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The 'Dumb Ass Broad' syndrome in Horror films/stories


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Alright, seriously, has anyone else ever noticed this? For instance, I say the Scream 4 commercial. The women, instead of grabbing the lamp and using as a weapon, just lies limp under the bed. Like what the fuck. I know, me, even more so if I were a female, would try and fight the stalker/monster/faggot intruding in my house. I just feel like, in more horror movies, whether it be a zombie or person or monster, characters just tend to lay over and die. A human can be lethal against any living creature when they have a blunt object. I'll give another example, in 28 Days Later, and infection type zombie movie, a British soldier is cornered in a room, with an empty rifle. What I don't understand is, why the hell didn't he fight the two monsters that ran in?

I've actually found that the 'Dumb Ass Broad' syndrome is attributed to both genders, but I believe it was started by the classic stupid blond hoe who doesn't know that she can't see in the dark. But yeah, the reason for my posting is that I read a creepy story (not terribly creepy) that ended with a guy and his friend going and beating the monster into submission with a tire iron. That embodies my feeling on the matter of scary things happening. Looking at it reasonably, and treating it like a threat that needs removing. but yeah, it bothers me. I'm rambling now, but I'm just curious if anyone else can see the flaws in the actions of people in the scary stories/movies. Yeah

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People in horror movies can't be too smart though, because then it wouldn't really be a horror movie. People are scared of seeing the protagonist get beaten by zombies/humans/whatever. They don't want to see all the characters defeat the threat. Then it wouldn't be too much of a horror movie, it'd be more of an action.

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I suppose, but I still jump at movies like Resident Evil, which you could say has both. I'm just saying, If it happened to me, and to anyone else too, you'd think that people would be smart about it. It almost falls under the same category as how stupid movies/stories/Television are with technology.

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Females are usually portrayed as the victims in horror movies and such because violence against women elicits a stronger emotional reaction than violence against men, or at least many people think this.

But yes, the stupidity seems more to be a byproduct of the horror movie genre than anything else. The protagonists fighting intelligently against their zombie oppressors is more of an action movie thing. I never got the appeal of horror movies myself, I don't particularly enjoy being frightened, and if a horror movie can't cause fear it's not very entertaining otherwise.

(Side note: Why does the OP contain the word faggot? :huh: )

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Surely you have a point but

I think the Scary Movie series compose the set of the worst examples you could possibly choose.

Edited by Iehoua
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Just natural selection at work in fiction. Oh, a serial killer on the loose you say? And I'm supposed to be alone in the house but I hear noises upstairs? I'd better go take a look totally unarmed and not turn any lights on.

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For instance, I say the Scream 4 commercial. The women, instead of grabbing the lamp and using as a weapon, just lies limp under the bed.

I'm guessing you haven't seen the movie yet, but if you're referring to the scene that I think you are; without spoilers, she has perfectly good reason to be hiding under the bed :p

Go watch it, the Scream series is killer

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I'm guessing you haven't seen the movie yet, but if you're referring to the scene that I think you are; without spoilers, she has perfectly good reason to be hiding under the bed :p

Go watch it, the Scream series is killer

I really hope this was intentional

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....ah, the horror film. Learn from Doctor Who that even if you have protagonists with half a brain, you can STILL BE SCARY.

....Case in point, DON'T BLINK!


Look away, and you DIE. Good luck with that.

Also...remember, an image of an angel BECOMES an angel.

Edited by FutureCam
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The water-mutant thingies from the Waters of Mars were the scariest IMO. However, Weeping Angels are a close second. The Silence aren't scary for some reason...

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I haven't actually watched any of it (it's on my to-do list for the summer). Reading about the Weeping Angels on TVTropes of all places managed to scare the crap out of me.

(The fact that I'd just been reading creepypasta for the previous hour can't possibly be related :P)

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