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Something that has released recently that you enjoy?

On 9/26/2017 at 0:08 AM, Nobody said:

What video game are you playing right now, and are you enjoying it? If you're not playing any at the moment, talk about the last one you've played.


It's been a long time since i played any actual games but the last i can remember is Trails of Cold Stell

i really like it despite its minimal presentation. looking like it came out of the tail end of the ps2 life cycle

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3 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

It's been a long time since i played any actual games but the last i can remember is Trails of Cold Stell

Trails of Cold Stell is one of my favorite Falcon games, right along side Trails in the Ski and Ys Oregon.

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7 hours ago, Slade said:

What's the best quote you've ever heard?

Best quote: 

Faust complains of having two souls in his breast. I have a whole squabbling crowd. It goes on as in a republic. -- Prince Otto von Bismarck

Favorite drink?


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4 hours ago, Clarine said:

You are asking me such a question? Very well, I am simply unable to truly choose not due to my sentiments but rather because I am rather indifferent towards both parties. In fact, the former are only seen as my attendants and my family was never truly close to me. I suppose my answer would be based upon my situation, no?

@TheSilentChloey & @buttmuncher.ops: What might you deem to be your three most unusual traits?

these introspective questions really are just the worst ;/

going off a list of "traits" : accessible, benevolent, intuitive

would you fight your own battles, or make your men fight for you

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6 hours ago, Mackc2 said:

Do you prefer cold, room temperature, or hot water when you shower/bathe?

I am one to indulge in a most soothing warm bath to ease my mind. As such, I am normally one to prefer hot water.

Would you prefer to have a butler or maid serving you and why so?

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neither maid, because having a sexy female assistant is such a terrible cliche. i wouldn't be able to say no to anything she would want or not want to do either ;/

have you ever resorted to blackmale to get what you want? if so, tell me the story and why; if not, would you ever be willing to

Edited by buttmuncher.ops
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I am slightly annoyed that the person who posted after me didn't ask a question so I was left out of the loop so I answering whatever questions I feel like, 
I would get my men to fight for me, I would have a butler cause a maid would be kinda weird, I have never blackmailed anyone and my favourite gimmick would have to be cloning your units in Rev, Sucks the chapter its in is bad.

Anyway @TheSilentChloey why do you have pixels of the Nohr royals in your signature when you don't like Fates?

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1 minute ago, Mackc2 said:

I am slightly annoyed that the person who posted after me didn't ask a question so I was left out of the loop so I answering whatever questions I feel like, 
I would get my men to fight for me, I would have a butler cause a maid would be kinda weird, I have never blackmailed anyone and my favourite gimmick would have to be cloning your units in Rev, Sucks the chapter its in is bad.

Anyway @TheSilentChloey why do you have pixels of the Nohr royals in your signature when you don't like Fates?


That would be because of the Fates' cast they are marginally tolerable...and because they're so damn cute!


So what is your favourite colour?


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Are you asking where I live, in which case way further north than either of those. 
If you are asking my favourite then I've only been to each once or twice, but it has to be Melbourne because it has a great public transport system and its nice and cold there, also Sydney feel too big. 

So which city is your favourite?

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1 minute ago, Mackc2 said:

Are you asking where I live, in which case way further north than either of those. 
If you are asking my favourite then I've only been to each once or twice, but it has to be Melbourne because it has a great public transport system and its nice and cold there, also Sydney feel too big. 

So which city is your favourite?


:D: I like Canberra to be honest (well I was born there) although I do agree with you on Sydney mate.  I haven't actually been to Melbourne and I'm almost not sure that I want to go to be honest.


What is your more preferred location, the coast or the bush?

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2 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:


:D: I like Canberra to be honest (well I was born there) although I do agree with you on Sydney mate.  I haven't actually been to Melbourne and I'm almost not sure that I want to go to be honest.


What is your more preferred location, the coast or the bush?

Canberra is nice, been there a few times too, its pretty similar to Melbourne but smaller.
I prefer the Coast, I've only been inland once, most of the towns inland are dusty and 'rural' if you know what I mean, not much going on, but Alice Springs is nice.

Do they make a big of a deal about the football down south as they do up in the north, I swear its all I've heard about over the long weekend and that annoys me.

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Just now, Mackc2 said:

Canberra is nice, been there a few times too, its pretty similar to Melbourne but smaller.
I prefer the Coast, I've only been inland once, most of the towns inland are dusty and 'rural' if you know what I mean, not much going on, but Alice Springs is nice.

Do they make a big of a deal about the football down south as they do up in the north, I swear its all I've heard about over the long weekend and that annoys me.


Hmm yeah, they do in NSW, however I just ignore it...and don't spend time near the t.v when I know that it's on.  Personally I prefer cricket, or AFL...more exciting then *shudders* NRL...

If you were a Fire Emblem Unit what would your class, base stats, stat growths and stat modifiers be?

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Just now, TheSilentChloey said:

If you were a Fire Emblem Unit what would your class, base stats, stat growths and stat modifiers be?

I think I have answered this question in other threads a few times but its time to make a Self insert.
I would be an archer. 
Low base Hp and Luck, Average Speed, strength and Skill and Very High Magic. (Terrible spread)
I would have Low Speed and Hp growths, average Magic and Luck and High Strength and Skill growths. 
Not entirely accurate but close enough. 

What class would you put yourself in, why and what would be your stat spread.

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My assumption is that I would be a tactician with the ability to become a dark flier (Awakening's version with galeforce un-nerfed) or witch (the Fates' version...which ironically enough suits my play style thanks to wrap and shadowgift...the latter being like my personal skill) or a cleric.  Likely because I have a strong preference for either healing others or helping out as a support character in some way...by protecting others.

I would likely have mid range HP, low as hell strength, very high magic, average speed, skill and resistance with high defense.  I would likely have growth rates that reflect this as well since that would make the most sense.


Have you ever done an RP before?

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4 minutes ago, TheSilentChloey said:

Have you ever done an RP before?

You made me realise I forgot my defensive stats, my res would be high and my defence below average.

I haven't done an RP before no. 
Do you believe in destiny?

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Just now, Mackc2 said:

You made me realise I forgot my defensive stats, my res would be high and my defence below average.

I haven't done an RP before no. 
Do you believe in destiny?

No I do not.  We are not some pawns of a scripted fate.  We are much more than that.


What is the first unit you ever got to cap their stats?

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1 minute ago, TheSilentChloey said:

No I do not.  We are not some pawns of a scripted fate.  We are much more than that.


What is the first unit you ever got to cap their stats?

Hmm I think it was inigo actually he was weird he was a berserker which doesn't sound great but it worked so well, he could double everything, hit very hard and had enough Hp that you could send him in the middle of enemy territory and know he would be fine. 

Did you play or beat Apotheosis?

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