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Abysmal Souls: Chapter 2


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"Live out the rest of our lives there? Bullshit, I'll probably get restless within a week or something. I mean seriously..." She wasn't surprised that Adrian caught up to her in the slightest, but she was surprised at how fast he was in general. Huh she thought, but her train of thought was interrupted as she got tackled. Carrion gave a playful smile as Adrian fell on her. "Now now, we'll have time for that later if you'd like." She took his hand only to pull hard enough that he fell over and she was on top. She slowly brought her face to his, about to kiss him, eyes closed, and then... she jumped off him and continued her running, giggling.

Grant was irked that no one listened to him, but he'd chastise them later. Right now, he went off to try and cover the only other means of escape. "Dammit people, just listen to me next time..." He made it to the exit, turned around and watched. the city was in a slight panic given the circumstances, and most if not everyone had begun to flee into their houses. "come on out, assassin, let's see you win in a fair fight!"

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It would suck to lose like this... I'll have to wait it out or fake my way out of this... dammit! Elune couldn't take any more chances. She retreated to the back alleys of Reinhardt, knowing she'd be able to traverse the area better than anyone else. Maybe she'd find something to hide her face there too.

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"Sh- Let me alone, please! I can track her, I know it! Having someone else at my side would do nothing but distract me!"

For whatever reason, Teis had gotten the idea into his head that, were he to catch this assassin, he would be one step closer to finding his father's killer. Maybe that was why he pursued this woman with such ferocity.

"Hm, she couldn't have left through the exits, that group from the inn has taken care of that... the only place she could have gone would be the allyways! Come, girl, you may be of use!"

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"Yeah, I'm sure you'd want to do all-- That!" He gasped, falling on top of her as she tugged. He turned so read he thought his face would melt, as he was pulled close enough to kiss her, almost going to... before being pushed onto the snow, watching her run off, laughing. "Oh, you tease!" He yelled, smiling and laughing after her. "I might have to get you back for that, you know!" He was actually enjoying himself with her. He thought about it for a moment. He was enjoying spending time with the woman who had almost killed him two nights ago. It was surreal, but, he really was happy.


"Why? I wanna help!" She exclaimed, continuing to chase the man. He was acting rather suspicious, and she wanted to know why. Does he know where this person went? They'd stopped running, Amera giving him a confused look. "The alleys?" she asked, as he spoke. "Alright, let's go!" She bounded after him, glad to be able to help.

Edited by seph1212
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"If you can get me back, I'd love to seeee iiiiit!" she hollered teasingly at Adrian. They were making great time, the side of the mountain nearby. Just make it to the base, climb up, then traverse that and then boom, we're home free more or less! "Come on you damn kid, hurry up, I want something to eat NOW and if you hold me back, so help me I will fry you and eat you up instead" She said with just a hint of seriousness, enough to give a mixed message.

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"Oh, you'll see it..." He mumbled to himself, pushing his legs to run faster. He had almost caught up to her, when she yelled back at him to hurry up. "Alright, let's hurry!" I just hope I don't trip doing this! He punched it, running as fast as his legs would move, coming up right behind her. He quickly ducked down and picked her up, carrying her bridal style. "There! Gotcha back!" He smiled, continuing his run, as the base of the mountain came into view. Oh well, it'll be a short lived joke, heh.

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Whilst minding his own business outside the blacksmith, he suddenly heard a man shout;

"Murder! Murder most foul! Up there, on the roof! There she is, with the thrice-blasted crossbow of hers in her blood-stained hands!"

It was soon accompanied by screams from the villagers, it seems that they rarely experienced murders in broad daylight. The blacksmith began to whiten, perhaps he was particularly paranoid? Aurelio saw an opportunity to get a new toy. It wasn't stealing if it was justified.

"Don't worry, gramps. Lend me an axe and that killer's as good as dead." he boasted, from the sounds of it the murderer was somewhat proficient. Crossbows weren't the weapons of common killers. The man nodded his head, probably not wanting to provoke the ruffian. "Don't worry, I'm a pal of Amera, I'll pay for it later... (one day anyway)" he said, grabbing a particularly sturdy axe. It probably wasn't quite as powerful as his last one, but it felt tougher and more natural to swing. Aurelio was sold. He ran out the shop, keeping true to his word. Well, he'd at least try to find the murderer. It seemed the group kept meeting all sorts of strange people.

"Thanks, old man" he called, already having left the shop. The old man waved feebly, had he just been robbed? He wasn't quite sure. If he knew Amera, he couldn't be all that bad.

He could see Amera following some angry looking guy. They were probably after the murderer as well, Amera didn't seem the kind to let her hometown go unprotected.

"Any idea who we're dealing with? If they had a crossbow, we might be in for some trouble."

He was now along side them, more or less running the same speed. It felt a little weird running with a lighter axe but he'd soon adjust, he'd been through at least six of them.


Ken - Half way to Phirias

Doing nothing in particular, Ken reminisced about his priest training. He'd been lashed many times for forgetting prayers and chants, and often made to work through the night. He wondered once more, did all priests find it that difficult?

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As Lucinda was on horseback, she was naturally the first one to make it to the gates. She watched the man with the axe take off with the Anri girl and waited for the boy named Ormis to catch up. "This is no place for children, dear. The goddess would lament for the loss of one so young. Why don't you return to the inn, where you will surely be safe?"

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"Excellent, we now have three people together to help me corner this villain! Our goal is to block off all the allyways, therefore forcing the assassin to engage one of us! Now, I am fairly proficient with an axe, and I can observe from the weapon you hold so tightly that you are as well, as I see your sword in its sheath. Now then, girl, I understand that you may be of some use with your fists, but against a trained assassin I believe you will not stand a chance."

Teis regarded the newcomer with suspicion at first, but got over it, seeing as there were more pressing matters at the moment.


"Lady, I don't give a fuck if you're some holy warrior descended from the gods or some shit, but I'm not gonna just stand by while you guys have all the action. There's NO WAY you're going to get me back into that inn before this business is done with."

Edited by Camtech075
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Was that the sound of someone coming in through the alley? Elune waited for a while, to see who was the one chasing her. When they finally came into sight, she saw the same armoured man whom had spotted her earlier, another guy with an axe, and an Anri girl.

I can't do jack shit to the guy unless I throw his helmet off and then stab his face or something. The guy with the axe too - maybe, but it'll be tough. But that girl... If I can get her, they won't be able to do anything to me. If I can get around behind them, she's mine. Dammit, I really should have kept my crossbow... Elune started running once more, hoping she'd be able to lose them in the alleys. For now...

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"My, my. Children these days... Your mother should scrub out your mouth with soap, if she ever heard the foul utterances you spew from your mouth. In any case, the ruffian must surely be within the alleys now that her exits have been blocked off. I doubt you will be seeing much... action, as you call it, here. Perhaps you should rejoin your companions? There is safety in numbers."

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Ormis was seriously getting annoyed by this woman.

"My mother is DEAD! Don't you DARE start talking to me about her. I FAILED to save her, so now you just want me to leave you to possibly the same fate? FUCK. NO. Is what I say, so I will stay here in the chance that the others lose him."

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Lucinda was taken aback. Her normally cheerful if not somewhat arrogant disposition was noticeably dampened. "I... I apologize, young Ormis... I had no idea that such a horrible fate would befall a young man such as yourself... Offering my sympathy would be something... offensive to one such as you, would it not? Nevertheless, I will pray for them. I appreciate your concern with all my heart. If it would ease your mind, I am a mage of some renown, so rest assured, I can not only take care of myself, but also offer you aid."

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Ormis spoke bitterly.

"Even so, there's no sense in leaving you here on your own. As you say, strength in numbers. Besides, chances are Scarle- The Crimson Witch'll come into town at some point. There's no way she'd be able to get anywhere far without supplies."

As it so happened, he was dead wrong.

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"Help you, huh? I don't know about that, but if you're after the assassin too, I don't mind you hanging around. I suppose our chances are better if we're working together." He half-taunted, he was no-one's sidekick. However, as much as he hated to say it, this guy seemed pretty skilled. "I'm Aurelio, what do you go by?" he asked, still running.



Still bored out of his skull, Ken had started counting any people he saw traveling. So far, he was still on zero.

"I hope Lady Lucinda is well, she took off most unexpectedly and I haven't seen her since."

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"I am known as Teis. Also," he remarked blandly, "you might want to get a better axe. That looks far too light for any practical use."

As he said this, Teis's own axe hit the floor and made a noticeable tremor, as well as making a rather large dent in the ground.

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"Heh, unless you're buying, it's staying. D'you want a hand carrying that thing? I'll even help you swing it if you like." Aurelio taunted, that thing looked impressive but seriously, it'd take a golem to use it properly. Deciding it was time to get serious;

"Did you see the assassin? It'd be nice to know what we're dealing with."

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Teis decided to let the comment about his axe go. He'd gotten the same reaction from other people as well, seeing as they had trouble even lifting it.

"It's a woman. I didn't see her entire profile, but she threw away her crossbow in a vain attempt to hide herself from me. Look for someone who is panicking. She also might be running around behind us, going for the Anri girl, it's what I would do. So stay on your guard!"

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"Heh, I'm always on guard." he replied, gripping his axe. "Amera, if this guy's right, you'll need to keep close." He was starting to like this Teis guy, unlike Ormis, he actually had some brains.

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Turn, turn, turn. This place was like a maze. Elune had half an idea of where she was now - If she had guessed correctly, she'd be somewhere near one of the entrances.

Wait... Shit! I can't get away yet, not if any of this bastards have a horse between them. I'll need to go back... and I'll probably need to fight my way out of this too. Elune pulled her knife out of its sheath. If any of her pursuers got in her way now, they'd be dead. Probably.

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Something about this Aurelio character made Teis like him. His cocky grin, his arrogant banter... it was so much like his own that it was almost impossible for Teis to not enjoy his company.

"I have a spare axe you might like, a bit heavier than that. I believe I left it at the inn last night, but there's no time for it now. Hurry, or we'll lose her!"

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"That'd be cool, I needed a chance to try this one out any way."

Teis wasn't that bad, a little bit of a loudmouth and egotist. But hey, Aurelio couldn't talk.

Edited by Dokutayuu
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Was this the way she had come before? Elune heard the voices of the two men coming closer - She was definitely going in the right direction. As long as she didn't run into the guy with the large axe, she'd be fine. Once she got to her horse, she'd be away.

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"Aaah!" She screamed as she was picked up, not quite knowing what was going on until Adrian spoke up. "Whaaat? So soon? And really, more carrying me? It's not like my legs are vestigial, kid. I can run on my own, too!" She protested, but in reality she did nothing to stop him. Getting carried around was pretty awesome in its own right, like she was friggin royalty or something. Plus she could cast more powerful magic and be moving about now if anyone actually caught up to them at this point, which she was happy about. The jostling took some getting used to, but she managed. She enjoyed the wind blowing on her face and hair, though chilled it wasn't to the bone as it was the last day. "Oh... right. Sorry." She began generating heat for the both of them. And then it hit her. "Wait a minute... he said Worsay, right? I can't believe I'd fucking forget that name, ever. He was one of few people who actually killed me in a relatively fair fight. Him and another guy, a friend I suppose. The other man almost seemed happy to get to fight with me while Worsay... he almost appeared saddened, his eyes always seemed to be looking distant..."

Grant stood there, sword drawn, waiting. Waiting for the Assassin to slip up and show himself or herself. Nothing was going to get out of this place from this exit.

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He couldn't help but laugh, her jokes enjoyable at this point. Though, once she'd apologized, he set her down. They'd reached the base of the mountain, either way. "I swear, you apologize for everything. Next thing you'll be apologizing for is existing, geez." He'd rather she didn't apologize for everything she did, if she could help it. "Worsay, eh? I can't say I'd heard that name until that man mentioned it. He killed you? Just how many times have you died, already?" The other man she'd mentioned sounded weird, though. Who would be sad about killing the Crimson Witch, back then? Seems strange, to me. He started climbing up the mountain, giving a glance back at Riya "You going to be able to climb, this time?"


"Let her come! I can handle myself!" She shouted at Teis as he mentioned the assassin coming for her, first. Geez, like I'm some sort of problem. She was a little annoyed that the two men were thinking of using her as some sort of trap for the assassin, when she'd much rather be the first person to do the attacking. Though, even if she was to be used as a trap, she would be glad to help.

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