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(FE12) FEDS2 Draft II


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Copied from IOS's topic.


Mode: H1

Undrafted units may not: Open doors, chests, etc, engage in combat, use staves.

Undrafted units may: shop, recruit characters, find hidden treasures

No Rainbow Potion/Wi-fi Shop

Warp may not be used to finish a chapter prematurely (No Warp-skipping*)

Must obtain Real Ending

Gaidens are assumed

Male Class Limits unlocked is fine. No Lunatic stat boosters though

Units free for everyone: Marth and Rickard for the entire game and MU for prologue only. Palla is free for Chapter 3. Ogma/Sirius/Yubello/Yumina are free for Chapter 4. Nabarl and Feena are free for Chapter 7, but Feena cannot dance. Merric is free for Chapter 10. Sisters are free for Chapter 24.If any other undrafted unit is used, that player must take a 5 turn penalty for the chapter.

* No Warp-skipping means that you can't do either of the following

1: Warp Marth.

2: Rescue Marth with a unit that has been Warped previously in the chapter.


Former Guest      Abel   Cain   Malliesia Warren   Xane   Athena  Katarina Dolph   Nagi     Wolf
eclipse           Catria Arran  Ogma      Ellerean Jeorge Radd    Bord     Tomas   Roshea   Sedgar
lancelot          Luke   Merric Yumina    Cord     Barst  Castor  Samto    Tiki    Macellan Sheema 
oval              Rody   Shiida Linde     Nabarl   Roger  Norne   Belf     Frost   Astram   Samson
Seven Deadly Sins Draug  Gordin Etzel     Feena    Julian Jake    Maris    Beck    Est      Bantu 
General_Horace    Palla  Cecile Minerva   Wendell  Darros Ceasar  Dice     Matthis Michalis Vyland 
RedNeck_Holsety   Ryan   Sirius Frey      Wrys     Leiden Yubello Horace   Robert  Ymir     Midia

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Okay since it's been a while since anyone decided to join I counted up all the units minus the free ones and ended up with 69. That basically means we need one more person instead of 2 and everyone gets 10 picks+ Marth and Rickard. The last unit to be picked will go to the people picking 69th and 70th just so everyone has the same number of units. Also updated the rules in regards to undrafted units.

FE12 Tier List(69):

Unique Utility (7)








Jesus With Wings (2)

- Catria

- Palla

High (7)

- Shiida

- Sirius

- Luke

- Draug

- Arran

- Etzel

- Merric

Mid (13)

- Ryan

- Jeorge

- Tiki

- Nagi

- Ellerean

- Minerva

- Leiden

- Cain

- Frey

- Roger

- Nabarl

- Ogma

- Barst

Low (8)

- Rody

- Gordin

- Warren

- Bord

- Athena

- Linde

- Wendell

- Cecile

I'm FE12, what is this? (9)

- Norne

- Samto

- Castor

- Bantu

- Caesar

- Radd

- Yubello

- Matthis

- Cord

“Free Silvers” (24)

























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Okay cool we have enough people now. Time to go get the order set.

Drafting order courtesy of Random.org:

1. Former Guest

2. eclipse

3. lancelot

4. oval

5. Seven Deadly Sins

6. General_Horace

7. RedNeck_Holsety

Remember it goes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,1 etc till we're put of people.

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All depends on Former Guest. If you know you're gonna be gone for a while pm me a list of ordered picks and I'll do my best to take care of it when I'm on. Hell if everyone sent me a list every round we would be done in like a 3rd of the time, and not be so dependent on one guys schedule.

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I'll get this rolling with Abel, who's normally pretty terrible and may as well not exist on both modes of Lunatic.

BTW, that tier list you threw up is pitiful.

First-rate: My Unit, Paola, Catria, Malliesia, Feena, Xane, Sheeda

Second-rate: Luke, Rody, Oguma, Navarre, Draug, Etzel, Sirius, Yumina, Marth

etc. etc.

Bottom 10: Astram, Wolf, Sedgar, Roshea, Vyland, Samson, Midia, Est, Sheema, Bantu

Something like that looks more reasonable. i.e. Bases with differences of a single digit certainly don't justify massive tier gaps between growth characters like Luke and Rody - WTF. etc.

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It's kinda funny that you bash the tier list and then go on to pick Abel with the first overall pick. Unless that was a joke pick or something.

It's still a sloppy piece of shit, "official" or not. "Free silvers", LOL.

Joke pick? You forget this is H1 - enemy stats are going to be two difficulties' worth lower, so Abel stands a chance of being half-decent at melee with his balanced stats when he joins.

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It's still a sloppy piece of shit, "official" or not. "Free silvers", LOL.

Did you play Lunatic? Those characters are unusable.

Joke pick? You forget this is H1 - enemy stats are going to be two difficulties' worth lower, so Abel stands a chance of being half-decent at melee with his balanced stats when he joins.

It is indeed a joke pick, because lategame units are so far outclassed by earlygame units that it's not even funny. When your competitors are blazing through the game with ridiculous stuff like maxed out Dracoknight Ryan at the same time that you recruit Abel, you'll regret not picking someone useful on your first pick.

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Joke pick? You forget this is H1 - enemy stats are going to be two difficulties' worth lower, so Abel stands a chance of being half-decent at melee with his balanced stats when he joins.

Catria, Rody, Sirius, Palla, Cecil, Warren, Luke, Malliesia, Shiida, Arran, Ryan, and Draug where all the first 12 picks in the other draft. There are 12 picks before your next pick so assuming things go similarly here good luck with Marth +2 of Gordin/Cord/Linde/Matthis/Julian early game.

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