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(FE10) KP FE10 HM Draft

KP 2010

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*Is still shocked Volug & Zihark made it to the 2nd round*

Sorry i was sleeping lol. Ill edit my picks once i see whos left.

Edit: cain and tormod. I wonder though, is ike beatable without sleep in 3-13? I was thinking of drafting laura just for that lulz.

I only needed Edward to defeat Ike, and he didn't even have Resolve on. But I admit getting terribly lucky to pull that off (Just didn't want to restart because I left Resolve on Tormod ): ).

Edited by Saber
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With that said, you only need an Edward with 23 Spd under the influence of Resolve to double a capped Ike, if Ike even caps Spd, that is. I'm sure you can have Edward with 30 AS before 3rd tier promotion.

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I was thinking Beastfoe for Miccy and Paragon+Adept for Volug while Sothe took resolve.(3-6)

then for 3-12 Volug has adept/resolve while Miccy has paragon.

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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Are you sure? I usually use it on Lyre at 3-7 to increase her strike. By the way, Volug only wants Adept to 3HKO Tigers. A 40 Atk Volug does that.

Edited by Saber
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You might as well stick Beastfoe and Paragon on Volug. He OHKOs cats, but that didn't stop him from reaching SS strike in 4-P. You don't have to rely on chancy Adept activations on tigers and you won't have random Adept activations gimping you out of WEXP on cats.

Edited by dondon151
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How many levels can Volug gain in 3-6 with Paragon? I want him to be equal to or superior to Skrimir by 4-P. Also if Adept doesn't work to raise his strike should I still keep it or ship it to the GM's?

Ohh Beastfoe and Paragon on him for 3-6? what about Micaiah? what a silly question I'll just give her adept.

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How many levels can Volug gain in 3-6 with Paragon? I want him to be equal to or superior to Skrimir by 4-P. Also if Adept doesn't work to raise his strike should I still keep it or ship it to the GM's?

Ohh Beastfoe and Paragon on him for 3-6? what about Micaiah? what a silly question I'll just give her adept.

He needs to be exposed to alot many enemies if you want him to gain those levels. He can.

Also, Adept on Micaiah? -_-

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Doesn't she use it well? I don't know who else to give it to. Sothe doesn't use it well on Part 3..

I just remembered...Boyd can use it well or someone in the GMs

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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Ah didnt know that. So extra attacks from brave weapons dont give WEXP either?

I think they do. It's just a property of the skill Adept that makes it so you don't gain WEXP when it activates.

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And just because you lack it doesn't mean there's no such thing. It's much more than just muscles and banging women.

I was just kidding... mostly anyway.

I'll take Giffca now that Cain is gone.

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I was just kidding... mostly anyway.

I'll take Giffca now that Cain is gone.

There are those who troll. & those who say that they were trolling. WAITWHATTHEFUCK? I saw a diagram on it last night lolol

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