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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 2


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Carrion blushed slightly when she was hugged out of seemingly nowhere, but she didn't mind it one bit. "No, no, I'll walk. I've got too much energy now" she said, stretching and yawning. "So. Where are weee...." She looked about, noting the rising sun and the gated city way off in the distance. "Alright, we should head... that way if we wanna make a straight line to the Shuthran border. Unfortunately it'd require another hike through some mountains, but not nearly as dangerous as last time. If I remember right, there shouldn't be any wildlife up in them, no dangerous wildlife anyway. Maybe a few wolves here and there, but they should leave us alone if we just keep moving. On the other side we should be right near the city of Lazarynth. So the question is, are you up for it? I'll remind you that to get food here would require exposing ourselves..." Her stomach gurgled yet again, earning it a furious glare from Carrion. "Shut UUUUP!"

"Oh, I slept great, thanks a million Amera, you have no idea how much that helped me out. I wish I could return the favor to you, but I don't know how much longer we'll be travelling or meeting together again." Grant gave a small smile to the girl. He had to admit, she was cute, but probably a bit out of his league age-wise, given how the Anri worked. "Anyway, I think we were headed over to... that city beyond Reinaldt, Argh, what's the name again... Varthas, that's right! Varthas, we were heading there to try and get that damned witch. From the way she was going in the mountains, i think they were heading that direction in all likely hood. If not... well, we've got a lot of ground to cover then. If no news pops up that means she'll be laying low, but we could just ask for a couple wandering about... So yeah. That's where we're at now."

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Ormis didn't really have anything to say, seeing as everyone else came in before he could respond. Then something soft fell, or rather started pushing on his head. He turned slowly, eventually seeing Amera leaning on him.


He fell out of his seat, missing most of the conversation as a result. However, he did hear the last few words as he climbed back into his chair.

"Varthas? Sure, what are we waiting for? I want to go kick her ass already!"


Teis followed Riya and Adrian silently, trying to take in everything. If he was right and this really was the Crimson Witch, there was certain to be bounty hunters everywhere going for her head. The most obvious course of action would be to go to Shuthra, but they had already figured that out.

He sat down a while away from the pair, sharpening his axe. It wasn't very often that it dulled, but it did have a soothing effect on his nerves.

The Devourer...?

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Hmm, seems like she's not in her room. Perhaps she has already left? Lucinda knocked again, but nobody answered. She reluctantly made her way down and ordered breakfast, paying another handsome sum, and sat down alone. She scanned the room, expecting to find Obelia, but to no avail.

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"More mountains? Joy. I've been wanting to scale more difficult things." He complained, still smiling, and walking outside. The sun shone on his face, warming it up. Yesterday seemed like a blur, almost. He knew that everyone else had to still be close by. It scared him a bit, knowing that if they didn't start moving now, they'd probably be killed. Riya mentioned Lazarynth, and he chuckled a bit. "We'll be in Shuthrian territory by then, and I doubt they care as much as Sapphire does about your bounty. What would be wrong with exposing ourselves then?" He spoke a bit louder, talking into the house. Might wanna hurry up there, dear. Waiting in the house isn't going to help us.


Amera fell back as Ormis fell out of his chair, almost falling into it, but catching herself on the chair's back. "Morning to you too, Ormis" she joked, looking back at Grant, "Nooooo, problem! It was the least I could do." She was glad to have felt important, glad that everyone got a good night's sleep. "Var... thas? I don't think I've ever been there... but I don't mind coming along~" She didn't want to get left behind now, she'd made such nice friends! "Ormis, I thought we were going to try and talk to her first!" Amera whined a bit, as they'd agreed to try talking before fighting, but the kid didn't seem to want to do any of that.

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She awoke feeling refreshed, but at the same time her dreams haunted her. She had the dream from the village in Sapphire again, except she actually saw the bodies and recognized the faces. It was the faces of the people she'd traveled with and fought with in the mountains. Her mind was racing when she saw them all in the inn's main lobby. The images of their bloodstained corpses clear in her mind, she was unaware of what to do.

I don't know if it's safe for me to travel with them...



She arrived at the town in the morning, deciding to travel through the night instead. She had an intuition that Lucretia was nearby. Wondering if now was the time to kill her, she decided to walk around the town's perimeter instead to make sure Lucretia hadn't left.

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Teis slipped off quietly, as it seemed that Carrion and Adrian could take care of themselves. If anything, he was more likely to gain a lead by following the others, the ones hunting her, as they were a much more intimidating affair.

That, and if I'm right about this hunch of mine...


"Amera, listen," Ormis began, having temporarily gotten over his awkwardness, "this woman has murdered my entire family, right in front of me no less. I can't... I won't let her do that to anyone again."

"Besides," he said with a grin, "If I'm gonna be famous, what better way to do so than catch and kill a known murderer? One with a huge bounty on her head no less!"

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"Well... we COULD take a roundabout trip towards Ayreh and then head directly south of it towards Lazarynth if you'd like." She said, taking the hint to finally get moving. "So again, it's your call, I'll be fine with either, which would you prefer?" She hadn't noticed Teis slip off since she was too engrossed in her own problems for the moment. She tilted her head a little, waiting for an answer from Adrian. "And I meant exposing ourselves here in Sapphiric territory you idiot... They want me dead for many reasons, namely money and prestige, it's not going to be a wise choice to stick around here, but whatever, I'm leaving the choice with you."

"Ormis, I think we should at least TRY to talk to her. I mean, you got the note, right? It said they wanted her alive, I think. If someone has a request like that you generally want to follow it to get the best reqard, but..." He held his hands up in slight defense, "If it's a grudge match you want, I'll help you out one hundred percent, alright? She's not going to kill another damn person." As he spoke, Lucretia seemed to have gotten up and walked in on them. "Hey... there... Is something wrong, ma'am? You look like you've seen a ghost."

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"Hey... there... Is something wrong, ma'am? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Lucretia didn't know whether to lie or tell the truth. She didn't want to make them feel threatened by what she saw, but she also didn't want them to not know and then be killed by her crazed mother.

"It's just my dreams again, they've been haunting me for a while now. A dream I had at the last inn just came back and it was stronger." She said. At least I can tell some truth to the story, she thought, as she continued. "My mother has been haunting me for years, especially since I learned she was looking for me. I'm sure she wants me dead."

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Amera growled, smacking Ormis upside the head. "You said you'd try, at least!" She was obviously upset that he'd said he would try talking, and then suddenly opted for killing her outright. Her thought process was a lot simpler than that, though. "Hmph! See, Grant's not against trying to talk to her." She crossed her arms in a huff, turning away from the boy. She wasn't going to be talking to him until he apologized for lying to her. The other girl from the day before walked into the room, and Amera cheered up, giving her a tackle hug. "Lucy, how're you~?" She hadn't really paid attention to what she was saying beforehand.


"I'm joking, the mountain's fine. Besides, the less interaction we have to have with other towns, the better." He kept an eye on the gate of the fortress. The quicker they got out of eyesight from that place, the better. Another chase was not something he wanted. He found himself actually walking faster than normal, getting away from the fortress being a top priority. "Yeah, shoulda figured, heh... Yeah, I can wait until we get to Shuthra to eat. It won't take more than a day from here, right?" He was certainly curious, having never left the province.

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Fuck, where is he... Elune scanned the area around the entrance of the inn. No one could see her from where she was, she hoped. The tip of her crossbow lay out over the edge of the roof of the building she was at, waiting to draw blood once more.

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"U-uh, what? When did I agree to that?"

Ormis rubbed his head indignantly. "Grant agreed to try and talk to her, I never said anything of the sort!"


Teis was heading towards the inn when the hairs on the back of his neck pricked up. He turned, and barely noticed the bolt of a crossbow sticking out from the roof of a nearby building, pointed at the door of the inn.

Well, that can't be good for business.

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Amera let the girl go, crossing her arms once again. "Well... you should! You shouldn't have to kill someone without trying to talk to them first, at least..." Her tone changed from annoyed to serious as she trailed off. Her expression changed as well, as if she was remembering something, and instead of say anything else, she decided to just sit down in one of the chairs and put her chin into her hand, her tail wagging slowly from behind.

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Though eavesdropping wasn't very lady-like, she couldn't help but overhear the rather large group nearby. She wiped her mouth daintily with a handkerchief, prayed to the Goddess, thanking her for the meal and the opportunity to find leads on this Crimson Witch, and crossed over to where the group was congregating. "Pardon my intrusion, but if I am not mistaken, are you hunting for this so-called Crimson Witch, as well? She also goes by the name of The Devourer."

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"Yes, yes, fine. I'll try and talk some sense into her, though I don't know how much good it will do."

Ormis couldn't resist Amera. Something about that girl's carefree attitude, the way she looked at him... No! Don't get distracted! Time enough for maturity later!

"The Devourer, huh? That'll be a useful name to go by. Speaking of which, who the devil are you?"


Teis decided to chance it and walk into the shooter's line of sight. If nothing else, this would arrest the attention of anyone inside the inn. Before doing anything else, though, the knight donned a helmet that covered his eyes, his neck and the rest of his head. If the shooter was to kill him, they'd have to hit the very small chink in his armor, not an easy task by any means.

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Shit... have I been spotted? Who was that man... and why did he choose to put on his helmet then? Nevertheless, he could be dealt with later. It was just a little bit more waiting before...

Wait... was that the target? The spectacles, the shape of the face... there was no doubt about it. The target stopped for a while to talk to a travelling merchant, and Elune took her chance.

She aimed the crossbow at his chest, and fired once.

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"Oh, goodness gracious!" Lucinda laughed lightly. "It appears I've done it again! I am Lady Lucinda Svetlana of House Urith of Lushira. I have journeyed from the capital city of Albion to Reinaldt in search of the heretic known as both the Crimson Witch and The Devourer. Now that I have introduced myself, may I have the honor of knowing the names of you and your companions?"

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"Name's Ormis. I'm after Scarl- The Crimson Witch for personal reasons. Now then, are you seriously planning to kill her with that dainty little sword of yours? Neither that nor your dagger would last more than a second against this blade here."

Ormis tapped his blade confidently, not really caring that he was ignoring the fact that she was a lady (lord) and he was a simple mercenary.


Teis saw the assassin fire her bolt, and was almost about to throw himself in the path of the bolt, but he knew he would never make it. That man was as good as dead. Instead, he took the next most direct course of action.

He struck his axe on the ground three times, creating a fairly significant shockwave, enough to shake buildings the slightest amount. The more noticeable effect, however, was that it made a loud, booming noise that rung throughout the entire area.

"Murder! Murder most foul! Up there, on the roof! There she is, with the thrice-blasted crossbow of hers in her blood-stained hands!"

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Amera had noticed Ormis eyeballing her after she'd sat down. Normally, she'd tease him some more, but some less than pleasant memories had been brought back into her mind from what she'd said, so the normally happy girl was a lot less than happy, at the moment. Some new woman, covered in jewels had walked into the room, though Amera only gave her a glance before fixating on one of the green ones. She continued to stare at it, zoning out at how it shone in the sunlight peering through the windows.

"Murder! Murder most foul! Up there, on the roof! There she is, with the thrice-blasted crossbow of hers in her blood-stained hands!"

Screams from outside brought her back to reality, as someone yelled about a murderer.

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"Name's Ormis. I'm after Scarl- The Crimson Witch for personal reasons. Now then, are you seriously planning to kill her with that dainty little sword of yours? Neither that nor your dagger would last more than a second against this blade here."

Lucinda was slightly offended. "Listen here, little urchin. This happens to be a--"

"Murder! Murder most foul! Up there, on the roof! There she is, with the thrice-blasted crossbow of hers in her blood-stained hands!"

My goddess... I pray that you have mercy on the one who passed and rain your judgment upon the one who has done this foul deed... "There is no time to dawdle on social intricacies. There is a murderer to be found and justice to be served!" She drew her rapier and ran outside as quickly as possible hoping to catch the harlot without a heart.

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"Alrighty then, let's get moving, and I guess it might take a full day, I don't quite remember the distance but I do remember the mountains being all twisty and turny like..." Carrion answered. "If we're lucky, we could make it out of there by sundown and just make a straight shot to Lazarynth. Oooooh, I can't wait any longer, let's just fucking GO!" She actually took off at a paced run towards the base of the mountain.

"Ormis... do get some tact, please...?" Grant muttered to himself. "Good morning, Miss, I'm Grant and yes, we are after the Crimson witch. Everyone knows theres a bounty for her, and we've kinda got personal problems with her. Had an encounter with her, two in fact, and each time she seemed to be a murderous wench with power going to her head. Now, I'm supposed to bring her back alive but I don't know if that's going to be possible at this point..." He was wondering why such a tiny lady was after the witch as well, but then a shaking and a loud yell came from outside. "Everyone stay here, I'll check this out!" He said while he got up, holding a hand out to everyone else, having to run and catch up to the lady who just ran outside. "Hey, be careful!"

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Ormis leapt out of his chair at the loud 'BOOM' that resounded through the entire area. At the cry from outside, he ignored Grant's warning, actually overtaking him on his way outside, sword already drawn. He immediately saw the man who'd made the noise, though he didn't see the assassin.

"You! Which way did he go? Who was killed? Let's knock some heads!"

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Fuck! They found me... shit! Elune started to panic before realizing how she could escape. They can only recognise me by my crossbow. If I dump this, they can't find me. Elune threw the crossbow behind her and took a break for it. She could fight her way out of this with her knife, or maybe pose as one of the commoners. If I can just get to my horse... I'll be gone.

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"If I recall correctly, there are only two ways to leave this town. She must be heading for the nearest exit which would be..." Lucinda pointed with her rapier, "...that way. I'll try to cut her off by horse, she can't have much time to hide. Split up into two groups and cover the exits!" She made a mad dash to the stables and mounted her horse, galloping off to cover the nearest exit.

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"By your leave, your ladyship, I will try and track down the murderer myself, as I caught a glimpse of her as she rid herself of her crossbow. She will not find it easy to escape from me!"

The corners of Teis's mouth set. He didn't like killing, but straight out, willful murder was a complete other thing. This monster wouldn't survive if he caught her. Not unless she could tell him something.



Ormis swore, then followed the priestess-girl-thingy. There was no way she could take a full-on assassin in a fight, especially not with such flimsy weapons. And as much as he hated her attitude, there was no way he would stand by and watch someone get killed when he could have stopped it. Not again...

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"H-Hey, wait up!" Adrian ran after her, laughing a little bit. If we keep running, we'll get there in no time. He'd caught up to Riya by this point, not really watching where he was running. "So, what're we gonna do once we reach Shuthra? Just relax and enjoy the rest of our lives? Ha ha!" He joked, not watching his foot as if collided with a rock jutting out of the ground, causing him to crash into Riya, rolling over with her a few times. He ended up on top of her in the snow, sitting on his knees. "Uh... Sorry about that" he stuttered, standing up and extending a hand to help her up.


Amera blinked, and everyone was gone, having rushed outside. "H-Hey, wait for me!" The group had rushed out into the streets, where a man lay dead, crossbow bolt sticking out of his chest. Amera glanced at the roof, nothing but a crossbow still sitting there. The man who had done the yelling-- she could tell by his voice --ran off, and she chased after him, Ormis leaving with the gem girl. "Hey, where are we going?" She called to him, catching up to his pace.

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