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Disgaea Mafia

Lux Aeterna

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Screw italics from now on. They just seem to mess with formatting.

The day was a tense one. Most souls were afraid to speak out, for fear of casting suspicion upon themselves. At first, the votes were spread out. Mikethfc had the lead, but eventually there was a swing, and finally the one to die that day was chosen...

Everyone forcibly grabbed Gordon and started shoving him towards the noose. Closer and closer he was to that rope, and he could just feel his neck on that rope. But there was nothing he could do. The sheer numbers were overwhelming, and he knew that even if he was a demon, they wouldn't listen. He pulled off his mask and began laughing.

"Ha! You may kill me, but justice lives on!" he gloated. "You will not win this war!" Though his voice was strong, his legs were weak. He was about to die, and he knew it.

The demons didn't even seem to care that he'd just reveal who he was. They just pressed harder, until he was on the wooden stand, his neck in the rope. As the stand began to leave his feet, he thought of one last resort.

"Thursday! Now!" he demanded.

Suddenly, JBCWK appeared from the grave and looked vengefully at Plenair. She was the one who gave him away. She had to pay. But he then saw a robot toss away its disguise.

From the human world! he thought. He decided to see what it was going to do first.

It inched towards Plenair and Mid-Boss.

"DOMO..." the robot started. The demons could take it down, but they seemed too shocked.

"ARI..." it continued. The two were frozen in fear. They couldn't run. They just watched in horror as the robot said two last syllables. It would be the last words they ever heard.


Suddenly the robot exploded, and the explosion was so large that it shocked most of the demons into running away in time, but Plenair and Mid-Boss weren't so lucky. With the explosion, they were also blown to smithereens. A paper flew out of each of their pockets. Upon closer inspection, one would find Plenair's said Obivam and that Mid-Boss' said Haze. But the papers were burned as well. And the cpu card in Thursday's drive said Eclipse.

As everyone ran, Laharl kicked the stand and Gordon fell, snapping his neck. A badge fell out of his pocket, saying Frivolidad.

The avenger nodded, and decided to save his power for some other time.

Obviam was killed! He was Plenair, town Rolechecker!

Haze was killed! He was Mid-Boss, town Cop!

Eclipse self-destructed! She was Thursday, Human Kamikaze!

Frivolidad was lynched! She was Gordon, Human godfather!

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what the fuck was that

you guys just killed the fourth best day of the week and bizz screw you guys

Oh, and unsurprisingly, Eclipse kills Obviam.

Edited by Reinfleche
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Jesus Christ, what the hell? Still it shouldn't need to be said but 1 more human til we can end their kills.

As far as the flavour goes I got JB getting another kill at some point and that this is Eclipse's new member theme song

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I'm back!

I'll explain WHY I did that after this mafia's over. Suffice to say that I would have rather not have self-destructed, but certain things forced it (and it's none of your guy's fault).

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Soooo...is JB alive again? or is that just a part of the flavor and not actually real? Cause it said he came back from the dead, waited for the robot, then saved his power for another time...

This game is so confusing.

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Soooo...is JB alive again? or is that just a part of the flavor and not actually real? Cause it said he came back from the dead, waited for the robot, then saved his power for another time...

This game is so confusing.

I'd like to say "that's up to your interpretation," but it would be awkward to vote to lynch a dead person. No, he's dead. Think outside the box.

Mission accomplished. ;D

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