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is alcohol a drug?


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I like Eclipse response. Alcohol is all good but hell people just don't know how to handle it. I've seen plenty of fools get stupid after drinking. But I'll say alcohol makes people in japan a lot more tolerable on most parts.

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Depends on the school, but it tends to be. College is a time that involves stuff like parties and experiments. I never thought I would smoke weed, then I smoked weed. I never thought I'd get so drunk I'd throw up, but I got that drunk. It happens in college.

I don't think I have the words to properly express how much I want to just tease you to death right now. The urge is so powerful that I think I need to actually state that it exists in order to not fall victim to it, which is why I am making this very pointless post.

I'm trying to fight it though.

And yeah, smoke pot instead, listen to the guy in cop college.

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By definition, it is a drug.

It's also one of the more harmful drugs, worse than, say, LSD, MDMA/Ecstasy, or cannabis. It is one of the few drugs where the withdrawals are actually fatal. Not to mention all the dickheads who drink and drive.

That's not to say it's something to avoid. I personally love it, and I do it (mostly) responsibly. But I understand it may not be for everyone.


EDIT: Ew, I have Makalov.

Edited by monkymeet
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I'm a little late on this one, but let me just say; Yes, it's a drug, a drug abused just as much as any other drug, medicinal or otherwise. I usually tend to steer away from the brew, seeing as I come from a family of struggling alcoholics. I guess that's biased my opinion on the matter, but I'm not completely averse to it. Just cautious as shit.

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I'm a little late on this one, but let me just say; Yes, it's a drug, a drug abused just as much as any other drug, medicinal or otherwise. I usually tend to steer away from the brew, seeing as I come from a family of struggling alcoholics. I guess that's biased my opinion on the matter, but I'm not completely averse to it. Just cautious as shit.

Good plan.

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Alcohol - distends your stomach, addictive, lowers testosterone, fucks up your liver, ruins your life, shrinks your penis, gives you cancer, can overdose very easily and die

Marijuana- releases endorphins, prevents cancer, non-addictive, can never OD on weed

Alcohol, are you even trying?

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Alcohol - distends your stomach, addictive, lowers testosterone, fucks up your liver, ruins your life, shrinks your penis, gives you cancer, can overdose very easily and die

Marijuana- releases endorphins, prevents cancer, non-addictive, can never OD on weed

Alcohol, are you even trying?

Sources? I'm highly skeptical of it preventing cancer, and being non-addictive to a certain degree. I've heard it more of being a placebo.

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Saying weed is non-addictive is not completely correct. Though not physically addicting, it has a fairly high psychological addiction. It has been proven to aid in certain types of cancers, but antioxidants in wine also have been proven to be healthy (in controlled quantities). Not to mention the whole "ruining your life" is only if you're an irresponsible idiot. Lots of people can drink alcohol with minimal side effects.

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Sources? I'm highly skeptical of it preventing cancer, and being non-addictive to a certain degree. I've heard it more of being a placebo.

As a California medical cannabis patient, I'm in the position to tell you that that's false. Cannabis' medicinal qualities are very much legitimate for all the sleaziness of the industry built around the plant. It is not a panacea by any means, but it can help you with cancer, chronic pain, glaucoma, insomnia, migraines, arthritis and even eczema along with many more problems.

But why hear it from me, when you have little reason to trust me? Instead I recommend following this link for hundreds of studies that back up what I said in my previous paragraph and expand on it.

Saying weed is non-addictive is not completely correct. Though not physically addicting, it has a fairly high psychological addiction.

It is 100% correct to say that cannabis is non-addictive in the context of a discussion about drugs. Sure, there's the potential for psychological addiction, but that also goes for everyday substances like caffeine, chocolate and sugar. Are "addicts" to those substances ruined by their "addiction"?

I think that it's inappropriate to call a psychological addiction an unqualified addiction when actual serious, physical addiction exists with certain physically addictive substances. The two are incomparable and relating them misleads people and reinforces ignorance.

There's a lot of ignorance about this subject, and vested interests in keeping it that way.

Edited by Héroe
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As far as cannabis goes, I just want to weigh in with my personal opinion: the most addictive thing, and thing that pressured me mmost into doing it, was doing it with other people. Without that influence I think I can stay off, and I want to stay off unless we get to the point where it is legal and I don't think it will cloud my judegement in ways that interfere with my productivity in other areas.

I don't think the idea of doing weed solo is particularly appealing to me. However I could see how people with significantly worse pain would feel differently.

There's a lot of ignorance about this subject, and vested interests in keeping it that way.

I would suggest that there is vested interests intereseted in legalizing it, and you yourself represent a portion of that. BUT I still do empathize with your position more strongly than that of the other. I am just hesitant because I really do think that "slippery slope" arguments have merit where drugs are concerned.

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Saying weed is non-addictive is not completely correct. Though not physically addicting, it has a fairly high psychological addiction.

Anything and everything can be addicting psychologically.

It is 100% correct to say that cannabis is non-addictive in the context of a discussion about drugs. Sure, there's the potential for psychological addiction, but that also goes for everyday substances like caffeine, chocolate and sugar. Are "addicts" to those substances ruined by their "addiction"?

Caffeine, and subsequently chocolate, are physiologically addicting. Though I would suppose it would be rather difficult to get addicted to chocolate, there are individuals that genuinely function poorly without often intake of caffeine.

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Caffeine, and subsequently chocolate, are physiologically addicting. Though I would suppose it would be rather difficult to get addicted to chocolate, there are individuals that genuinely function poorly without often intake of caffeine.

I am definitely psychologically addicted to chocolate. I am not so sure about the physiological. Likely not. However, it is true that I've heard that those with ADD self-medicate with caffeine, usually unintentionally.

"Functioning poorly" seems to suggest another form of physical addiction, since a lot of addictions will clear up if you go cold turkey long enough. I suppose it is to some extent the measuring of the extent of the physical addiction.


(grammar nazi coming to light)

Edited by Loki Laufeyjarson
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I am definitely psychologically addicted to chocolate. I am not so sure about the physiological. Likely not. However, it is true that I've heard that those with ADD self-medicate with caffeine, usually unintentionally.

"Functioning poorly" seems to suggest another form of physical addiction, since a lot of addictions will clear up if you go cold turkey long enough. I suppose it is to some extent the measuring of the extent of the physical addiction.


(grammar nazi coming to light)

While I'm not well acquainted with what levels of caffeine make a noticeable addiction, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the amount that's in the average espresso millions drink every morning, there's probably enough to cause a real, physical dependence.

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While I'm not well acquainted with what levels of caffeine make a noticeable addiction, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the amount that's in the average espresso millions drink every morning, there's probably enough to cause a real, physical dependence.

I will not try and cut off your limb by doing research otherwise. I will say that I have heard, somewhat on topic, that my parents drink coffee to help them relax and go to sleep in the evening.

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