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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 98


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Just because you don't understand them doesn't mean they're runes. That's like saying everyone who isn't Christian is a Pagan.



Also, nominate Best/Worst Verbal Tic

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That's still major blood, dumbass.

Oh right, dat Valkyrie; will edit~.

Edited by Maji
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Best: Holsety

Well, it's mercilessly overpowered, when given to Arthur it's available from the first chapter of the second generation, for a chunk of the first generation and available in Thracia 776. There is no real contest here.

Worst: Sol Katti

The twin of the Mani Katti, eh? With 11 MT and 14 WT to Lyn's 6 Con? Man, with her 16 years the poor Girl is gonna break her back. Thanks Athos, but I think I will stick with a Silver Sword.

Edit: Btw, Athos called the Sol Katti the twin of the Mani Katti. The Mani Katti is described as the most famous sword of Sacea and was in a shrine where where people prayed to it. It was also described as sacred and only the swords chosen wielder can use it.

Sounds pretty legendary to me and when the Sol Katti is it's twin the two should be pretty much equal.

Edited by BrightBow
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Best: Sword of Seals. Anything that makes Roy good is amazing. Honourable mention to Gradivus (1-2 range and full HP recovery?) and Holsety.

Worst: Gleipnir or however the hell you spell it.

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Poor Gleipnir is going to lose. :( I don't get what's so bad about it. Then again, I always use Knoll, and find he manages to kick a hefty amount of butt with Gleipnir.

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Poor Gleipnir is going to lose. :( I don't get what's so bad about it. Then again, I always use Knoll, and find he manages to kick a hefty amount of butt with Gleipnir.

Ehh... Knoll is often considered one of the worst FE8 characters statwise. Same goes with Ewan. And the two of them are the only ones who can use it in the main game. On top of that, as powerful as it is, it's also very heavy. Using it reduces Knoll's AS by 12, and Ewan's AS by 13. Body Rings alone aren't gonna cover it. And it's a black sheep among Sacred Twin weapons because it lacks effectiveness against monsters. Edited by Elmer
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Eh, always found it plenty useful for me. But I'm more concerned with using characters I enjoy aesthetically or personality-wise than mechanically speaking. Same goes for weapons/spells.

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See, the thing is it ISN'T very powerful. IIRC, it's the weakest against monsters. Too bad, too, because Knoll and Ewan wouldn't mind the extra punch. Not to mention it screws over their AS, which wasn't very good to begin with.

Edited by Rewjeo
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Honestly, what I like about it is the increased skill.

Interesting that you'd say that, because Excalibur and Ivaldi both have +10 hit and +10/+5 crit, respectively, over Gleipnir, which is like having +5 skl and a bit more, but also give +5 to more useful stats.

EDIT: Huh, guess I'm going soft. That didn't sound as mean as I wanted it to.

Edited by dondon151
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Increased skill relative to other Elder Magic tomes, not increased skill relative to other tomes as a whole. The majority of Elder Magic is highly inaccurate, which makes one with a good hit rating (even if poorer than it's Anima/Light counterparts, that's to be expected) a nice addition. And maybe it's just me. I'm someone people don't like being mean to. Because I'm huggy and try and be nice. :)

And at least the increased skill means something compared to Balberith's increased strength. Love it, but that's a rather useless stat to boost. Not like he's liable to double most foes, so something that increases, say, damage (either by hitting harder or more accurately) would have been nice.

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Increased skill relative to other Elder Magic tomes, not increased skill relative to other tomes as a whole. The majority of Elder Magic is highly inaccurate, which makes one with a good hit rating (even if poorer than it's Anima/Light counterparts, that's to be expected) a nice addition. And maybe it's just me. I'm someone people don't like being mean to. Because I'm huggy and try and be nice. :)

And at least the increased skill means something compared to Balberith's increased strength. Love it, but that's a rather useless stat to boost. Not like he's liable to double most foes, so something that increases, say, damage (either by hitting harder or more accurately) would have been nice.

I like the Strength boost. It means more AS, which means that much less chance of being doubled. . .not like Pelleas had godly Speed to begin with, but every little bit helps.

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Eh, he has good enough Speed, but not enough to double (though the +3 Strength is negligible, since he's got a base 13 I believe (does, just went to check)). So... yeah, the strength bonus is pointless, since he's got enough that he only needs two points, and he'll get those points from promotion, assuming I remember promotion right for his class. So I'd much rather it go to something that'll actually have some impact. Seems more like it's meant for the other Dark Magic user, since it's moot for Pelleas.

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I like the Strength boost. It means more AS, which means that much less chance of being doubled. . .not like Pelleas had godly Speed to begin with, but every little bit helps.

Are you talking about Balberith's Str boost? Because after promotion Pelleas is guaranteed to have the Str to wield it without AS loss before factoring in the Str boost. It's completely useless for him. The only "use" it has is letting Lehran double Auras with it, but that means you have to bring Pelleas into the tower anyway, and it would've made much more sense to just give Lehran 14 Str and have Balberith boost something useful.

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Increased skill relative to other Elder Magic tomes, not increased skill relative to other tomes as a whole. The majority of Elder Magic is highly inaccurate, which makes one with a good hit rating (even if poorer than it's Anima/Light counterparts, that's to be expected) a nice addition. And maybe it's just me. I'm someone people don't like being mean to. Because I'm huggy and try and be nice. :)

And at least the increased skill means something compared to Balberith's increased strength. Love it, but that's a rather useless stat to boost. Not like he's liable to double most foes, so something that increases, say, damage (either by hitting harder or more accurately) would have been nice.

Iirc, The + 3 STR gives Lehran the ability to double Aura's and Ashera, or was it pelleas? Because that damn tome weighs a lot.

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No, Pelleas is good without the bonus strength. Lehran has the issues with weight, but he can always use a Light tome if need be. More likely to use one too, given the person without a tome is probably going to be healing, and Pelleas probably would be better on the offensive.

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