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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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Why are you guys so adamant of forcing anti-grinding?

Once the game reaches it's hands, the player has the right to do whatever it wants in it's gameplay.

So the player should be allowed to do anything with no repercussions? Why not give them infinite money, too? After all, the player "has the right to do whatever they want"?

I think that the developer should be able to do whatever they want with the game when creating it, obviously. They can't tell people how to play the game, but they sure as well can put in incentives and punishments, and they can certainly remove incentives when they feel it makes the game less fun.

I understand that it's for the sake of the plot, but must the gameplay suffer somewhat in that case?

No, it's for the sake of the gameplay. Grinding is still possible if the player feels like it: bosses on thrones still exist, after all. But the player no longer needs to feel like they're missing out and wasting experience for completing a chapter without killing every one of the 1545898234 reinforcements.

And yes, players do feel that way. They're not interesting in gaining the EXP so much as they are averse to losing it. As you are demonstrating now by throwing a little temper tantrum when the creators take away your exp. Players consistently arena abuse, boss abuse, and refuse to use Jeigans because of loss aversion.

Y'know, you could always justify this via story. . .and perhaps after the initial wave of reinforcements, bring out stuff that does ridiculous, unavoidable damage (like that stupid dragon at the end of FE7).

I don't think it's necessary to inflict a huge punishment on the player for going slowly, merely to remove the incentive to fight reinforcements in the first place.

Edited by Anouleth
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So the player should be allowed to do anything with no repercussions? Why not give them infinite money, too? After all, the player "has the right to do whatever they want"?

As I already posted, I meant this:

Be it play honestly, use cheats, use X character, use Y character, grind, don't grind, etc. It's them who decide how to play the game, that's all.

I think that the developer should be able to do whatever they want with the game when creating it, obviously. They can't tell people how to play the game, but they sure as well can put in incentives and punishments, and they can certainly remove incentives when they feel it makes the game less fun.

That pretty much goes without saying, don't you think? I sure know that. Don't see why it must be pointed. Unless I didn't gave that impression beforehand. In that case, well, I'm stating it now just to clear it up.

No, it's for the sake of the gameplay. Grinding is still possible if the player feels like it: bosses on thrones still exist, after all. But the player no longer needs to feel like they're missing out and wasting experience for completing a chapter without killing every one of the 1545898234 reinforcements.

And yes, players do feel that way. They're not interesting in gaining the EXP so much as they are averse to losing it. As you are demonstrating now by throwing a little temper tantrum when the creators take away your exp. Players consistently arena abuse, boss abuse, and refuse to use Jeigans because of loss aversion.

Well, it's the same deal as any of the regular games. They too have chapters where there are like 10 turns straight of reinforcements, but not everybody will feel like taking them all. Unless it's something like a defend chapter when they're all coming towards what you're defending, or it's a rout chapter where it's basically a must.

Since when did I threw a temper tantrum? To begin with, if there was anything, it was more to Seph's side-comments, but not to his answer itself. As I've stated before, I don't care. I don't grind to make things easier, therefore, it doesn't affect me. However, that doesn't stop me from being curious about why it's being done that way. Like it or not, it's irrelevant in wanting to know the why.

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I know you may be fixing this, but Renair, Lumi, and Kolbane all come early. Then, when the Female merc comes, we have 4 sword users, plus our thief. No one in their right mind who has been training the previous three would dump them for the new sword unit. She may be able to be used in combat, but she isn't really usable.

It's been fixed. Next.

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The problem of skipping story and not understanding why reinforcements give 0 exp and why there aren't many rout chapters.

Skipping story? The 0 EXP guys are already being addressed thus proving that another person chooses to not read the thread, and not having many rout chapters isn't actually a problem, sorry.

And if you're going to tell me that "I don't have time to read every post in the thread" then you shouldn't have time to blindly participate in the discussion.

Not much here. Next.

Edited by seph1212
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  • 2 weeks later...

I found a glitch on Musain route chapter 10, after defeating the boss. Basically it involves every unit on the map dissapearing except for Enjolras. Maybe this came up before, idk. It might just be because it's the end of the patch, but just to be sure:

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Why are these lv1 mooks in the Prologue stronger than lv2 Renair in every way? Not exactly convincing me that she's a particularly talented commander in any way. dry.gif

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Why are these lv1 mooks in the Prologue stronger than lv2 Renair in every way? Not exactly convincing me that she's a particularly talented commander in any way. dry.gif

ITT command ability = fighting skill

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I was just wondering: are you guys getting ready to release another patch within about the next month or so? I had some thoughts I wanted to post, and it's kinda long, but it's moot if you wind up releasing a patch like 2 days later. Enjoying it alot so far though.

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Well we're certainly not releasing in 2 days. Or soon.

Go ahead and give us your thoughts. There's some stuff that we've already fixed, but there's likely stuff we could benefit from that we haven't thought of as well, so wouldn't hurt~

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Renair has not yet presented to us a solution to the level inflation on all non-LTC runs.

Besides nerfing C3 further, which... I'm okay with whether or not it happens. It's still a difficult chapter, but it's not as much headdesk inducing (for most anyway) as it was before.

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  • 2 weeks later...

so we have an enemy civilian and an Young Archibald?

The very simple appearance by the OVERTROLL himself, even in his younger days, makes me immediately question if these are troll screenshots or not. :P

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Oh god, I saw this this morning and wondered why he looked familiar. Thank you.

Also I like that you're showing more relationship between Ilanice and Amelia. It didn't make that much sense why then end up together when all the people rejoin around chapter 9 other than that they were the two odd ones out.

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