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WTF is up with the release date?

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Katakana is generally used for words directly borrowed from other languages, or for names. Hiragana and kanji are used for the most part.

What's with the sigh? I know 4 languages, one of these days I'll start on Japanese. Well I'll just be smart about it and just read the FE3 script while playing.

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The translators aren't so bad as they used to be. They've come a long way. It's the grammar that's a bit complex for the Romantic-based translators to work with. Context is lost with raw translations through a machine, and couple that with the structural points of Japanese grammar, and the overall issue with machine translation, and you've got a problem for actual text with substance.

Small things, it's not so much a problem.

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A: It doesn't seem obvious yet to me.

B: Because "let's work on translating 40+ chapters and over 300 base conversations/supports so that a professional version can be done anyways" sure sounds like fun, huh? Especially given how long I'd imagine that would take, it would have required them to start quite a while ago, well before so many people had given up hope.

you must be in denial its blatantly obvious that its not getting translated officially, or what maybe after 2 years of waiting theyre gonna release it overseas? that makes no sense if they announced it tomorrow it would take 2-3 onths to come out and it would arrive with no promotion and no one but the die hards knowing about it and they would make almost no money off of it....see where im coming from? if they had any intention to release it it wouldve happened and im aware that its a lot of work im not saying some has to drop their life and do everythng possible im just saying the guys who said they ARE willing to work on it could start now seeing as theres about 1 99% chance they wont announce it within the next month but if you wanna stay falsely hoping thats fine im sure it will get translated by fans eventually

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you must be in denial its blatantly obvious that its not getting translated officially, or what maybe after 2 years of waiting theyre gonna release it overseas? that makes no sense if they announced it tomorrow it would take 2-3 onths to come out and it would arrive with no promotion and no one but the die hards knowing about it and they would make almost no money off of it....see where im coming from? if they had any intention to release it it wouldve happened and im aware that its a lot of work im not saying some has to drop their life and do everythng possible im just saying the guys who said they ARE willing to work on it could start now seeing as theres about 1 99% chance they wont announce it within the next month but if you wanna stay falsely hoping thats fine im sure it will get translated by fans eventually

grammar pl0x, I can barely understand a damn word you're saying.

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The sigh is most likely because you seem to think Japanese is an easy language to translate without knowing how it's structured, or how they present terminology.

It's not that simple.

No language is simple. I don't to seem to think anything. Im just asking.

Edited by JosefLior
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Katakana is generally used for words directly borrowed from other languages, or for names. Hiragana and kanji are used for the most part.

Not quite, and this a a common trap to fall into whwn translating, from my experience on both FE12 and AAI2, I've found this:

Very often, you'll see pure Japanese words put in Katakana. This is done for emphasis. (The English equivilant would be putting the word in italics) In other words, about 80% of the katakana words you see will be actual Japanese words. Normally, it's pretty easy to tell though. (though you may get tripped up a bit on the few loan words that are actually borrowed from German [arubaito] or French [had a problem with thing in AAI2 recently with "Attache Case"]

I know there's definate examples from FE12, but I can't think of any right now, so I'll just give you one from AAI2: Mujun (Contradiction) is always written in katakana, despite it being a Japanese word.

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Katakana is also used to express a sense of foreign or strange-ness. Robots and demons are sometimes shown speaking in katakana... but it's not like it's not-Japanese suddenly still D:

and there's that furigana or whatever, yo

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Not quite, and this a a common trap to fall into whwn translating, from my experience on both FE12 and AAI2, I've found this:

Very often, you'll see pure Japanese words put in Katakana. This is done for emphasis. (The English equivilant would be putting the word in italics) In other words, about 80% of the katakana words you see will be actual Japanese words. Normally, it's pretty easy to tell though. (though you may get tripped up a bit on the few loan words that are actually borrowed from German [arubaito] or French [had a problem with thing in AAI2 recently with "Attache Case"]

I know there's definate examples from FE12, but I can't think of any right now, so I'll just give you one from AAI2: Mujun (Contradiction) is always written in katakana, despite it being a Japanese word.

It's a general rule, which is more often than not true. FE is not a game featuring robots (Roro might be an exception).

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Seeing how complex Japanese is makes it interesting. I think I'm actually going to start learning Japanese soon. Itll be fun watching anime and understanding parts of it.

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Katakana is also used to express a sense of foreign or strange-ness. Robots and demons are sometimes shown speaking in katakana... but it's not like it's not-Japanese suddenly still D:

and there's that furigana or whatever, yo

Fun fact: some older games (Phantasy Star 1, I'm looking at you) had text only in katakana because they're easier to draw with few pixels. But this is unrelated.

Furigana is reading help.

Like this:



Well, before we eventually return the topic back to it's point, quick question to slip in. Katakana's also used for their slang, right?

Not necessarily. There's plenty of slang in hiragana.

Edited by TheEnd
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Well, before we eventually return the topic back to it's point, quick question to slip in. Katakana's also used for their slang, right?

Sometimes, not always.

To bring this back on topic, I really hope this gets a release eventually, even if it takes years. It doesn't look like they're going to stop localising the series altogeather, just that those games released in Japan just before the 3DS are going to have a rough time getting localised. It just seems stupid to have a one game 'gap' in the period of localisation consistancy since FE7. Escpecially seeing as it's the sequal to Marth's game, and its story is alluded to in some Brawl conversations [see 10:25 of

] and trophies.

I'd also be seriously dumb to not give the west the game with possibly the broardest appeal in the series. I mean, it's got both the best feature for casuals (no permadeath) AND the best for hardcores (Lunatic and Reverse), how often do you see both areas so catered for in one game?

Edited by Big Klingy
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Along with the stupidity, Fire Emblem is a well-recieved series, both by dedicated fans and casual players alike. It's reaping in a good number of sales, and it's usually tossed into "what you want" polls along with other "second-tier" Nintendo franchises, like Kirby and such. GameFAQs regularly features it in polls like that, and it regularly gets a good chunk of the votes.

If it's planned to come over, it's more than likely being held like a poker card, to be played when Nintendo would like to cash-in with as much sales profit as it can. It has a good number of DS games coming on the way this year--Fire Emblem and others can be put off another year when such greats aren't around. Or at least, such projective-dependable games.

But as for a sudden gap in the series being strange, Final Fantasy had fun with that now and then D: And Secret of Mana... and several other series.

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GameFAQs regularly features it in polls like that, and it regularly gets a good chunk of the votes.

On that note, they had this poll just a few days ago. Fire Emblem lost only to Metroid and Pokemon while beating the likes of Kirby and Paper Mario.

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