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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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If you double an opponent, you get to do both attacks before the enemy lauches their counter. Most classes do one attack, get countered, then do their second attack. If you triple an opponent you launch all attacks before they counter.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Not one unit has been defended yet. I'm surprised and appalled.

This is not true, really. No one has defended during the EP except for Nanahm, yeah, but that was after you left and really shoudl not have happened. Luckily, we've learned from this. I'm planning on defending more (in fact I was going to before, but missed out on a player phase and am kinda glad I didn't defend that turn in hind sight). Remember, this is only our first fight with actual teams. There will be more defending as needed in the future.

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How about we just settle on the fact that there hasn't been as many defense actions taken as there should have been? It's still surprising and appaling, but with Nanahm and Shadraks actions, things are looking like they'll improve?

I doubt there's any reason for her to make crap up, so at the time she made the post, there was no defenders to her knowledge. Others had the same sentiments she did, and decided to defend.

Really not that big a deal to fuss over~

Now how about we set fire to Raquels wagon~

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Kanami acting as a mediator?!


Also, as much as I love fire, this really isn't the best time. Setting Caine on fire would be pretty awesome though~

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I wasn't making an argument, I was just saying...

I also hinted at it in my previous post where I healed John, and stated it in chat at the time, I coulda sworn you were there for it... but oh well. I guess you just weren't paying attention. *shrug* oh well, my awsome combat plan was denied by the dice anyway, but it did work very nicely for it's purpose.

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*gets his things straight*


-OP updated

-Total points for newcomers is now 133

-Items list updated

-Steel, Silver, and Sacred weapons now cause 25%, 50%, and 75% boosts to mt respectively

-Wooden shields now increase defense by 20%(originally there was no def increase)

-Iron, Steel, and Shining shields now increase defense by 30%, 40%, and 50% respectively and Shining shields negate both Silver and Sacred weapon bonuses on the bearer

-Barriers added with the same respective defense bonuses as shields. They also negate slayers, reavers, and their tier'd El/Arc/Rex counterparts

-We won the battle :D

That is all(that I can think of at the moment).

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Sorry about my sudden drop in activity, Spring Break just roleld around and I'm spending most of it gaming, I'll try to atleast get a post a day in both RPs when I can, but I'm going to be pretty laid back for the week otherwise.

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Oh my gosh, Chelsea didn't faint. If she's been out for 3 days, she's in a coma. Dang...she reacts VERY BADLY to winning the sight of blood.

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Oh my gosh, Chelsea didn't faint. If she's been out for 3 days, she's in a coma. Dang...she reacts VERY BADLY to winning the sight of blood.

Think she needs to wake up Sleeping Beauty style? Restrain Nanahm first... *QAAM'ed*

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Falling out of the sky, but that would be so uncool.

Try spawning near the town we are currently in.

Also make your wonderful character.

We need Fabulous people.

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As you'd notice if you were reading the RP, the RP at present isn't progressing very fast. So "waiting" for an appropriate moment might take awhile. (Several weeks). So as GoD says, I'd recommend just spawning him in Europa (The giant city they're in now).

I suppose you could sense/believe the emblem thingy Raquel has is ancient magic, though I prefer you don't see Shadrak (Zword's) already done that. I suppose you could have Ranyin be short on funds, and needing a mercenary job else he goes foodless/inn-less.

It'd be great if people would cooperate with new recruitment, but they're not really helpful.

My suggestion here would probably be to have Ranyin, working short-term in Europa, and either get fired (for being a Kigen that the boss didn't like) or completion (Preparing for Rodrigo's concert, and the job gets done and you need some other job quick).

If someone were to see him, and offer to introduce him to Raquel, it'd work out more smoothly then an army going up to Raquel shouting "recruit me!"

Reason could be the last battle, where allied magic users, people knowledgeable on magic are required to counter the enemies number of mages/shamans.

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Well for the most part, I like to think of myself as pretty cooperative with new recuitment, as I was pretty much the only one who bothered inviting Psych's dude to staying with the party.

So I'll be glad to help you out Rothene. For the most part, Kanami's and and GoD's suggestions are pretty much the best to follow. Part of the difficulty is having your character to convince the group to hire him, though thanks to Raquel, it's pretty easy. Of course Raquel is short on funds so if your character wants a good salary, I'd change motivations to a person possibly seeking safety in numbers. Or the Shadrak type of motivation, much as Kanami prefers you not do it.

Mercenary job is the best option though.

I think I have an idea on a good way to recruit him. My character Domovoi could chat with him and then your character can mention something about needing a job and being a mage. Domovoi takes him to the group, Raquel accepts him, bam.

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I intend to avoid 'magical' debates or Scholarly fascination. The character doesn't have an obsession for magic anyway. But he would be inclined to go for the artifact due to seeing it as an opportunity to errr...pass his test. But I like mercenary option, plain and simple for a newbie. Will get around posting something on the weekend I suppose.

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