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Pokemon Legendaries Mafia - Game Over


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Poor birdies ;-;

One thing I just remembered is that when I played mafia waaay back then I was town for 2-3 of those games and I think they lost every time... And the one time I was mafia, mafia lost. I must really suck ;A; Why'd I join??

Well it's a game so it'd be fun =o Guess that's what it was.

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Lugia is such an excellent leader. He can't even convince his own trio to be on his side.

Though we technically don't know about Articuno yet ;/

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Jb is trolling us. Trolling us hard.

Not only was that Haze doing the update, but if they really wanted to troll with a fake role PM they would've used the one I sent Kaoz and Pariah.

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Not only was that Haze doing the update, but if they really wanted to troll with a fake role PM they would've used the one I sent Kaoz and Pariah.

I was actually tempted to just make the entire update pokemon puns tbh.

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/me quickly revives self


/me goes back to being dead

Somebody quick, use rapid spin and get rid of those damn stealth rocks.

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[6/30/2011 10:23:37 PM] JBCWK: Will you be around in 2 hours?

[6/30/2011 10:23:41 PM] Haze: Probably, yeah

[6/30/2011 10:23:45 PM] JBCWK: alright

[6/30/2011 10:23:50 PM] JBCWK: I might not be able to get this update done

[6/30/2011 10:23:58 PM | Edited 10:24:01 PM] JBCWK: And I don't want to stretch the night 12 hours

[6/30/2011 10:23:59 PM] Haze: So should I just post

[6/30/2011 10:24:07 PM] JBCWK: I was gonna pass you mike's role PM actually

[6/30/2011 10:24:10 PM] Haze: "You lynched Mikethfc, he was townie something"

[6/30/2011 10:24:12 PM] Haze: Oh okay

[6/30/2011 10:24:35 PM] Haze: So phase ends in two hours?

[6/30/2011 10:24:46 PM] JBCWK: if mike still has more than 1 vote on him

[6/30/2011 10:24:50 PM] JBCWK: honestly I should just end it now

[6/30/2011 10:24:52 PM] JBCWK: but ;/

[6/30/2011 10:25:01 PM] Haze: People would complain

[6/30/2011 10:25:04 PM] JBCWK: yeah

[6/30/2011 10:25:13 PM | Edited 10:25:15 PM] JBCWK: well it ends in 1 hr 50 minutes

[6/30/2011 10:25:34 PM] Haze: So at 5:15 here

[6/30/2011 10:25:47 PM] Haze: k

[6/30/2011 10:26:06 PM] JBCWK: thanks

[6/30/2011 10:26:13 PM] JBCWK: i'll just post the entire thing here

[6/30/2011 10:26:19 PM] Haze: k

[6/30/2011 10:26:22 PM] JBCWK: <Role PM here>

[6/30/2011 10:26:30 PM] JBCWK: just c+p that

[6/30/2011 10:26:34 PM] Haze: Will do

[6/30/2011 10:26:56 PM] Haze: Then It is now Night 4, phase ends whenever?

[6/30/2011 10:27:12 PM] Haze: *Night 5

[6/30/2011 10:27:14 PM] JBCWK: just say phase ends when i can get online to say when phase ends

[6/30/2011 10:27:17 PM] JBCWK: =P

[6/30/2011 10:27:23 PM] Haze: k

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that was a horrible derp

StSS was admiring himself in the mirror when all of a sudden, it exploded in his face! He was so scared of the explosion that he stabbed himself to death with the mirror shards.

Dear user,

You are Virizion, the Grassland Pokémon.


You fought humans in order to protect your friends. Legends about you continue to be passed down.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – Stand guard over USER”. You will protect USER during the night phase, and any non-fatal actions on USER will fail. However, any killing actions will succeed on USER. You may not protect yourself. SNIP

You are allied with the Guardians. You win when you have achieved parity with the town and all other threats have been eliminated.

It seems to be clear to everyone that an evil force has been wiped out. They're right, because the Guardians have been eliminated from the game!

It's not all good news though! Paperblade attempted to prove the Riemann Hypothesis last night, and the disappointment of failing to do so caused him to split his head open!

Dear user,

You are Regigigas, the Colossal Pokémon.


You are said to have made Pokémon that look like yourself from a special ice mountain, rocks, and magma.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – Protect USER”. You will use your huge body to prevent anyone from attacking USER. However, due to your Slow Start, you will be unable to use this ability until Night 2. You may also use this ability to protect yourself once. SNIP

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Also, Snikitty has been subbed in for Anouleth, and I derped really bad so as of last night, Kaoz and Paperblade can talk again! Except Paperblade can't really talk.

It is now Day 6. Day ends on 4 July 2011, 9pm, GMT +8.

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Thanks to Haze, I just remembered I didn't make Rein a BPV.

Dear user,

You are Reshiram, the Vast White Pokémon.


When your tail flares, the heat energy moves the atmosphere and changes the world's weather.

During the Night Phase, if you are targeted to be killed, you will retaliate against your target and kill them as well. SNIP

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Yes he is dead

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I know I've said that I have no interest in this game but since we are down to finding our last mafia member, let's just end this. Results from last night (since JB forced me to investigate every single night, bastard...).

Dear user,

You are Articuno, the Freeze Pokémon.


You are a legendary bird Pokémon. You can create blizzards by freezing moisture in the air.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – Rescue USER from the mountains”. You will save USER from the harsh cold of the mountains, but USER will feel so cold that they will be unable to speak the next day. SNIP

You are allied with the Outlaws. You win when you have achieved parity with the town and all other threats have been eliminated.

And with that... Lynch Freohr Datia to end the game.

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