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Welcome to America, the country where you can get away with murder.


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Obviously the America I love is not the America that exists today. That is because I am in love with an ideal, not a reality.

(EDIT: Moar later but just ordered to do other things)

Edited by Loki Laufeyjarson
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It's okay, now she can dedicate her life to finding the real killer, right?

Joking aside, I only have a very basic knowledge of the case, so I can't say that she absolutely should have been convicted, however from what I've heard it sounds pretty obvious that she did it.

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It is too bad so many people are jumping through loopholes. Just goes to show the people in power don't really care about doing anything that isn't for themselves, or making a mockery of other people. Go go go "reasonable doubt." It's certainly reasonable by the measure of my mind, but I am completely insane.

Now, if you were to ask me if I could do a better job, or plan something better, the answer would have to be a resounding NO. I would try and fail hard.

Edited by Loki Laufeyjarson
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I honestly don't care about the verdict. Either she spent life in jail, or she lives utterly hated by just about everyone. It really sucks for her if she actually is somehow innocent. :/

And now Nancy Grace needs another little white girl to go crazy on for a few years.

Edited by Swordsalmon
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I honestly don't care about the verdict. Either she spent life in jail, or she lives utterly hated by just about everyone. It really sucks for her if she actually is somehow innocent. :/

I doubt that just about everyone will hate her...for my part, I would show mercy towards her if she showed signs of real atonement (i.e. trust of others and willingness to admit wrongdoing). But I would be VERY careful about believing any attempts at such an act which aren't sincere.

Edited by Loki Laufeyjarson
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Apparently, from what I heard, the prosecutors were doing a lousy job with providing evidence. Of course, I have no clue what situation in the court really was, but its a pity if she was the one that really did it. It definitely sounds like she did, but there's not much that can be done now. Like Swordsalmon mentioned, its not like she'll be escaping public scorn. Who knows, she might actually one day understand what she has done and the terror of realizing she destroyed an innocent human life, let alone her own daughter, will torment her. She just better hope she doesn't come face to face with a vigilante!

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Obviously the America I love is not the America that exists today. That is because I am in love with an ideal, not a reality.

(EDIT: Moar later but just ordered to do other things)

What ideal are you in love with?

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I just want to say that i think the reason most people think shes guilty is because of the media convicting her before her trial not because they actually knew the case

And it's a real shame too. But, we can't really expect more than that, can we--that people had their viewpoints decided for them.

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My aunt who apparently followed this 24/7 told me that evidence which would have easily given her a guilty verdict was tampered with.

I honestly don't care about the verdict. Either she spent life in jail, or she lives utterly hated by just about everyone. It really sucks for her if she actually is somehow innocent. :/

And now Nancy Grace needs another little white girl to go crazy on for a few years.

dont wanna come across as a condescending bastard but, I believe it was the death sentence. This lady should get locked up for a long time, but i dont think anybody should get death.

OJ Simpson 2.0

theres alot of good stuff on the internet with OJ and her lol

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Well I think the idea of justice is stupid in and of itself so hey I say good for her. Prison and the death penalty are both stupid, and so is the whole court system.

I'm not sure if you are serious or not, but how do you think we should deal with criminals, then? A slap on the wrist definitely won't stop a thief from thieving! I also personally support the death penalty, but only to the worst of the worst, such as serial killers, and only if it is a 100% surety that they are guilty.

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hey assholes, stop pretending you know the truth. you don't, rofl.

nice to know it took an attractive woman getting away with murder for people to realize just how fucked up our legal system is. hooray! if you don't get spoonfed by the media, nobody really cares.

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Not enough evidence, it's as simple as that. It's a good thing she wasn't convicted. Whether she did it or not, at least the jury, with the mediocre evidence given, could not believe beyond "a shadow of a doubt," that she was guilty.

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it's not supposed to prove anything beyond a shadow of a doubt, you're supposed to prove it without reasonable doubt.

the problem was that the prosecution was going for no less than the death penalty. had they settled for something less extreme, maybe this could have gone differently. probably not because she was still an attractive white female, but we can hope.

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I'm not sure if you are serious or not, but how do you think we should deal with criminals, then? A slap on the wrist definitely won't stop a thief from thieving! I also personally support the death penalty, but only to the worst of the worst, such as serial killers, and only if it is a 100% surety that they are guilty.

I was serious, but I also don't really have a way to fix it either :/

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Well I think the idea of justice is stupid in and of itself so hey I say good for her. Prison and the death penalty are both stupid, and so is the whole court system.

Why are justice, prison, and the death penalty all stupid? I mean, the death penalty is pretty debatable I guess, but prison and the concept of justice itself? I'm think you're going to have a tough time showing how they're wrong.

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“Casey Anthony was found not guilty of murdering her daughter, as the American public stands by in shock and awe. In other news, millions of sick and dying American children and adults still don’t have healthcare, to the shock and awe of absolutely nobody.” — Jon Stewart

I'll just leave this here.

This too.


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I can't express how happy I am she was not convicted. Another win for circumstantial evidence being ridiculous.

And, to be honest, the more I read, the less I think she killed Caylee. She wasn't going to win any mother of the year awards, but she seems to have at least understood what being a mother was somewhat about.

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