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Silly me. I began posting and I even forgot to introduce myself xD

Hello, I'm Niharu, also know as "Nihalla" or "Nih". I'm italian so excuse me for my english xD

I'm a big fan of Fire Emblem, and I especially love FE 4 (The Love system is just awesome ù_ù ...AyraxJamka <3)

Right now I'm playing Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (again xD) in Hard Mode. I just plan on using every single unit and I won't stop playing until I'll achieve this xD

My favorite characters are probably Oscar, Pelleas, Tinny and Levin (FE 4) and Rebecca (FE 7) ^o^

Right now I'm also beginning to like Aran a lot, because he saved me a lot of times thanks to his awesome defense xD

Well, I don't know what to say now... òwò" If you have questions, please just tell me ^-^"

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Silly me. I began posting and I even forgot to introduce myself xD

Hello, I'm Niharu, also know as "Nihalla" or "Nih". I'm italian so excuse me for my english xD

I'm a big fan of Fire Emblem, and I especially love FE 4 (The Love system is just awesome ù_ù ...AyraxJamka <3)

Right now I'm playing Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (again xD) in Hard Mode. I just plan on using every single unit and I won't stop playing until I'll achieve this xD

My favorite characters are probably Oscar, Pelleas, Tinny and Levin (FE 4) and Rebecca (FE 7) ^o^

Right now I'm also beginning to like Aran a lot, because he saved me a lot of times thanks to his awesome defense xD

Well, I don't know what to say now... òwò" If you have questions, please just tell me ^-^"

Using everyone... Does that mean, just, using, or... Getting everyone their masteries. Which is my definition of using everyone. (Or, possibly all masteries, are there enough satori's?)

I only had all beorc units third tier, but didn't use any laguz. :(

So... Welcome, and have fun!

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I think that would be nearly impossible, unfortunately!

I plan on bringing everyone at least once in the Final Chapters xD But that's taking a lot of time! O_O I think I'll just pass on units like Danved... xD

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But uh, AideenXJamka forever.

Hi, I'm Spykor, don't mind my opinions on things. Though I enjoy voicing them a lot, usually they're far from mainstream.

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But uh, AideenXJamka forever.

Hi, I'm Spykor, don't mind my opinions on things. Though I enjoy voicing them a lot, usually they're far from mainstream.

Hello, Spykor ^o^!

I just prefer AyraxJamka because Skasaha will have all great stats (and luck) and they won't lack skill, thanks to Ayra's blood xD (as you know, Jamka has a quite poor skill growth °_°""

As for Aideen, I usually pair her with Fin. Even if he'll lose the Brave Lance in 2nd gen, you'll get that back in no time. The great thing is that he will have a conversation with Rana in which she gathers +5 mag. (and she gets the prayer skill as well, that is quite useful)

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Welcome to Serenes Forest!

I prefer AyraxHolyn better for the massively destructive power of Lakche and Skasaher, but that's cool too.

Hope you enjoy your time here and make friends or get to know more people XD.

Anyways, welcome aboard.

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Welcome to the Forest.

I don't really care for Ayra's pairs all that much. Whether it be Lex, Holyn, Noce, Jamuka, Dew, as long as I can get Ayra the Brave Sword, I'm okay. (Although I do like the overkill Astra + Critical combo on Ayra's kids.) I likely won't do Azel, Claude, or Alec with Ayra though. And I also like pairing Aideen with Midayle even if only for the Pursuit + Brave Bow combo. And Midayle!Lester hasn't failed me just yet.

Just be aware though, some guys will be all "my elitism is better than yours" on here. Especially in FE unit debates. Know what's what with good units and bad units, you'll be fine in those debates.

All in all, I hope you enjoy your time in the Forest.

Edited by Elmer
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Dear Neighbor,

Wahaha, I am Waha Kife. You may only refer to me as Waha Kife. If you call me anything but Waha Kife, you will be seriously punished. I mean seriously. This is not an empty threat. Also, don't quote me without changing the title of the quote to Waha Kife. Waha Kife. You better not leave or I will haunt you IRL. Seriously, not kidding. Anyway, enjoy your stay. You better...

With these tough economic times, you might want to consider using a Knife for protection instead of a Gun. You can conceal Knives easier and they are more lethal at close range. Unless you got a Gun to someone's head. Why am I capitalizing Gun and Knife? Just cuz. Is this paragraph relevant to the introduction? Shut up, you ask too many questions.

There are many dicks on this forum. Not the kinds that would be appealing to females or homosexual men. Many were weeded out by the travel back in time. Oh yeah, the forum is actually 3 months older than it appears. That's cuz of a bug that caused the site to have amnesia. I think. The forums reopened up in early January 2008, although it was open like 2 months before that. Somebody had server payment issues.

Call me Waha Kife. I know I said this already, but people still seem to call me by my screen name. Only people on my list can call me Knife. My list is in the "about me" section of my profile. You can still apply to be on the list, but remember to call me Waha Kife.

I've never copied & pasted. Never. I like to take my time writing out all my messages to make more of an impression. I am Waha Ashamed of everyone who uses copy & paste. How can I tell? I just do. I don't know why the computer geeks added in a copy & paste feature, but I think that was the worst move ever.

I've been here longer than 2 years (with a bunch of breaks in between), so respect mah senioritay. I never really did much. Oh yeah, I helped kick start a Fire Emblem fangame based on users on this site. I disappeared for 2 months and people assumed I was dead. I helped a lot of users get banned. Hell, I don't know why they still keep me here.

Don't be a Waha Idiot either. I know some guys in the intro threads that seem to be following me around trying to piss me of. If you become a Waha Idiot and annoy me too much, you will be Waha Punished™. Oh yeah, don't break the forum rules or you will be Waha Punished™. What the mods will do to you is nothing compared to what I will do to you...

Why don't I change my display name to Waha Kife? Why don't you shut up? What? You never asked me? Bullshit, I can read your mind. I know your deepest fears. Like I said, if you go inactive, I will come for you IRL. Only I can do that. How come? Again, you ask too many questions (even though you didn't ask them).

Now I must end this rant, because you probably stopped caring about whatever I said. What was the point of writing this message? To test you. If you skipped everything, you can go fuck yourself. But if you took the time to read this, maybe we can be friends and maybe you could call me Knife. But whatever you do, don't get on my bad side or you will receive Waha Punishment™.

What is Waha Punishment™? You don't want to find out. The last guy who received Waha Punishment™ didn't post for an entire day. A week later, he got banned. Surely you do not want to suffer the same fate (or do you?)...

Hey! No Fire Emblem talk allowed in the intro boards.

*looks at forum name*

Never mind, I guess you can. I forget sometimes.


Waha Kife

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Dear Neighbor,

Wahaha, I am Waha Kife. You may only refer to me as Waha Kife. If you call me anything but Waha Kife, you will be seriously punished. I mean seriously. This is not an empty threat. Also, don't quote me without changing the title of the quote to Waha Kife. Waha Kife. You better not leave or I will haunt you IRL. Seriously, not kidding. Anyway, enjoy your stay. You better...

Alright, I'll do that! ^-^

*O* I never knew I had a neighbor called Waha Kife!

With these tough economic times, you might want to consider using a Knife for protection instead of a Gun. You can conceal Knives easier and they are more lethal at close range. Unless you got a Gun to someone's head. Why am I capitalizing Gun and Knife? Just cuz. Is this paragraph relevant to the introduction? Shut up, you ask too many questions.

I had never thought about it o.o Maybe I should go with the knife, then! Thanks <3 I'm glad to know that you worry about my safety, Waha Kife. ù_ù (And I haven't asked anything ! é_é)

I've been here longer than 2 years (with a bunch of breaks in between), so respect mah senioritay. I never really did much. Oh yeah, I helped kick start a Fire Emblem fangame based on users on this site. I disappeared for 2 months and people assumed I was dead. I helped a lot of users get banned. Hell, I don't know why they still keep me here.

Awwww! You're getting old, Sir Waha Granpa Kife! Is there anything I can do for you? ^-^ Maybe do you feel like a cup of tea, or something like that?

Now I must end this rant, because you probably stopped caring about whatever I said. What was the point of writing this message? To test you. If you skipped everything, you can go fuck yourself. But if you took the time to read this, maybe we can be friends and maybe you could call me Knife. But whatever you do, don't get on my bad side or you will receive Waha Punishment™.

Sweet! a test *-* Have I passed it? I haven't skipped a thing, I swear it! é_é

What is Waha Punishment™? You don't want to find out. The last guy who received Waha Punishment™ didn't post for an entire day. A week later, he got banned. Surely you do not want to suffer the same fate (or do you?)...

You're scaring me, Waha Grandpa >_<

Hey! No Fire Emblem talk allowed in the intro boards.

*looks at forum name*

Never mind, I guess you can. I forget sometimes.

Alzheimer maybe?

Anyway, thanks for the long post, Waha Kife! ^-^ I'll be sure to enjoy it here in order not to be Waha Punished xD

Edited by Niharu
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I think that would be nearly impossible, unfortunately!

I plan on bringing everyone at least once in the Final Chapters xD But that's taking a lot of time! O_O I think I'll just pass on units like Danved... xD

No. Use Danved.

Also welcome! I too am a fan of Pelleas. I hope you have fun using everyone in RD. Enjoy your time here.

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Hi. I'm Crashman_alpha, the soon-to-be pokemon champ of the forums. I hope you have a fun time here.

My favorite characters are probably Oscar, Pelleas, Tinny and Levin (FE 4) and Rebecca (FE 7) ^o^

Hey, what do you know, I like Tinny, too!

Well, for me, it's a bit more then like, but yeah, you know what I mean.

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Alright, I'll do that! ^-^

*O* I never knew I had a neighbor called Waha Kife!

I had never thought about it o.o Maybe I should go with the knife, then! Thanks <3 I'm glad to know that you worry about my safety, Waha Kife. ù_ù (And I haven't asked anything ! é_é)

Awwww! You're getting old, Sir Waha Granpa Kife! Is there anything I can do for you? ^-^ Maybe do you feel like a cup of tea, or something like that?

Sweet! a test *-* Have I passed it? I haven't skipped a thing, I swear it! é_é

You're scaring me, Waha Grandpa >_<

Alzheimer maybe?

Anyway, thanks for the long post, Waha Kife! ^-^ I'll be sure to enjoy it here in order not to be Waha Punished xD

Hey, I'm not Waha Old. Don't call me Waha Grandpa! And yes, I would like some tea!

i think knife should stop at the first line, always. I lol'd at the "neighbor" thing.

I don't take Waha Criticism very well. Do you want another dose of Waha Punishment?

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Hey, I'm not Waha Old. Don't call me Waha Grandpa! And yes, I would like some tea!

Then stop insisting that you're older than others.

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Then stop insisting that you're older than others.

I know you quoted me correctly, but still. Do you want to get Waha Punished? Also...


What? I can't like Waha Kitties?

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