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Annoying Wild Pokemon


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Have there ever been any wild Pokemon (non-legendary) that have been really annoying to you?

In Gold and Silver, Tentacool/Tentacruel, Tangela, and Graveller were really annoying. The first two for their wrapping attacks and poisoning and the latter for always self destructing.

3rd and 4th Generation I currently can't think of anything that was annoying.

Black and White, Boldores (and any other wild Pokemon with Sturdy to a lesser extent) proved to be really annoying since they just have to get one big hit on you before finally fainting the second turn. Basculin are also annoying, though more for the fact that they're hard to capture than because of what they do in battle (besides Uproar, which makes it hard to put to sleep for capture). I always False Swipe them, Sleep Powder them, then throw the Pokeball, only to have them escape each and every Pokeball. I swear, the Three Musketeer Legendary trio were easier to capture than them. Then again, PEMN.

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Koffing in RSE is getting real annoying because he either poisons or selfdestructs. Spinda gets annoying because near fallarbor town you keep finding it again and again. Whismur gets annoying because it appears again and again in caves and it usually only uses uproar.

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I'd say the Selfdestruct and Explosion ones would be fairly annoying to most, but I usually always have a Ghost type in my team so they don't bother me that much.

For Black and White I especially loved to use Pignite's Arm Thrust against the early Roggenrolas. When it was time to fight Boldores I usually had at least a Mold Breaker Fraxure/Haxorus to tear them apart in one hit.

Edited by Dio
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Zubat/Golbat. Every. Fucking. Cave.

Oh yeah forgot about them. I just keep going "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" They got on my nerves so much!! xD Usually it seems the cave ones are the ones that annoy me most.

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Zubats/Golbats. Full stop. They're fast which makes training a slower Pokemon a pain, and they also love Confuse Ray.

Geodudes/Gravelers. Also common in caves, and they LOVE to explode in your face if you don't oneshot them, which means better lead with your grass or water type.

Koffing/Weezing. Poison and Selfdestructing... Joy. Even worse starting in third gen since they only have one weakness.

Tentacool/Tentacruel. Very very common on sea routes, and can be annoying to take out when they aren't at levels so low you'll debate whether they're even worth the time and PP to defeat them.

Pineco. What the hell, they learn Selfdestruct THAT early?!?

Bidoof/Bibarel. So frigging common. I want my Starly/Shinx/Budew/Ralts dammit!

Watchog. Bide. Detect. Mean Look. Hypnosis. Confuse Ray. Super Fang. Crunch. They have all the tools they need to annoy the crap out of you.

Boldores. Frigging Sturdy... At least they don't learn any suicide attacks until high levels.

Basculin. I'd like to see something else in Unova's waters, for Pete's sake! It doesn't help that they have moves like Aqua Tail and Double-Edge, which run off their good Attack, in addition to being hard to run from. Oh, and if you happen to see one above level 51, they have Final Gambit.

Durant. While they only appear in one place (Victory Road), they utterly infest the place (40% encounter rate on all floors).

Bronzor/Bronzong. Type combination leaves them with two weaknesses, but their abilities either blunt or negate one of them.

Wynaut/Wobbuffet. Two words: Shadow Tag.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Zubat/Golbat. Every. Fucking. Cave.

No kidding.

Trapinch and Diglett are annoying because of Arena Trap. Magikarp because they always come up when you fish, no matter the rod. Anything while surfing, that's when I spam repels.

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Lol yeah I get nervous whenever I see the entrance because that's usually the time where pokemon pop out the most.

Well actually it only seems that way they pop up every 5 steps so it takes another five steps till you're actually right by the entrance but it's just such horrible timing D=

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Zubats/Golbats - DAMN YOU CONFUSE RAY! Meet a Golbat above LV.50, and say hi to Poison Fang.

Woobats - Simply Zubat deluxe package, now with Confusion, Heart Stamp and Gust to irritate people... Oh and Air Cutter too!

Geodude/Graveller - Namely Explosion and Self-destruct. TIME TO READY MY WATER TYPES!

Koffing/Weezing - Two words, Exploding and Poison... WTF! Since they have levitate, Psychics only can whack them to bits!

Trapinch/Diglett - DAMN YOU ARENA TRAP!

Wynaut/Wobbuffet - DAMN YOU SHADOW TAG!

Tentacool/Tentacruel - The only one that I do not really find that annoying in 3rd and 4th gen, I usually catch one of these, but Poison and Constrict? UGH....


Roggenrolas/Boldores - Not as annoying as Geodude's group, but still Sturdy is DAMN IRRITATING!


Voltorb/Electrode - In Power Plant areas, this thing likes to trollface at you!


Bronzor/Bronzong - Levitate or Heat-proof... PICK YOUR POISON!

Rattata/Raticate - TWO WORDS....HYPER... FANG!

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Zubats/Golbats because FUCKING EVERYWHERE and confusion.

Geodudes/Gravelers because FUCKING EVERYWHERE and selfdestruct.

Pikachu and other mons with static because it triggers all the time.

Bronzor/Bronzong because of high defenses and random weakness.

Roggenrolas/Boldores because of Sturdy.

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Woobats - Simply Zubat deluxe package, now with Confusion, Heart Stamp and Gust to irritate people... Oh and Air Cutter too!
With the satisfaction of only coming in one dungeon!
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Are you a (sorta) common Pokemon with an ability that triggers when I touch you (Poison Point, Static, etc.)? I probably don't want to see you.

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IIRC Woobats appear in every cave, yes... even Victory Road!

Other than that... They're easy to deal later on though... :/:

Edited by Frostbite
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Oh wait, you're right... the thing is I don't remember them being that much of a nuisance, though but then again i liked the long sea routes in RSE so.... to each their own.

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IIRC Woobats appear in every cave, yes... even Victory Road!

Other than that... They're easy to deal later on though... :/:

They don't appear in Chargestone Cave. And indeed, they're just small fries later on. Especially compared to Durants, which infest Victory Road.

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Argh those small little fries are the ones that annoy me because they don't help at all when I need training. Problem is whenever I need training, the pokemon are always weaker than my party. So after beating all the trainers I still need training, but don't have anybody to train against that'll be a big help. It just gets annoying having to take so many battles to move a pokemon up even a level.

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You guys are annoyed easily.

I can honestly say that there aren't many wild Pokemon that annoy me.

Only fleeing Legendary Pokemon because it's more busy work for the player. Everything else I can deal with.

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You guys are annoyed easily.

I can honestly say that there aren't many wild Pokemon that annoy me.

Only fleeing Legendary Pokemon because it's more busy work for the player. Everything else I can deal with.

Lol that's actually impressive. The pokemon just get too old too fast xD And, yeah, I still would like it to be easier to train pokemon and level them up.

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