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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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I wanted to point it out anyways, especially considering all the crap from last night that was related to this.

Seriously though heabutting the peg boy is an option right?

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Headbutting peggy might be an option when we're not facing potential certain doom. Right now it's probably not a good idea, would just piss a bunch of people off xD

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Was pretty surprised when I read you thought your dudes weren't fun to interact with. Can't think of anyone who doesn't enjoy your stuff. 'Sides, you've been getting a good amount of interaction lately. Really didn't see this coming.

Quoting for truth. I'm honestly looking forward to more Sinbad and Synthia, and some Sinbad and Valter. Not sure about Kat, at the moment, but that's probably just because she's the newest, and I'm not as familiar with her.

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To specify

"Then, Zach snapped at her, asking when she became the tactician and completely refused to listen to her input"

Zach never mentioned Synthia being or not being the tactician, those were his thoughts. The reason this is a problem is because it made the whole Norbert situation a problem because of a misread

"I didn't realize you spoke for the group little girl. Now did you have anything important to say or can the rest of us go back to the important topics at hand?" Gods she was pissing Zach off, after this was over the sage was going to deal with all of these problems one way or another.

"I didn't realize you spoke for the group." I can easily see that being re-paraphrased in Norbert's mind as "Who died and made you kingtactician?"

Merc often does that thing where you re-write previous bits of others' posts as it is seen from her own characters' pov, to keep references intact, and making the post easier to stand on its own, but also to avoid direct copy which would lead to the situation feeling stale. I try to use this technique a lot myself, and think it to be a pretty good one. I honestly wouldn't have suspected there were have been any problems with that post of hers if I hadn't read this chat topic first (because it was smaller than my backlog in the RP proper).

I guess, I'm just weighing in and saying I do not feel that she stepped out of line, reacting to a characters internal thoughts, but instead only acted on the words said that her characters overheard, and how they (re)interpreted them as their own circumstances and personalities dictated.

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To be honest, it was a bit of both. Thanks for pointing it out, Eail, though I would have appreciated it if you'd been a bit more respectful in your wording. Anyway, yeah, I did misremember the thoughts as opposed to quotes bit, but what really ticked Norbert off was exactly what Bal pointed out, so it doesn't change much if anything.

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I'm curious. What is it about this RP that makes people so reluctant to stay, yet staying just the same? I mean, already we have several people constantly complaining (myself included) in chat about their RPing, Ether just demoted himself to RP-only, and now Roy's considering leaving or at least voicing a serious problem she's having with her own RPing? What the heck is going ON?!

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I'm curious. What is it about this RP that makes people so reluctant to stay, yet staying just the same? I mean, already we have several people constantly complaining (myself included) in chat about their RPing, Ether just demoted himself to RP-only, and now Roy's considering leaving or at least voicing a serious problem she's having with her own RPing? What the heck is going ON?!

People complain about almost everything in life. I complain about little things here and there in TOR but I don't unsubscribe and stop playing over them. Having to handle plot issues in the rp while simultaneously handling rper complaints is pretty much the bane of my existence nowadays, but I'm not going to quit over them. Grievances are just natural and different people handle them in different ways. This rp couldn't possibly be an exception in that.

It's the lingering sentiment of my departure affecting you all... *QAAM'ed*

Splash one bandit :B):

Also hi.

Edited by Phoenix
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Luka can't warp everyone back to the Dauntless, but would it be possible to at least take them out to the courtyard where everyone else is going to end up?

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idek. Maybe we could make a short jump then meet as they intersect? idk there's some ic issues to resolve along with that anyways.

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