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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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Am I the only one who doesn't use Furet and still doesn't find those chapters all too difficult?

I also don't "use" Furet, in the sense that I don't often give him kills or experience. I really hate feeding Jeigan units. Finishing A route, he'd only gained one level. Even so, I got through the chapters just fine, albeit with a higher turn count than some other players here. But even without giving him exp, he's immensely useful for meatshielding and chipping. In short, if you can field him without hurting the exp gain of the rest of the squad, why NOT use him?

Tangentially: Furet is definitely the "dad" of my army. I liken him to FE4's Finn. If there's a dirty job that needs doing, upstarts that need babying and looking after, Furet's the one doing it, haha. (Even if his disposition is decidedly less fatherly than Finn's...)

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Hello. Charming hack you have here.


Prologue - 4 turns

Chapter 1 - 5 turns

Chapter 2 - 5 turns

Chapter 3 - 10 turns

Chapter 4 - 4 turns

Chapter 5 - 6 turns

Chapter 6 - 6 turns

Chapter 6x - 6 turns

Screenshot (beginning of chapter 7A):



- Renair sucks. Gold Edge is nice, but I can't get her kills with her having to seize places or talk to characters. I've basically had her use Gold Edge exclusively up to now and it still has 34 uses.

- Furetchen is awesome. I'm not going to lie when I say I slightly manipulated his spd procs because I write out my movements exactly and I had a little bit of room to manipulate it that way. His bosskilling accuracy is annoying because his base skl is fairly mediocre and Greatbow has ass hit, but it's the weapon with the highest damage output.

- Kolbane is mediocre. I've been expecting something good out of him, so he's been getting fed EXP, but he really hasn't gotten there yet. Occasionally he doubles with Steel Swords, but damage output is nothing to write home about. Not to mention, he has some hit issues when facing WTD and enemies that have like 9 luk. I do like having him around because he doesn't die incredibly easily, though.

- I love Ilanice. I traded her Kolbane's Iron Sword immediately and she was able to get EXP easily in her early maps against brigands. Wing Spear has given her a chance at the chapters 4-6 bosskills and flying has made a big difference in chapters 2, 4, 5, and 6.

- I also like Amelia. Her damage output is high at 1-2 range, and that gives her a special niche. Admittedly, I've willingly put her in many dangerous situations, such as having her tank 3+ enemies on enemy phase while standing on a forest tile, but she's made the difference. At least, moreso than other units. I wish she had higher spd for more assured complete destruction, but that would make her too good. After playing 6x and seeing Enjolras, though, I'm kind of disappointed that I'm going to end up getting a (for what I can see) superior version of Amelia for free.

- Fuck Chester's combat, I usually have him run around weaponless. He hasn't opened a door, chest, or stolen anything yet, though he did get the chapter 5 Armorslayer without a weapon equipped.

- Crowe's pretty good. You guys did a good job giving Crowe just good enough offensive bases to be worth using as an Archer, though his spd isn't that stable unless he procs it on a level up.

- I was dying for a second mounted unit, and I was also burning through Potions really fast, so Lia was a relief. She was particularly important in chapter 6 because I wanted to ferry both Furetchen and Renair over to the gate, but couldn't do so until Ilanice had recruited Juan.

- Lumi sucks. Sorry Lumi =( She doesn't look that much worse than Kolbane but her damage output is rather bad (too little atk with Iron Sword, too little AS with Steel Sword) without the Killing Edge. Probably the biggest deterrent to me using her, though, is that swordmaster is an overall worse class than hero, and there's only so much EXP from level 1 enemies to go around.

- Gabriel's been OK because I've had to use him, but I can imagine dropping him in the near future because his spd just isn't up to par. If shaman (M) promotion bonuses are FE7's with the +3 spd, though, then I might just stick with him because I noticed that Nosferatu has 7 WT in this game.

- I've only had Juan for 1 map where he was crucial for ferrying units. I welcome a more physically durable flier than Ilanice, but his combat looks like it's going to be rather bad.

- I can't really say much for Astra, either; he spent the entirety of chapter 6x getting a pretty Swordreaver and then sitting around doing nothing. I'm going to abuse the living daylights out of his axe, but if he promotes to a 5 move 15 con great lord, then fuck him.

I like most of your map designs so far. Except for chapter 3, but that's just because I hate indoor maps.

Would anyone mind telling me (via PM if this is too public) what's in the chests and where I can get the hidden items? I've gotten by with only the 3000G from the prologue village and haven't yet run into any weapon issues, although I am running a tight inventory, and it seems like I've missed a Blue Gem already. Also, where should I stop playing the hack? Furetchen told me that there's going to be a chapter 8xA in an upcoming patch.

Edited by dondon151
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Stat screwed? No, most of the team's just at an insanely low level in comparison to us more average players. His Ilanice, for example, is at a +3 HP, +2SPD, and +1RES from her averages.

Most of his units who has actually proc'd levels are at or above average.

It's what happens when you lowturn.

Speaking of which, I'd like to see 9A. :3

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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Stat screwed? No, most of the team's just at an insanely low level in comparison to us more average players. His Ilanice, for example, is at a +3 HP, +2SPD, and +1RES from her averages.

Most of his units who has actually proc'd levels are at or above average.

It's what happens when you lowturn.

Speaking of which, I'd like to see 9A. :3

his Kolbane doesn't look as good as mine though

level 11

28 HP, 15 STR, 12 skill, 15 speed, 7 luck, 10 defense, 4 magic defense.

is he suppost to be this good or did i get lucky?

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This is why I wish we were given the actual growth rates of the characters. That way, we could be able to make accurate judgements and even make a crude tier list.

Edited by Clockwork Sage
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Why not wait until they're done before using something like growth rates to judge characters? There's no telling what else will happen in the meantime.

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Because Dan doesn't want me to release them yet? I have averages done for every unit up to 11A (which is not in this patch), but if you ask me I can tell you if your unit is blessed or screwed.

And fuck, this is the ultimate PEMN Lumi. I don't know how the fuck this happened but I ain't complaining. Bottom line is, just because you got a greatmazing unit doesn't mean someone with a less amazing version is automatically screwed.

To be fair, that was when the exp was a bit more lenient. It was still in playtesting stages, after all.

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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This is why I wish we were given the actual growth rates of the characters. That way, we could be able to make accurate judgements and even make a crude tier list.

Too bad, like Anou said, if you want growths so bad, open it up with Nightmare. As far as I know, Astra wont be releasing growths. I mean who the hell does that?

The only thing a tier list would result in is extra work and flame. You havent even seen half the cast yet so whats the point?

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Too bad, like Anou said, if you want growths so bad, open it up with Nightmare. As far as I know, Astra wont be releasing growths. I mean who the hell does that?

The only thing a tier list would result in is extra work and flame. You havent even seen half the cast yet so whats the point?

Not only that, but you really can't judge characters without seeing the future maps. Bosses/Enemies/Terrain/Layout/whatever affects value a ton. Any tier list would be super inaccurate. =X

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If you really really really want to know, just open the ROM up with Nightmare and check for yourself.

I thought of that and actually did do that. So far, I can sort of pinpoint various character's slots based on various factors, though the names of them in the hack aren't actually displayed in the editor proper (IE, Furetchen is still labeled as Marcus).

Furetchen does look like he has some acceptable growths, so I might actually keep him long term.

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