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Would you be alright if I were to nominate you for the Serenesforest Interviews?

2 hours ago, Slade said:

If you could be best friends with one character from Gravity Falls, who would it be and why?

Bill! He and I could share bodies (that sounds weird) and achieve greatness via conquering and destroying the world. If not him, it would be Dipper. He's a good character, and likely fun, and I'd think we would get along rather well.

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21 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Would you be alright if I were to nominate you for the Serenesforest Interviews?

Bill! He and I could share bodies (that sounds weird) and achieve greatness via conquering and destroying the world. If not him, it would be Dipper. He's a good character, and likely fun, and I'd think we would get along rather well.

I would be very flattered to be asked such a question.  Mind you I am pretty open to talking to people if they have a genuine interest.


@Rex Glacies What is the best bit about Gravity Falls?

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11 hours ago, Clarine said:

What are you sentiments regarding individuals known as "chuunibyou" and do you believe I might be one?

i don't know any chuunibyous, but i would find them amusing and fun

having not met you and not knowing what you look like, i can't say if you're a chuuni or not. "do i utter spells while making dramatic lens flare poses"

who's your favourite member of the wolfguard

Edited by buttmuncher.ops
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12 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

I know you prefer magic, but given the choice between other Fire Emblem weapons (sword, bow, staff, etc.) which do you choose?

Oh? Very well, my choice shall be a staff, for keeping my allies alive to fight for me is a most excellent strategy, no?

But of course, I can also choose the bow—I am not one that wishes to be covered in blood. If one must know, I am admittedly the type of individual that wishes to wear an elaborate dress or attire choice on a battlefield so practices of close-combat would be most ill-advised.

3 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

i don't know any chuunibyous, but i would find them amusing and fun

having not met you and not knowing what you look like, i can't say if you're a chuuni or not. "do i utter spells while making dramatic lens flare poses"

According to the TV Tropes definition, I would qualify as such.



Just how unique do you see yourself to be in comparison to those around you and might I ask, how easily is it for you to find and converse with like-minded individuals?

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everyone's special in their own way. i'll occasionally have flashes of "i'm the sexiest man in the room," but it's not always like that

finding and conversing is easy enough, but i have more fun with non like-minded individuals

would your boredness perchance be interested in a game of mafia?

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17 minutes ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

everyone's special in their own way. i'll occasionally have flashes of "i'm the sexiest man in the room," but it's not always like that

finding and conversing is easy enough, but i have more fun with non like-minded individuals

would your boredness perchance be interested in a game of mafia?

Boredness? My word, you ought to never address me as such ever again. But since you asked, I do not believe I would deem a game of Mafia with a group of Fire Emblem fanatics to be superior that to of a game hosted by plain lowborn Pokémon shut-ins. As such, I shall graciously refuse your offer.

As for being special—you might perhaps think you are but if you see me, you can clearly see I am the far superior specimen. One could easily deem me as that of the EX rarity. No, GX? UX? I know not of what is trending these days. If my understanding is correct, locating like-minded individuals for you truly is possible! As for me, I have yet to encounter an individual anywhere similar or unique as myself.

@buttmuncher.ops Now you may enlighten me, what do you deem to be your most attractive feature and might you even humourously entertain the idea of me perchance being interested in it?

@Sigismund of Luxemburg If you are to be in possession of a fully-functional time machine, what might you use it for?

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1 minute ago, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

What of you?

How kind of you to ask! Now, let us begin.

My primary goal is to ascend past the role of a noble, princess or even a regal queen. I shall be Earth's goddess! After all, the ability of time travel is truly exploitable and I wish to test its limits. By altering the history of the world, I can most easily warp everyone's beliefs and cognition of what is deem to be the truth in many aspects. As to how I am to do this, allow me to enlighten you.

First of all, I shall take modern technology into a far past, perhaps ideally not during a time when Witch Trials were a reality. With my superior intellect and supposedly existent "magic", the troglodytes of the past shall worship me as their omnipotent goddess. Needless to say, they shall build statues, murals and monuments to honour my presence. Now that I exist and possess my goddess alias—which would be my new identity of course—I shall then use my time machine to travel into the very distant future where I would believe technology and medical advances to truly make an individual immortal exists. By all means, I would have to use such a method so that I can live forever.

Now onto the second phase. I shall travel backwards to the original times when I am being worshiped and live my life watching over the mortals. From then, I can devise laws, religious practices and overall morals to prevent the concept of time travelling being released to the general population. As such, I am the only invincible goddess of planet Earth one ought to bow down to.

Truly, it is simply foolproof, no?

Might there be any historical figures you aspire to?

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33 minutes ago, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

What do you like about Lachesis?

everything, as sexplained here

29 minutes ago, Clarine said:

@buttmuncher.ops Now you may enlighten me, what do you deem to be your most attractive feature and might you even humourously entertain the idea of me perchance being interested in it?

my smooth barry white voice. of course you're interested in it, without having heard it yet

leaving the abandoned war mill, your butler exclaims that he is hungry (and you secretly agree.) spying a cute baby deer nearby, do you shoot it with your crossbow for lunch, or survive on plants & shoots

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Favorite sports to play/watch?

On Saturday, September 23, 2017 at 7:34 PM, TheSilentChloey said:

If you have a choice between living in a fantasy and living a normal life which would you choose on principal and why?

Fantasy, I enjoy adventures a lot, leading a normal life isn't as thrilling compared to the chance to live in a fantasy

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1 hour ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

my smooth barry white voice. of course you're interested in it, without having heard it yet

leaving the abandoned war mill, your butler exclaims that he is hungry (and you secretly agree.) spying a cute baby deer nearby, do you shoot it with your crossbow for lunch, or survive on plants & shoots

...And what is a Barry White voice? Am I supposed to know such an individual?

As for your question, I shall simply shoot the deer and enjoy a feast with my butler. The choice is rather clear, no?

6 minutes ago, Slade said:

Fantasy, I enjoy adventures a lot, leading a normal life isn't as thrilling compared to the chance to live in a fantasy

Perhaps you can recruit me into your party, that if I can deem you to be worthy of my fantastic abilities! But of course, I would also choose the fantasy world.

In a fantasy world, what abilities would you wish to learn?

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On 9/20/2017 at 10:04 PM, Clarine said:

Of course I have—I have nothing else to say regarding the matter. If I may say, it was... mildly pleasant.

What do you deem to be the best aspects of penguins?

Of course it's thier soft, white bellies. My beloved pet loves his tummy rubs~


what type of person do you imagine barry white to be?

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On 9/24/2017 at 0:24 PM, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

At this stage? Be like Narcian or Hilda.

What is the funniest thing you've ever seen written on a sign?

I haven't actually seen that much in terms of funny things on signs.  However there is one such one from a game.  For memory I think it was a reference to some brand of shoes?  I can't really remember but I do know that I laughed a bit.


If there was a way to bring someone back from the dead would you do it?

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28 minutes ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

basketball, for both

best places to visit in australia? (that you've been to)


Ohh, a hard one! :XD: I like a hard question!  Hmm, let's see...


The Australian National History Museum, The Australian War Memorial, Questacon, Adelaide (the city) The National Zoo and Aquarium, Taronga Western Plains Zoo...

Those are the ones that I can think off off the top of my head.  I've been to a few more places than those however.


Is there a place that you have always dreamed of visiting one day?

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Look outside your window. What do you see?

6 hours ago, Clarine said:

Truly, it is simply foolproof, no?

Er, not quite. What if the people in the old past do not understand your language? Or if they are content with their own gods? What about if they ask for something you cannot or do not wish to provide (i.e. a good harvest) and are displeased when you fail to deliver? And, of course, what might happen if someone find and steals your time machine, or it it otherwise breaks?

On 9/23/2017 at 9:57 PM, TheSilentChloey said:

@Rex Glacies What is the best bit about Gravity Falls?

Ohh... hmm... well... must I choose one? Hmm... I'll state here the story. While the first season was largely simple, the second season took things to an extreme, pulling together all the mysteries and revelations into a great story and ending.

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40 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Is there a place that you have always dreamed of visiting one day?

thought about a few, but as far as dreaming is concerned, that would be another livable planet in space. the fantasy is something akin to interstellar

tell me your favourite vocabulary factoid, that not many people know about

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3 hours ago, Gemma said:

what type of person do you imagine barry white to be?

Oh? An individual of no significance, of course.

If I may ask, if you could shape this world exactly as you desire, what might such a world be like?

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1 hour ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

thought about a few, but as far as dreaming is concerned, that would be another livable planet in space. the fantasy is something akin to interstellar

tell me your favourite vocabulary factoid, that not many people know about

Hmm, I do know one, "Grouse" isn't only the name of a bird it is actually also an Australian slang term that means good (e.g it's grouse mate).


What is your least favourite activity?

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34 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Hmm, I do know one, "Grouse" isn't only the name of a bird it is actually also an Australian slang term that means good (e.g it's grouse mate)

I am Australian and I have never heard this before, why are you silent Chloey?

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1 minute ago, Mackc2 said:

I am Australian and I have never heard this before, why are you silent Chloey?

It's one of the older terms that doesn't actually see much use these days...

I am "The Silent" one because in the real world I don't actually talk that much...although sometimes it can be ironic.

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1 hour ago, Clarine said:

If I may ask, if you could shape this world exactly as you desire, what might such a world be like?

i would eliminate the need for currency. people would get what they wanted with smiles, laughter and gunfire

@TheSilentChloey while in adelaide, would you rather go to the beach, spend the day shopping or catch a concert at oval stadium

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1 minute ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

i would eliminate the need for currency. people would get what they wanted with smiles, laughter and gunfire

@TheSilentChloey while in adelaide, would you rather go to the beach, spend the day shopping or catch a concert at oval stadium

I would rather hit the beach or go out fishing with my family.


Which is the better a shower or a bath?

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