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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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So wait, unless I find this apparently impossible to find Master Seal, neither Asher or Lia will promote, despite being about to both reach level 20.

Who even can promote in this game?

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So wait, unless I find this apparently impossible to find Master Seal, neither Asher or Lia will promote, despite being about to both reach level 20.

Who even can promote in this game?

A: (Driscoll/Kolbane) + (Asher/Lia/Melissa) + (Amelia/Gabriel/Engie) + (Seren/Marius/Feuilly)

B: (Driscoll/Kolbane) + (Asher/Lia/Karen) + (Amelia/Gabriel) + (Crowe/Chase)

Keeping the actual locations and which one's which in spoilers, although once you get to them it's obvious.

[spoiler=Promotion Item Locations - incomplete]


8x - Knight Sigil (Stolen)

10 - Master Seal (VERY well hidden)

12 - Bladed Crest (Dropped?)

13 - Rosary (Dropped)

14 - Inner Flame (Chest)


10 - Master Seal (VERY well hidden)

11x - Phoenix Quill (Stolen)

12 - Bladed Crest (Dropped)

13 - Rosary (Dropped)

14 - Inner Flame (Chest)

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8Ax is actually Knight Sigil, and it promotes the Cavs and Seren.

12A gets you Bladed Crest.

Both 14s nets you Inner Flame.

And Enjo can use Inner Flame if you get him to level 15 just like every other mage.

Edited by Zhuge Liang
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8Ax is actually Knight Sigil, and it promotes the Cavs and Seren.

12A gets you Bladed Crest.

Both 14s nets you Inner Flame.

And Enjo can use Inner Flame if you get him to level 15 just like every other mage.

That means I went to 8Ax and forgot to get the promotion item... darn. I was thring to remember where my Bladed Crest came from...

I'll edit my post.

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I think you have to steal it off the boss. She's not very fast iirc so I think any Chester with only a few levels under his belt can do it should you want to play it again.

Maybe in the next patch or something... it'll give me another chance to look through 10A/B as well.

I would assume Renair/Arcus/Seymour are the Lyn/Hector/Eliwood and get special promotion items?

I just realized B route gets no Cavs. It feels weird all of a sudden...

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That DEF and RES... I wish I had it. She's under average for speed though :/.

And btw Lumi,


While Driscoll having 'Fighter' Speed is totally accurate, ...

If it's still public, I could probably fix it, but I think this needs to be locked, or just give people the locked sheet with bases and growths.

Edit: Fixed, although I might try putting it in Excel to double check that super IF statement is still calculating correctly.

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I might just make a separate sheet where you can input the levels for now until I make something better

Edit: done. Edited my doc readme too with new instructions. I just reverted to an older version, love version control aw yiss.

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Um... Renair?

(only thing that would make it better would be 32 hp)

You just had your sweet sixteen?

Also, B route is a pain if I want to get the second wyvern rider and bosskill on time.

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Wooooo! Finally done B route! Time for a new super long comment section! I'll try to organize it a bit better this time.

Okay, so it's a lot longer then I was planning. Sorry about that.

Let's get this out of the way first...

[spoiler=Possible B Route Glitches and Issues]s1ubmx.png

Trying to get rid of the Balista when you haven't attacked the boss yet sets off hte 'trap'.


I think this happens in only B route, not A route. And her grammar or accent here are throwing me off, see so's I'll need you to look at this.


I don't have a save from this chapter to double check, but he can talk as well as Seymour. Can't remember if you mentioned that or not.


Bad guys cheat. Of course, xin'Khen gets left with 1 HP...


Weird centering issue after warping. BTW, does xin'Khen do anything in this map? I tried going there with Seymour and nothing happened, - so I'm guessing no.


This frame helped me realize (almost?) all classes throw Javelins with the hand closest to the screen, possibly to avoid this.

I also showed the issues in 11B (The drowning people) and 11Bx (Double Bandits). In other posts. I'm too lazy to grab pictures right now.


She doesn't show up in the whole, YEAH we'll follow you Renair thing. At the end of 14.

[spoiler=The Chapters]

B route was definitly harder then A, at least until the final chapter. In my opinion the difficulty sort of switched. Then B got easy.

I guess 7 and 8 were pretty good. I wish you got some money in 8 or remove the shops since they show up in 9 and 10 as well to make shopping a bit easier. This is also the start of the let's kill the convoy chapters - which ,because I'm obsessed with protecting her, made the chapters harder (I did give up on her in Chapter 8, I was all the way south when the wyverns appeared. Leaving Gareth there next time)

I found 9B to be sorta challenging - not for turns, but if only for the fact Karen and Asher were a bit to close to the south - and the reinforcements could pretty much pop out of the fog and get them pretty quick. The fog also made me lose track of the CON item, and I think he died to a crit without me noticing - although you were probably aiming for something like that. Chester makes a great dodge tank + normal tank from his high HP.


Chapter 10 was interesting. The first time through I thought Balder and Lienn would be fine. Lienn really can't do much here to the point I wish she ran off at the beginning to ask Renair and co to help - there are very few places she can dance, let alone hide on the ship. Bellona had to fly over with Crowe to help out with the reinforcements. The pirates weren't too helpful, but that's not really an issue. That archer REALLY annoyed me though. He got himself trapped there like, 3 times. I still can't find the secret 10A/B promotion items, but whatever. I expected a thief to show up (I was running out of lockpicks) but no one did.


The chapter wasn't so much hard as it was getting the gaiden. I ended up using my Chest Keys here, because I didn't have space for Chester with all the lance users, and I was still using Kolbane/Inari/Renair, so I didn't really need more sword users. Dealing with reinforcements everywhere made getting the Gaiden harder.

Despite the trouble it took to get to 11x, it wasn't really that bad. Took a chance and started using Karen here because it seemed easy enough to protect her in this map. Took the top route simply cause I didn't want to deal with that one swordmaster, and there didn't seem to be any reward for going that way anyways.


Point your Wii remote skyward to do a Skyward Strike!

Chapter 12 was fun. Decent challenge and Brielle was really annoying to bait. It also features my favourite village ever. Surprised you get Crossfire in B considering you have Enjie and Amelia in A, but Amelia favouritism is fine in my book.


You can tell he thinks he's important 'cause he has two apostrophes.

I thought his head looked a little small. Doesn't seem to fit his armour well - although that sorta fits his character - doesn't fit his clothes and role thing. This chapter was pretty good. No chest keys left, so I needed to Ferry/Dance Chester around. I like how the Augury actually warns you that he moves - I like how FE13 sometimes gives bosses 0 MOV so you know whether they move or not.


The staircase was interesting - dissapointed Seymour didn't have a talk with xin'Khen but I needed Chester there anyways.


Waiting for this for a long time. Maybe I accidentally killed a thief somewhere before this, but I literally had one use left. (Lienn got me door keys to save those uses for the other chapters. I really should have bought like, 10 when I had the chance. The first two bosses moving were pretty annoying, although Karen tanked the swordmaster like crazy. I feel like it should have been a bit more challenging, but whatever. If I complain, I might not be able to do this chapter when it's fixed.


Okay, so I didn't do TOO much better.

[spoiler=The Everything Else]

Overall I really liked it. Comparing the two routes, I found B to be harder up until 14, and then it was really easy, especially compared to A. I like how B focused on smaller groups that tend to stay together, while A had more deployment slots and had the party split, having to manage smaller teams.

The difficulty seems good to me, although it's coming from a pretty bad to average FE player so take that as you will. I still think 14B needs to be harder (I think I said that 3 times). The CG was pretty as always.

There were lots of other things I didn't really notice for a while, like the weaker ranged weapons, and all the low levelled enemies keeping EXP gain slower, if that was your intention. I feel like the Staff EXP should be slightly lower, but it's a lot better then FE6/7/8.


No more ponytail. (She's about to get critted, BTW)


I thought she was a boss, but oh well. I bet she has 31 skill.


I actually considered waiting out 25 turns just to steal Alch's Glove. Darn speed boost.

[spoiler=Best Two Characters - TOTALLY NOT BIASED]


Bellona - The Wicked Witch of the West

Gave her the Zoran Water (Speedwing) and it really helped her. I like how over the top she is. That aid was sort of sad, but I have Chase and his 8 con/17 aid BELLONA has 9 loser to do that for me (he's the only one who can rescue Driscoll.


Karen - The Sweet-Tits

Asher got the Goodberry to make up for the fact she got the rosary. Thanks to Lumi for sort of convincing me to use her - she was literally the strongest unit on my team. And healers aren't all that bad to train compared to say, Marius and Feuilly I should've traded their equipment off them back in 7A too. The Rosary boosting the light magic from E to D really helps make her so offensive all of a sudden too - someone finally got to use Shinebolt. I did not notice Melissa started with C Light/A Staves, but she got crappy Magic.

Base Defense though :/ But It was enough to survive one hit from the 14B boss, and that's what counts.

Sorry for the length, but I hope it's at least helpful. You could always skip the middle stuff and just read the glitches.

Tl;dr : Make 14B harder.

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