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What would you prefer for a 3DS FE?



87 members have voted

  1. 1. New game or remake?

    • New game
    • Remake
    • Not bothered
  2. 2. 2D or (polygon) 3D?

    • 2D
    • 3D
    • No preference

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Just asking out of curiousity. I would be very surprised if a FE wasn't released for the 3DS eventually, so I wanted to know what others would like for such a game.

Since the 3DS is graphically as powerful as a GameCube/Wii, I think a 3D FE in the vein of FE9/10 would be pretty interesting to have. I'm really hoping for a brand new game, but a 3D remake of, say, FE4 or FE5 would still make me rather happy.

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Any FE game at all would be good with me. Though a new one would be preferred, if it was a remake of FE2/4/5 that'd be cool too. I'd like 3D because I liked FE9/10 graphics.

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New game. It's been like what, four years now since FE10? I think anew game is long overdue. 3D would be neat I guess though if they're gonna go 3D I'd rather see simple battle animations rather then gravity defying jumps and stuff except for swordmasters.

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It's been 4 years since we've gotten a new game and I'd really rather not a third remake in a row. With any luck there will be mention at E3.

I guess a more refined FE4 remake wouldn't be too bad...

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*salivates at the thought of stylish Swordmaster crits in 3D*

I can only imagine 3D FE4 Paladin criticals. *thinks of Eltshan swinging the Mistolten around like it's a Golden Hammer* AND THE MAPS. THAT WOULD BE THE BEST THING EVER.

Edited by Reinfleche
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Wouldn't mind a remake, but I would like a new game.

I don't think they'd make the first game of the series on the 3DS 2D, and for a good reason.

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Vast plains of empty space? No thanks.

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 6, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, and Final Chapter would like to talk with you. 3D Blaggi Tower, Barharra, and Thracia would be awesome.

Also, I agree with Saloma. Why would they make it 2D on the 3DS?

Edited by Reinfleche
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On the 3DS it's probably better to have a 3D style, not least because the 3DS definitely has enough power for the job. I'd also rather see a new title than a remake, particularly as I want to see how IS think of Fire Emblem these days (compare the class lineups of FE8 and FE10 and you'll probably see what I'm on about).

If they were to do a remake I'd actually say that, from what I've seen of that half of the series (not much), FE2 looks more prime for a remake than FE4 (which is likely not to be received well) or FE5 (fundamentally hard, unforgiving and convoluted).

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As much as seeing remakes would be cool, right now I want to see something new. We haven't gotten a new Fire Emblem world since Path of Radiance.

I voted no preference on the second one, but I'd probably sooner go for 2D simply because I don't want to have to buy a 3DS.

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I am crazy for a remake. I am crazy for a Judgral saga remake, to be more specific. FE6, 9 & 10 would also work. Even though the latter twohan unlikely to happen when they're still pretty modern.

As for graphics, I don't really mind. Although, I wasn't very fond of FE11's graphics. FE12's seem to be alright.

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As for graphics, I don't really mind. Although, I wasn't very fond of FE11's graphics. FE12's seem to be alright.

*psst* They're the same except for a few brighter colors.

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I would much rather have a brand new game. No remake, prequel, or sequel please.

As for the graphics I would prefer high quality 2D sprites but we all know that's not gonna happen.

Edited by Ein Silver Rose
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I'm up for anything. Haven't played Jugdral, Gaiden, or Roy yet, so a remake of those would be just like a new game, but I think a new experience for everyone would be better.

With 3DS, I'm expecting 3D, of course (pretty much just like Tellius,) but I won't hold it against them if it's in 2D, so no preference there.

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Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 6, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, and Final Chapter would like to talk with you. 3D Blaggi Tower, Barharra, and Thracia would be awesome.

So... Buildings surrounded by vast plains of empty space? FE4's maps are FAR too big to do in 3D.

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