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Part 4: Different cutscenes?

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So I'm on my second playthrough of RD and I wanted to double check something with you guys to see if I'm going crazy or not.

I put Nealuchi in the Silver Army with Leanne and Naesala. Before the prologue, there was a scene where Skrimir tries to maul the three of them and a CG appears.

I don't remember what team Nealuchi was on in my first playthrough, but I don't remember seeing this before. If he's on a different team then this scene doesn't happen, right? If so, are there any other instances of unique scene playing out based on how our teams are organized? Is this all common knowledge/documented somewhere or am I just imagining all of this

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You're right, if nealuchi isn't there, the cutscene won't take place, since he's somewhere else in begnion. A different base conversation takes place (3 possibilities) if calill is either alive with tibarn, alive, not with tibarn,or dead. Can't remember if there are others =/

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The convo with ulki, janaff and tibarn also takes place when they are in the same army. It nets you shriek.

Fun fact, if nealuchi is not in the silver army, he'll appear there anyway when micaiah and the other are about to start the fight.

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There is a bunch of extra dialogue in 4-E as well.

On a separate note, why does the word 'dialogue' give me a squiggly red line under it? I'm fairly sure it's spelled correctly.

You're using a browser that corrects to the new version of spelling English (occasionally used in America), whereas you yourself use the old method (generally used in England).

Essentially, your browser likes the American way* of eliminating the silent letters, making it "dialog".

Either is correct, really. I prefer the old-fashioned way myself.

*Not all Americans use it, they're just the only ones who really do.

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You're using a browser that corrects to the new version of spelling English (occasionally used in America), whereas you yourself use the old method (generally used in England).

Essentially, your browser likes the American way* of eliminating the silent letters, making it "dialog".

Either is correct, really. I prefer the old-fashioned way myself.

*Not all Americans use it, they're just the only ones who really do.

Huh. I don't think I've ever seen it spelled 'dialog'. Google Chrome didn't even give 'dialog' on the list of possible fixes.

...This is the second problem I've had with Google Chrome in as many days. I should really consider switching.

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If Calill is on Tibarn's team, a scene with her daughter appears. I think the scene appears anyway but if shes on the team, theres an extra bit there.

Volug and Ike have a conversation about languages if they are on the same team. You get an elixir like already mentioned.

If Nealuchi isnt on Micaiah's team, the argument between Naesala and Skirmir doesnt happen, however, theres a base conversation that has Sanaki mention that to Naesala anyway. Oo

If all the hawks are on the same team with Tibarn, you get Shriek. (already mentioned)

uhhhh...i cant think of any more. I dont have dead units so i dont know about those changes.

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