns.


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I played Monster Hunter basically ALL YESTERDAY instead of updating SO UPDATE IS IN NOW. Sorry, kids.

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[FE12] The Pegasus Knight Draft (#32572) has finished drafting!

Wen: Luke, Sirius, Yumina, Cain, Malice, Horace, Est, MIchalis, Macellan, Matthis, Vyland

*PKL: Rody, Caeda, Linde, Minerva, Roger, Athena, Yubello, Radd, Samto, Roshea, Wolf

Eclipse: Ryan, Ogma, Wendell, Cord, Ellerean, Castor, Jake, Katarina, Darros, Tomas, Sedgar

Vicious Sal: Gordin, Catria, Warren, Caesar, Etzel, Dice, Frost, Dolph, Ymir, Beck, Bord

Passive Knight: Draug, Malliesia, Barst, Merric, Julian, Abel, Belf, Robert, Samson, Sheema, Tiki

General Horace: Palla, Cecille, Frey, Navarre, Leiden, Wrys, Norne, Jeorge, Astram, Midia, Bantu

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And i am bored of all the shit i had to do to get this tc, so for this draft 27908 i have finished it in 99 turns. Now onto finishing sfdtt, then the staves draft, then the peg draft. And the writeups i cannot be bothered with until i get bck home. Which is in three to four weeks.

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fe6 Auction draft, via IP chat


Me:Klien-45, Bartre-51, Yuno-1, Ward-45., Lott-80, Saul-90, Miledy-370, Igrene-30

Noah-136, Cecilia-37, Zeiss-37

Kopfjager:-Wendy-10, Lilina-40, Dieck-225, Alan-275, Thany-150

Zealot-75, Ellen-125, Niime-100

Marth-Echidna-155, Percival-155, Lance-301, Dorothy-5, Douglas-1

Tate-131, Bors, 7, Hugh-13, Asthol-232

SRC :Sophia-6, Wolt-5, Shin-40, Garret-6, Sue-1

Barth-1, Geese-36, Fir-101, Karel-6, Chad-5

Lugh-140, Dayan-1, OJ-12, Treck-35, Cath-1, Yodel-8

Clarine-210, Rutger-120, Gonzo-150


If Wen finishes this, he might get the new fe6 record!

Edited by Folgore Green
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fe6 Auction draft, via IP chat


Me:Klien-45, Bartre-51, Yuno-1, Ward-45., Lott-80, Saul-90, Miledy-370, Igrene-30

Noah-136, Cecilia-37, Zeiss-37

Kopfjager:-Wendy-10, Lilina-40, Dieck-225, Alan-275, Thany-150

Zealot-75, Ellen-125, Niime-100

Marth-Echidna-155, Percival-155, Lance-301, Dorothy-5, Douglas-1

Tate-131, Bors, 7, Hugh-13, Asthol-232

SRC :Sophia-6, Wolt-5, Shin-40, Garret-6, Sue-1

Barth-1, Geese-36, Fir-101, Karel-6, Chad-5

Lugh-140, Dayan-1, OJ-12, Treck-35, Cath-1, Yodel-8

Clarine-210, Rutger-120, Gonzo-150


If Wen finishes this, he might get the new fe6 record!

Finished this draft in 250 turns.

Warriors 3 and Wyvern duo and CeciliaXRoy Paired ending reached.

And Noah solo of Dragon Temple and Jahn!

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Okay, logged logged logged and

@Harpoon: several things:

1: why do you hate me? Do you realize how many corrections I had to make to that submission to make it fit within formatting parameters? I'll give you a hint: it took me a while.

2: why did you host another goddamn fe6 auction draft? Go take somebody else's team in another draft and fuck off already.

3: who the hell is SRC? How don't you know that I like having peoples' actual names?

4: stop hosting.

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oh yeah this draft finished drafting

[FE4] FE4 Experimental Draft #32734

*General Horace:[/b (Ethlin, Leaf, Altenna), (Briggid, Patty, Faval), Cuan, Dew, Femina, Hawk, Midir, Azel, Rodolban, Sharlow

Lucina: (Fury, Fee, Sety), (Lachesis, Delmud, Nanna), Laylea, Beowulf, Noish, Shannan, Amid, Daisy, Radney, Jamka

Refa: (Sylvia, Leen, Corple), (Aideen, Lana, Lester), Ares, Lex, Claude, Linda, Alec, Tristan, Johan, Asswhale of Connacht

Papermate: (Tiltyu, Arthur, Tinny), (Ayra, Lakche, Skasaher), Levin, Holyn, Fin, Johalva, Janne, Mana, Dimna, Hannibal


even made Aless the infinately infereior and more retarded sounding Ares

Edited by General Horace
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Well as long as Asswhale Of Connacht is Asswhale Of Connacht, I'm fine with whatever changes you make to the other names.

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Mass update.

13ths final draft-fe7


197 turns



307 turns

Semi-Soyo fe7


217 turns

Fabulous fe8 draft


280 turns, because fuck CC.

BEst fe8 draft


167 turns

2nd infantry draft


237 turns.

fe6 NM draft


237 turns

And, there goes my GBA backlog.

Edited by Folgore Green
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just so you know, the more information you put in one post the more the likelihood of a clerical mishap on my part goes up

still, all logged

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