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Girls are nuts.


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So a week ago I broke up with my (now ex-) girlfriend, and she said "Ok, I was going to break up with you tomorrow anyway.". She then acted super excited for the rest of the day, skipping down the hallways estastically saying "we can be single together!" with some of her friends. The next day she sat in a corner at lunch and glared at everything that walked by her. She wouldn't talk to anyone, except to tell us to shut up. She then acted pissed off at me for the rest of the week, then today she invited me to a fair in town. I couldn't go, I was babysitting, but now I feel weird. One of my friends thinks its a plan to get me to ask her out so she can be like "hell no".

God, she confuses me a lot. Are all girls like this?

Also, no offense to any ladies of SF here.

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I think your girlfriend is and going through "single lady liberation" or something. Maybe she's trying to show you what you're missing out on and make you jealous to stoke her ego?

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I don't understand girls either, and being one myself doesn't help. My brain doesn't really function like a stereotypical girl though. It's filled with math rather than shoes.

So that answers your question: no, not all girls are like that.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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So a week ago I broke up with my (now ex-) girlfriend, and she said "Ok, I was going to break up with you tomorrow anyway.". She then acted super excited for the rest of the day, skipping down the hallways estastically saying "we can be single together!" with some of her friends. The next day she sat in a corner at lunch and glared at everything that walked by her. She wouldn't talk to anyone, except to tell us to shut up. She then acted pissed off at me for the rest of the week, then today she invited me to a fair in town. I couldn't go, I was babysitting, but now I feel weird. One of my friends thinks its a plan to get me to ask her out so she can be like "hell no".

God, she confuses me a lot. Are all girls like this?

Also, no offense to any ladies of SF here.

I'll assume due to the bolded that you are under age 17. Girls under age 17 make no sense ever. EVER. Ever.

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Are all girls like this?

Also, no offense to any ladies of SF here.

Nope. Just most young teenage girls during (silly) break-ups.

Edited by Soul
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Reminds me of all girls age 14-17. -_-'

Girls change their minds so quickly.

Like just recently, someone I didn't even know asked me to prom, and quickly changed her mind when she found out I was younger:

other: You look kinda single. Will you go to prom with me?

Me: -_-' uh...do I know you?

other: Wait, are you a junior or senior?

Me: Sophomore... -_-' (Thinks: How do people mistake funsize me as someone any older than 16?)

other: oh. Nevermind then. *Walks away*

Me: Forever_Alone.png

God they confuse me.... I mean. Do something or don't.

Stop changing your mind in the middle of doing something. >.>

*No offense to the ladies here who do that*

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I don't understand girls either, and being one myself doesn't help. My brain doesn't really function like a stereotypical girl though. It's filled with math rather than shoes.

So that answers your question: no, not all girls are like that.

I'm actually kinda like both xD Mostly sandals none of that high heel crap..... It's like I like getting different types of sandals and stuff, but not flashy.

I just like clothing/new things. =] Change things up so I don't get bored.

But, yeah, things guys say about girls like that confuse me too.

The only problem is that I think I may have acted like that once too... Once I found out shortly after getting asked out that the guy was a total creep (and realized there was somebody else in my thoughts way more than him) I kept to myself around him. At first I had been friendly then suddenly uncomfortable around him, then eventually told him about how I couldn't see us being together. I gave the second excuse, where I had someone else on my mind more. Then that stinky face was trying to convince me it was fine to like two people (also creeped me out) so that meant that he didn't get that I thought of the other person more. After that he kept bugging me then all of a sudden I didn't like him at all and became mroe and more introverted. I didn't feel like explaining to him why because then he'd try be someone he wasn't just to get me to like him and I was like "he has to actually be someone I'd like, not pretend to be" and leaving him in the dark might've confused him like girls do to all those other guys.

So... tl;rd I've grown more distant with the guy the creepier he seemed and I left him in the dark of my feelings. Might be just as confusing as those other girls.

But I swear my reasons seemed good to me D=

Maybe I understand those girls after all without knowing......

Edited by Freohr Datia
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PEOPLE are crazy. Guys can act weird, too.

Anyway, you're young, and if she's acting like that, then you have much better things to do with your time.

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I've talked to this girl who says that 2 weeks has been a LONG TIME since she's gotten a dress.

...I think there would be issues down the road. I think I'm about ready to pass on this one.

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I've talked to this girl who says that 2 weeks has been a LONG TIME since she's gotten a dress.

...I think there would be issues down the road. I think I'm about ready to pass on this one.

Just think how much money that is without letting your brain at least partially explode.

Yeah, "all girls ages 14-17 are crazy and weird"...I turned 14 a month ago and just finished texting a girl who i've been texting nearly all day...FUCK

Edited by Fenrir
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You broke her heart and she was trying to cover it up, but when the next day came around, she couldn't handle that anymore and began releasing the pent up depression. Inviting you out could be her trying to make up with you. Legitimately, not to reject you.

That is my expert interpretation.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Personally, all of my friends that happen to be girls aren't crazy, although how I look at people is within 3 categories (Male, Female, Moron), and girls happen to be the majority that occupies the latter.

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well fox's explanation made the most sense to me and as I've said it's what I originally thought, but then again I tend to devalue people as petty beings without foundation that make no effort to stand, breaking down over the tiniest shit, tripping over the tiniest pebbles

probably not a very pragmatic view

i hope

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The girls I know don't generally seem to be that crazy, some could do with some more common sense but for me it seems to be the boys who are verging on crazy.

Buying a bust of Thatcher, getting pissed off your tits and calling the Qu'ran you're boyfriend, absent mindedly singing rape me whilst walking through a dark overpass, accusing teachers of lesbian affairs or campaigning for the Lego party with the slogan "building a future fair for all."

Seems pretty crazy to me and that's without mentioning the likes of Tory Zombie Death Massacre.

Edited by mikethfc
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Sort of reminds me of how my sister dealt with her last boyfriend. She essentially provoked him into breaking up with her, real life trolling him, if you will, over the phone. To summarize, "you are too stupid to live, get out of life, how do you even exist". Yeah, as of late, any slight disagreement and you are instantly stupid. She seems to have adopted the "you are free to think however you want, just so long as it agrees with what I think" philosophy that I've observed. That, or I am better off not worrying about her thought process.

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The girls I know don't generally seem to be that crazy, some could do with some more common sense but for me it seems to be the boys who are verging on crazy.

Buying a bust of Thatcher, getting pissed off your tits and calling the Qu'ran you're boyfriend, absent mindedly singing rape me whilst walking through a dark overpass, accusing teachers of lesbian affairs or campaigning for the Lego party with the slogan "building a future fair for all."

Seems pretty crazy to me and that's without mentioning the likes of Tory Zombie Death Massacre.

that sounds amazing and the best

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Not only girls, but moody teenage kids too (like me in high school, laud that's all I can say). At one moment, you want to seem like you're the winner in this breakup, then later, you try to get attention by acting mad, then you realize, your ex is going to find someone else and you're going to be alone and truly the loser in the breakup, so you try to get them back subtly.

If you can't tell, I had a lulzy high school career, thank God that's behind me. xD

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