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I didn't say I would get to decide anything, I said we'll probably end up deciding together rather than him leaving it to the staff :P:. Just thought I'd let you guys know we're not like..imploding or something!

Plus I don't eat much chocolate! Offer me something else.

How about 2 chocolates, its more than one. :awesome:

Edited by mikethfc
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Oh dear. . .then I'd never be able to play mafia again!

*runs while she can*

Just because you CAN see people exchanging PMs doesn't mean you WOULD do it during Mafia.

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Why is tang the best mod? Well, Nightmarre was her only competition as the active face of Serenes, and he is gone.

Tang as mod ---> admin (IMO, duh). And let her ban me forever the next day, I will tell you that she made an excellent decision (tho I may change my mind l8r, it will be too late to make an impact.)

Tang, don't you still have fox? Among many others? You still have a member base? We need you and you need us.


Keep doing what you're doing, you kick ass at it.

As for picking new mods.....


I dunno.....

You guys know better.....

EDIT-If vince shut down the whole forum it would help me out a lot, but maybe not you guys, that's why I think I should be banned.

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You are the most eccentric person I think I have ever met, Severlan. I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about most of the time :P:.

My love for the universe, my realization of the universe's fully conscious love for me, how I ended that love of my own choice and can never get it back, my decision to try and make all the other parts of the universe love each other, and my realization as I make that commitment that I will fail, always, far harder than I will succeed.

As usual, I am just talking out of my ass, equally inspired by Sun Tzu's The Art of War, Eve offering the apple to Adam and Adam taking it, and a bug I squashed once because it seemed to be in pain.


Edited by SeverIan
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