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FFtF Checkpoint

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Please, Comrades, do not panic. This is for your own good. For too long have the people of the Forest slaved under the oppression of the Capitalist order--this is the Revolution. This is for your own good.

We have already captured the Serious and General Discussions. Soon the Fire Emblem boards will also be in the hands of the Proletarian. This operation has been in the works for years. Do not fear, we have everything under control. And pay no attention to those armed men—they are workers like you and are here for your own safety! This lockdown is merely a measure to prevent counterrevolutionary infiltration. We invite you to join us in rejoicing at the end of the Old Order, but I must really ask you not to leave. It is imperative. The General has things from here—the General is the spokesmen of the people!

What, you do not know of The General!? Why, The General is the greatest Peoples Hero in the history of the Forest! Why, he was at Black Gorge and Mardingrad! He routed the goofies outnumbered no less than three to one. Under his leadership we crushed those Shrimp Farmers! Don’t be ridiculous. We all now serve the General and the Party, and through them, The People! Under the General we will march forward into History.

I must only ask you all to please, also discontinue all discussion on counter-revolutionary topic threads. The workers must be united into a single thread—the thread of the Revolution! All of our discussion must be pure and united in order for us to succeeded. We must band together here and put aside our petty rivalries and differences to built a better, more equal future!

But this will require effort. I know all of you I speak to now are good Proletarians, however, you can never trust that your neighbor is no decadent Cosmopolitan sent to undermine our glorious work. I must ask you to help us keep watch—to make sure your neighbors are as committed to our new revolutionary endvours as yourselves. Myself or one of my associates shall be here at all times—I ask only that you inform us for the health of our collective endvours.

Thank you, and all Hail the People and the General!

Edited by Le Communard
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Comrades! Please, we must control ourselves. I must ask that you desist in this counter-revolutionary activity at once. I know that many of you still persist to post in the Old Order threads. This behavior is has no place in the new Proletarian order! I beg this of you, lest we be forced to take more drastic measures…

I read this whole post twice, and still didn't give a fuck.

It wasn’t written for you. Take this man away. He is an enemy of the people and must be brought into the fold of the Revolution, for the good of the people.

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Ahh, Comrade Fabio, Comrade Raoul, greetings. Do you have business here? Ah, the rebels—yes, it is most troubling. But we are doing all we can to suppress there… infestation. They will wiped clean, like the Staff whom we also topple today. Yes, the cleansing of FFtF shall be remembered a glorious victory! But why should this require, your personal attention, Comrades? Surely you must be needed by the General in our hour of triumph. What? He has sent you here himself? Well... I am grateful, but I do not think I require the assista.... Of course, Comrade—you speak with the voice of the People. But don’t you think measures like that are rather… excessive at this juncture? Very well, if so you command, Comrade, I shall begin distribution of the orders.

Down with VgASM?

Now this is revolutionary fervor. Give this man a medal, Comrades!

Edited by Le Communard
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Go away.

Come now, ignoring something is easy enough, don't begrudge an old man his one April Fools day wish. It's not like I care anymore, but there's nowhere else I've been around long enough to get away with it.

Edited by Le Communard
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Why, The General is the greatest Peoples Hero in the history of the Forest!

Yeah the General is busy doing an apostrophe impression

But that aside this is fun, more fun than Ireland coursework at any rate.

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While the revolutionary fervor on display here is admirable, loyal Comrades, I must make an announcement. By order of the General, all able bodied men, women, and children are to report to this square in 0200 hours, for Revolutionary indoctrination. While the loyalty of the true patriots here is admirable, we cannot trust that your fellows, who even now are acting as Bourgeoisie tools and attempting to destroy our glorious work before it even begins. This rebellion must be crushed—we must all be joined together in the right thought and action of the Party! Please, do not resist! This is for the forward progress of all of us!








Burn the women and rape the churches!

What! An Anarchist Fifth-Column!

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Did someone say Whit- Oh, nevermind. Ignore me. :sirius:

rape the churches!

... How on earth would that- wait no don't answer that

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Burn the women and rape the churches!

It seems I'd forgotten just how awesome you are.

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You're not my real mum, you can't tell me what to do

Please, Comrade, I urge patience. You will be reunited with your Mother after a short train ride. Just, please, get in.

Edited by Le Communard
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