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First love, crush, kiss


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My first crush was in the 1st grade with a girl named... I don't actually remember.

My first love and kiss hasn't happened, and I doubt it will with my negative personality.

Although, thanks to that negative attitude, I don't really care that much.

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I was going to put something clever here, but I forgot. e__e

That was 9th grade, silly =P

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Crush.... Eh... I can't really tell i've ever had one except maybe this school year, and that might become first love, since i think the feeling is mutual, however neither of us have done a thing to make it happen... <_< yay cowardice

Kiss... Does a touching of tongue count? I remember in 1st grade i pulled out my tongue and another girl did it too, but we only touched the tips together.

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1st love: I can't trust my mind when I say "I love ____" cause in the end it turns out that I get over that person. Which was not love. It was a crush. So since I do not have a boyfriend, then I guess I have no love. But honestly if I mentioned the closest I've come to love well... in my sig, Aaron Gillespie X3 I keep arguing with myself "I love him!!!" but also say "You silly girl, you've said you love somebody so many times" and I say "This time is different from all those other times (and it is but it doesn't really have to mean love) he's adorable and sweet and I love him"

Uhhh... Yeah. Whatever.

1st crush: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when I was little, I crushed on a few, idk who came 1st XD He "crushed" on me too. Lol But I was little and so was he, so in the end... yeah. I don't have a crush on him anymore and neither does he. He was the one who broke up with me. =D The reason why I still know him is cause he's friends with my brother.

1st kiss: I've never been kissed. =D Well.... let me rephrase that. I've never kissed anybody. I've been kissed on the cheek but he ran away before I could punch/slap him.

Jk I don't get violent ever.

But he did that to more than just me too, so at least I wasn't the only victim. :D >=D It was when we were all out for recess. This could've been around 3rd or 4th grade or something like that.

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1st kiss: I've never been kissed. =D Well.... let me rephrase that. I've never kissed anybody. I've been kissed on the cheek but he ran away before I could punch/slap him.

Jk I don't get violent ever.

But he did that to more than just me too, so at least I wasn't the only victim. :D >=D It was when we were all out for recess. This could've been around 3rd or 4th grade or something like that.

I remember when I was in kindergarden there was this guy who kissed everybody... Even guys... Even me. @__@

It was like, his hobby or something. He'd run up, peck you on the cheek and run away.

Then he got busted for it and he stopped.

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No crush? EVER?

not that I was aware of anyways. I always wondered if I'd even recognize love if it were right in front of me...

I mean, I know when I find a girl pretty or beautiful. but no actual feelings yet I guess....

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not that I was aware of anyways. I always wondered if I'd even recognize love if it were right in front of me...

I mean, I know when I find a girl pretty or beautiful. but no actual feelings yet I guess....

Don't rush it, or you'll regret it. Horribly.



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what do you mean by "don't rush it"?

Don't wonder too much what it's like to be in love, or you end up thinking you're in love with someone who's horribly wrong for you.

First, you'll need to trust that person.

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I first had a crush on someone in Grade Five. A blonde, Sophie...never actually figured out what attracted me to her.

Love? Ain't happened yet. Kiss I considered grabbing from what I didn't know was already my ex, in a desperate bid to catapult out of the friend zone one way or another. Ultimately, I didn't, and that's the story of how I still have teeth.

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First Crush: 6

First Love: 8 (give or take a year)

First Kiss 9

There's a term for what Eclipse is telling you to avoid, it's called "Desperate" XD

Honestly though, there's no need to rush things, if you're just looking for a quick experience I suppose you could just throw yourself at whatever comes up to offer. It's not like most of those early teen relationships turn out serious.

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I first had a crush on someone in Grade Five. A blonde, Sophie...never actually figured out what attracted me to her.

Love? Ain't happened yet. Kiss I considered grabbing from what I didn't know was already my ex, in a desperate bid to catapult out of the friend zone one way or another. Ultimately, I didn't, and that's the story of how I still have teeth.

If you were in the friend zone, she wasn't your girlfriend man. >__>

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First crush was back in middle school and carried over to my Sophomore year.

Took about three years to get over her/figure out that she friend zone'd me. After that I just played me some Tails Sky Patrol.

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First Love: No one~ MEN LIKE ME DON'T FALL IN LOVE. WOMEN FALL IN LOVE WITH ME! D8< On a serious note, yeah I've never fallen in love.

First Crush: Katie B. We were a thing from Kindergarden till Third Grade when we both moved away.

Kiss: Kindergarden, from Katie B. We actually started talking again last summer. She's a sweetheart.

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