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General Banzai

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If I may add a few things. You guys are fast, btw.

Why didn't Ashnard send his big guns at you in Ch. 4 when he was looking for Elincia, instead sending random mooks? Same for the following chapters.

He was sending Petrine, and a Dragon. Those seem to be pretty big guns to me. Especially considering there where probably remaining crimean forces that needed to be taken care of. Besides, I don't think he cares much about here. A princess without a country is hardly a treat to him. He only wants to create war.

Why didn't Narshen come out and quash Roy in Ch. 4? He was right there.

He didn't seem to have any men with him. Even a Dragon Lord can't defeat the whole remains of the Lycian army by himself, so he was probably going to get reinforcements before Zephiel would find out that he screwed thins up. Especially seeing how Zephiel ordered him to take out the Phearan army and he simply left to amuse himself.

Why didn't Julius or any of the various Lopt Sect members just teleport in and instagib you (you can't even use the "warp is tiresome" argument, Julius teleported in to save several bosses and didn't even give a shit about you, and several bosses teleported away if it wasn't their final appearance)? No, Shanan and Oifaye are out, so their big push in the start of Ch. 6... is a bunch of low level fighters and armors.

Julius is arrogant and doesn't think the rebels can kill possibly him, even when all soldiers under his command die. Which is mostly true, it's said several times that without the Narga tome he can't be defeated and the tome is sealed in Velthomer and only Yuria can use it. And even when he does attack you in chapter 10 he is still only playing a game with Ishtar. Until he saw Yuria with Narga, I doubt he ever considered the rebels a threat.

Why was Micaiah and friends captured in Ch. 3 instead of just killed? Jarod was a pretty ruthless guy.

If I was a sadistic military head of an occupation army I would if possible want to execute the rebels figurehead in public to let anyone know what happens when they oppose me. She already surrendered, so why not?

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i'm didn't read the posts up to this point yet but one thing HAS been bugging me.

at the end of FE7 where athos is dying and he's seeing into the future he says that there will be an great evil or so in 20 years and that him and Bramimond won't be alive to help out.

ofcourse i don't have the scirpt on me. but this kinda implys that brammimond is dead in FE6

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I'm glad to whomever brought MatthewxLegault to my attention because it does seem to explain the issues with Legault. Except for how he doesn't know where either of the Black Fang's bases are.

Yeah, there's really not much to defend that in game. That's entirely due to laziness on the part of the devs, which I can't really blame them for. They would have had to either have Legault pop up randomly, like he does in whichever chapter he does, regardless of whether he's recruited or not, or write two scripts, one where he's recruited and one where he isn't. That would be a lot of effort. But like I said, no one ever bothered to ask him so for all we know he could have known and just not gone out of his way to tell them. I know it's pretty flimsy, but it's a possibility.

Lyn came to Caelin to see her grandfather, and defended herself from soldiers attacking her. It's difficult to see how that could be seen as invading.

What would more logically cause the pact to be invoked would be Lundgren attacking Marquess Araphen's castle to find Lyn, or a whole ton of actions in Ch12-17.


Regarding the matter of Legault I was discussing with bottlegnomes: Reading the supports, Legault being feared as the Hurricane seems to be justified, and his reputation as "second in ability to none but the Four Fangs", while inaccurate, could reasonably grow out of that. It also helps to explain other matters, as Banzai noted, so we'll withdraw those arguments.

For the first part, the other Marquesses don't know that that's the only reason Lyn is going there. They've no reason to not trust Lundgren so they'd believe his statement that Lyn's invading. As for Araphen, again I'm feeling lazy and I don't remember how exactly that goes so I won't bother addressing it.

Second part, same as what I said to Banzai, basically dev laziness.

Julius is arrogant and doesn't think the rebels can kill possibly him, even when all soldiers under his command die. Which is mostly true, it's said several times that without the Narga tome he can't be defeated and the tome is sealed in Velthomer and only Yuria can use it. And even when he does attack you in chapter 10 he is still only playing a game with Ishtar. Until he saw Yuria with Narga, I doubt he ever considered the rebels a threat.

And why can't this be said for Nergal? He shows signs of arrogance throughout the game, like when he tells Athos he's no match for him anymore.

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And why can't this be said for Nergal? He shows signs of arrogance throughout the game, like when he tells Athos he's no match for him anymore.

Because unlike Julius, Nergal actually cares whether the heroes live or die. For once he wanted to kill Eliwood as revenge for getting injured by his father and on the other, he wanted their quintessence. Julius on the other hand was just fooling around like the omnipotent teenager he is.

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For the first part, the other Marquesses don't know that that's the only reason Lyn is going there. They've no reason to not trust Lundgren so they'd believe his statement that Lyn's invading. As for Araphen, again I'm feeling lazy and I don't remember how exactly that goes so I won't bother addressing it.

Lundgren rises to power under suspicious circumstances, and the Araphen event has to put a huge dent in his credibility.

NPC1 : This is terrible! The castle is burning!!

Sain : What did you say? What's happening?

NPC1 : Smoke! From the castle! Hey! What are those men doing?

Lyn : Who are you?

Assassin : You! You're Lyndis, aren't you?

Lyn : Ah! What do you--

Assassin : No questions! Prepare yourself!!!

Lyn : Hey!

Rath :

Assassin : Aaaargg! Aaaaah!!

Lyn : What? An arrow?

Rath : ...

Lyn : Who are--

Kent : Milady Lyndis! Are you all right?

Lyn : I'm fine. He... This man saved me.

Kent : May I ask your name?

Rath : ...

Lyn : Wait! Why did you help me?

Rath : I thought a Sacaean plainswoman was being attacked. I was mistaken.

Lyn : No, you were right! I am from Sacae. I'm Lyn, the daughter of the Lorca


Rath : The Lorca? There were survivors?

Lyn : Yes.

Rath : You should leave at once. A blaze has started in the castle, and it's

spreading. Don't be foolish and waste the life I just saved.

Lyn : You're from the castle? What's happening? How severe is the fire? Is

the marquess safe?

Rath : The castle is under attack, and the marquess has been accosted. The

man who attacked you was probably one of the marauders. As captain of the

castle guard, it's my duty to rescue the marquess.

Marquess : Now... Lady Lyndis. Do you know the identity of those responsible

for this uproar?

Lyn : I believe it to be the work of my granduncle, Lundgren.

Marquess : That's exactly right. Whih means my castle has been damaged in your

family's petty inheritance dispute.

Lyn : My-My apologies...

Marquess : When I heard that Lady Madelyn's daughter was in trouble, I thought

to lend my assistance... I find I've changed my mind. I withdraw my offer.

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Yes. Black Fang's headquarters are here in Bern. The location was never disclosed to me, though. The Black Fang is so much different than it once was. Any information we could gain would be beneficial.

It's possible that the Black Fang had moved their base since the last time Legault was in Bern. Considering Sonia has made sweeping changes throughout the organization, changing the location of the secret base wouldn't be all that surprising. I doubt Kenneth was working for the Fang last time Legault was in Bern either (that version of Pale Flower of Darkness might be his old church or something it's not really said).

Regarding Caelin, I agree that while it's obvious to us she's not invading, this isn't so clear to everyone else. Eliwood specifically says he's keeping the other Marquesses out of the matter.

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On the subject of Lungreden and poison, I can understand why one would want to use some weaksauce poison to kill somebody; if the death is prolonged it may seem more natural. However, Lungreden screams at a subordinate to "Use more poison!" so he must not care about subtly that much. This begs the question of why he doesn't use a more effective poison.

Additionally, I recall that Lungreden openly taunts Hauson about how he's poisoning him. If he has that much power, why not just kill him?

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I wasn't going to press the point, but now that you mention it, I could go for that. But not yet. Most of my views on this subject come from discussions with Banzai; I don't know what extent of our findings regarding Lyon he's putting in his analysis, but I'll hold off on this until he posts it. When that happens, we can make a separate thread and continue this there. Sound good?

Works for me.

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On the subject of Lungreden and poison, I can understand why one would want to use some weaksauce poison to kill somebody; if the death is prolonged it may seem more natural. However, Lungreden screams at a subordinate to "Use more poison!" so he must not care about subtly that much. This begs the question of why he doesn't use a more effective poison.

At that point I do believe it was already wide-spread that Hausen was "sick," so Lundgren probably wanted to just get it over with.

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It's possible that the Black Fang had moved their base since the last time Legault was in Bern. Considering Sonia has made sweeping changes throughout the organization, changing the location of the secret base wouldn't be all that surprising. I doubt Kenneth was working for the Fang last time Legault was in Bern either (that version of Pale Flower of Darkness might be his old church or something it's not really said).

Regarding Caelin, I agree that while it's obvious to us she's not invading, this isn't so clear to everyone else. Eliwood specifically says he's keeping the other Marquesses out of the matter.

Legault didn't indicate that he knew of any location their headquarters had ever been. Even mentioning a previous location would have been a good lead.

It may not be clear to other Marquesses what's going on, but it should be clear that it's nothing too simple and that Lundgren was up to something. If it wasn't, that's another issue.

On the subject of Lungreden and poison, I can understand why one would want to use some weaksauce poison to kill somebody; if the death is prolonged it may seem more natural. However, Lungreden screams at a subordinate to "Use more poison!" so he must not care about subtly that much. This begs the question of why he doesn't use a more effective poison.

Additionally, I recall that Lungreden openly taunts Hauson about how he's poisoning him. If he has that much power, why not just kill him?

It does seem implausible that Hausen knowing about the poison wouldn't be able to do anything about it, anyway.

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Limstella a pretty girl? She's utterly androgynous.

I was basing it off of her facial sprite, you think her hair doesn't look like a woman's? I rarely see a man with hair as pretty as that. Finally, androgynous can't be pretty?

They clearly WOULD benefit from the chaos the prince's death would cause as well,

Chaos is unpredictable, explain thoroughly how it can be CLEAR that someone would benefit from CHAOS. I think they had a well ordered plan in mind: get sonia to move in on the king, have babies, then Black Fang gets official rule of kingdom. Or even no babies, still get more control of the king. Keep Bern in order, take it over all the same. Seems simple enough to me. One reason to kill Zephiel, in this vein, is that he is idealistic seeming and is unlikely to be a suitable heir.

(This is based off someone saying that the Black Fang told Ninian something about keeping Bern in order somehow in the assassination plot...)

BTW solution to all plot holes: Black Fang is a complex organization, Nergal is a complex villain, both have complex goals and you can't just assume Nergal's entire motivation was dragons when he was conquered by dark magic and probably wanted to rule the world if he could with or without dragons as well. His real heart's goal, union with his wife and children, assumed to be Ninian and Nils, is something he never realized he had gained, thus explaining any chaotic thrashing going about in the meantime.

Why didn't Ashnard send his big guns at you in Ch. 4 when he was looking for Elincia, instead sending random mooks? Same for the following chapters.

Chaos following the big battle. Wasn't he still after Renning? He probably didn't have time to scramble his best forces after Elincia at that point, even if he had captured Renning...

A fair number of the other points can be argued somewhat less effectively in this fashion: the big bad may have had something else to deal with, OR thought that the main objective had been completed. I'm sure you're aware of this.

I am amazed at how you guys are missing one of the big things about FE: there's stuff going on outside the camera which the villains might have to worry about! MIS EN SCENE.

Why was Micaiah and friends captured in Ch. 3 instead of just killed? Jarod was a pretty ruthless guy.

Use as puppet?

Why did Ludveck just send a small band of guys after Lucia in 2-2, judging from the size of his army he could have easily cornered and crushed her there.

Now you really weren't paying attention. He wanted Elincia to get confirmation of his rebellion so she would go out in force against him, so he could then lead his forces around her main forces. Convoluted, yes, but that was his explicit strategy in the game IIRC.

A princess without a country is hardly a treat to him.

And a country who doesn't know she exists, either.

Edited by Loki Laufeyjarson
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Chaos is unpredictable, explain thoroughly how it can be CLEAR that someone would benefit from CHAOS. I think they had a well ordered plan in mind: get sonia to move in on the king, have babies, then Black Fang gets official rule of kingdom. Or even no babies, still get more control of the king. Keep Bern in order, take it over all the same. Seems simple enough to me. One reason to kill Zephiel, in this vein, is that he is idealistic seeming and is unlikely to be a suitable heir.

(This is based off someone saying that the Black Fang told Ninian something about keeping Bern in order somehow in the assassination plot...)

The Black Fang under Nergal's command does everything for the goal of quintessence. Quintessence, something they obtain from war. From fighting. From killing. From chaos. Nergal, as far as was ever implied, had nothing he could ever gain from controlling Bern himself other than making it wage more wars - something that could be done far more simply, many other ways. If he had other goals that drove significant parts of the story, that you spend chapters fighting over, that weren't even hinted at, that's just shitty storytelling.

BTW solution to all plot holes: Black Fang is a complex organization, Nergal is a complex villain, both have complex goals and you can't just assume Nergal's entire motivation was dragons when he was conquered by dark magic and probably wanted to rule the world if he could with or without dragons as well. His real heart's goal, union with his wife and children, assumed to be Ninian and Nils, is something he never realized he had gained, thus explaining any chaotic thrashing going about in the meantime.

See above. Such a thing would need to have driven large parts of the story, and yet none of that was ever mentioned or even hinted at. That would make the story worse than any plotholes could ever make it.

Now you really weren't paying attention. He wanted Elincia to get confirmation of his rebellion so she would go out in force against him, so he could then lead his forces around her main forces. Convoluted, yes, but that was his explicit strategy in the game IIRC.

That doesn't sound right. Do you have a quote showing this?

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Legault didn't indicate that he knew of any location their headquarters had ever been. Even mentioning a previous location would have been a good lead.

Hmm I'm not sure mentioning "well 5 years ago our headquarters was X" would have been much help at all, as opposed to gathering more current information (what they're doing before Chapter 24). It depends on how recently Legault was in Bern really, which isn't information we were given as players.

It may not be clear to other Marquesses what's going on, but it should be clear that it's nothing too simple and that Lundgren was up to something. If it wasn't, that's another issue.

Keep in mind that Caelin is a small Lycian territory, meaning that there will less of a reaction to events going on there, then say a rebellion dispute in Ostia. Though if seemingly no one other than Marquess Araphen gives a damn about Caelin that does bring up the issue with Laus attacking Caelin later. My theory there is that Hausen was against rebelling against Ostia and so they decided to silence him, simple as that. It ended up backfiring, but groups tend to get rid of their political enemies when possible and Caelin was within Laus's power (Pherae is being dealt with, Ostia's too strong).

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My theory there is that Hausen was against rebelling against Ostia and so they decided to silence him, simple as that. It ended up backfiring, but groups tend to get rid of their political enemies when possible and Caelin was within Laus's power (Pherae is being dealt with, Ostia's too strong).

Absolutely nothing in the game that suggests Hausen had any relation with the rebellion plot whatsoever until Darin invaded.

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Hmm I'm not sure mentioning "well 5 years ago our headquarters was X" would have been much help at all, as opposed to gathering more current information (what they're doing before Chapter 24). It depends on how recently Legault was in Bern really, which isn't information we were given as players.

Keep in mind that Caelin is a small Lycian territory, meaning that there will less of a reaction to events going on there, then say a rebellion dispute in Ostia. Though if seemingly no one other than Marquess Araphen gives a damn about Caelin that does bring up the issue with Laus attacking Caelin later. My theory there is that Hausen was against rebelling against Ostia and so they decided to silence him, simple as that. It ended up backfiring, but groups tend to get rid of their political enemies when possible and Caelin was within Laus's power (Pherae is being dealt with, Ostia's too strong).

It absolutely could have been help to at least mention it, no matter how long ago it was. Who could know when and how it might come up? Certainly, it would have been a better and more interesting lead from which to start searching for information than, say, 25H. And again, Legault isn't mentioned to have been away from Bern for long at all, nor does he suggest that he once knew but the location has changed.

None of that does anything to change the facts that the circumstances under which Lundgren rose to power and his attack against Araphen should have been enough to make any other Lycian lords doubt a claim from him that some girl was invading his land and that he needed their help to get rid of her. Both are things the other Lycian lords should have been aware of.

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Othin, regarding your objections regarding war, let me put it to you this way. Even if Nergal ONLY wants quintessence and is not a conflicted villain on his insides - and I believe he is, all things considered, the urge to bring chaos is itself chaotic since one can never achieve precisely the chaos one WANTS, same on the order side of things - then he still has to put on appearances in order to keep control of the Black Fang. It's not like Lloyd, Linus or Brendan are going to be happy following his orders. Possibly even the assholes wouldn't be happy if they thought he was going to bring dragons back, aside from some special cases like Kenneth...

BTW can I assume you thought my argument regarding Aion was at least reasonably persuasive? I am surprised I even had that insight, so I was hoping you would give some sort of response.

(Essentially, it was that Aion didn't attack Kishuna becaues the guards aroudn Kishuna were too tough)

That doesn't sound right. Do you have a quote showing this?

Oops. I got the order of events wrong! I thought he captured Lucia before she returned to Elincia! Turns out Ludveck wasn't sure Lucia was after any evidence in the caves of all places, I guess he thought he hid that stuff better than he really did, or thought the guards that found Lucia would be sufficient.

However, the fact that he managed to capture Lucia so easily (see 2-2 end IIRC) suggests that he already did have the plan in place to send the best of his forces in an offensive to capture Elincia before Geoffrey could catch up to him.

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It absolutely could have been help to at least mention it, no matter how long ago it was. Who could know when and how it might come up? Certainly, it would have been a better and more interesting lead from which to start searching for information than, say, 25H. And again, Legault isn't mentioned to have been away from Bern for long at all, nor does he suggest that he once knew but the location has changed.

I suppose the issue here is that Legault is an optional recruitment, and thus making him a necessary component to a chapter can't be done, so a Legault-required 25H or so wouldn't have worked out. The death system in FE sometimes interferes with the plot like this. There isn't any reason Leagult has to know where the current Black Fang base is (there are several possible explanations for this), so it's not a plot hole.

None of that does anything to change the facts that the circumstances under which Lundgren rose to power and his attack against Araphen should have been enough to make any other Lycian lords doubt a claim from him that some girl was invading his land and that he needed their help to get rid of her. Both are things the other Lycian lords should have been aware of.

You might be overrating the information gathering capabilities of the other Lycian lords. Given the setting, information travel should not be especially fast (unless warping is involved, which I doubt it would for something like this). By the time news of Araphen reaches another nation, Lyn could be fighting Eagler or something.

Also @ Hausen and rebellion


Lord Darin, it's time to give up this madness. Further resistance is meaningless. For what you've done, you may never be forgiven, but it's not too late to try. Tell Eliwood everything. He'll intervene with Marquess Ostia on your behalf…

I highly doubt that he's just speaking of attacking Caelin (or else the dialogue would be something more like "why did you attack us Darin?" one would think.) We know from Leila that Hausen didn't support the rebellion (whether by rejecting it or not being told of it). The game could have been more clear on this point, but Hausen definitely was not a Laus supporter. Now it's possible that Hausen could know about Laus trying to overthrow Ostia and all just from the attack on Caelin, but I'm not sure why they would bother debriefing him.

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I highly doubt that he's just speaking of attacking Caelin (or else the dialogue would be something more like "why did you attack us Darin?" one would think.) We know from Leila that Hausen didn't support the rebellion (whether by rejecting it or not being told of it). The game could have been more clear on this point, but Hausen definitely was not a Laus supporter. Now it's possible that Hausen could know about Laus trying to overthrow Ostia and all just from the attack on Caelin, but I'm not sure why they would bother debriefing him.

Nobody else ever asks why Darin is attacking Caelin, so I don't see why Hausen would. That would merely call attention to the fact that there's no reason for Darin to attack Caelin. Also, you can look through Whereabouts Unknown all you want, but I guarantee you that you won't find anywhere in the chapter a spot where Leila says anything about Caelin not supporting the rebellion.

No Caelin here:


Yes. We've learned of a mystery man named Nergal, behind Reed's wife. It seems the Black Fang is performing secret tasks across Lycia for Nergal. Nergal's trusted retainer Ephidel is with Marquess Laus. He manipulated Laus into hatching the rebellion plot against Ostia. The first to answer Laus's call for rebellion was... Marquess Santaruz.


Lord Helman... Why would you...




Next was Lord Elbert, Marquess Pherae.


You're telling me that my father endorsed this plan?


I cannot say. I do know that he is with Marquess Laus currently. In a place called... the Dragon's Gate.

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Nobody else ever asks why Darin is attacking Caelin, so I don't see why Hausen would. That would merely call attention to the fact that there's no reason for Darin to attack Caelin. Also, you can look through Whereabouts Unknown all you want, but I guarantee you that you won't find anywhere in the chapter a spot where Leila says anything about Caelin not supporting the rebellion.

Actually, there is a reason as of why. Remember that their plan is to bring civil war on Lycia. With Marquess Santaruz dead and Darin chased out of Laus, it was clear that said plans were diminishing their chances of success. It's likely that at this point they decided to just go and begin, and attacked another territory. Why Caelin? Well, plot-wise, he was heading in that direction, however, it's no guaranteed that it would be Caelin. Moreover, they had to bring back Lyn and co. back, and most likely it would've taken Caelin being the target for them to act.

And thus, when Eliwood and co. manage to turn the tide once more, they just decide to give up on the plan since it wouldn't made it through.


You're exactly right. Our plans may have gone drastically awry, but as long as we have the master's power behind us, we cannot be defeated. We'd do well to leave now, before those meddlesome worms arrive. You will leave everyone from Laus behind. We will use them to delay our foe.

With this it's clear they meant their rebellion plans. That's why the attack on Caelin, they were clinging to their last chance of starting a rebellion. And when that failed, they had to bail out.

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Leila is just listing the territories that did side with Marquess Laus, not those that didn't. We can't tell from that whether Hausen (as well as Thria, Araphen, all the other Lycian regions etx.) was contacted about the rebellion plot and rejected it or wasn't contacted at all. But again, if he wasn't contacted at all you think he would be more confused about Darin attacking (would prompt a 'what is this?' response rather than 'try to make up for all you have done').

Things are not necessarily plot holes just because they aren't explicitly stated.

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It's a bit of a logical leap to go from "Oh shit our rebellion plans are falling apart" to "hey guys let's attack Caelin".

Honestly nobody here has given one good reason why Ephidel or Darin would want to invade Caelin. Not only that, but the poor excuses you guys HAVE come up with are completely unsupported by anything in the script. I mean maybe the reason why Darin invaded Caelin was because Darin had a long-standing hatred of Lord Hausen. He decided that since this was his last chance before leaving Lycia he'd go and get revenge on his longtime nemesis. Did I pull that explanation out of my ass? No more than you guys have pulled your explanations out of your asses.

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Well, that's the thing. Darin was easily getting desperate, and doubting himself. It was only thanks to Ephidel that he was even still going on with it. He was running away and if they weren't yet to leave for Valor, then they'd still try to have a go at their current plans.

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Well, that's the thing. Darin was easily getting desperate, and doubting himself. It was only thanks to Ephidel that he was even still going on with it. He was running away and if they weren't yet to leave for Valor, then they'd still try to have a go at their current plans.

Their current plans? I fail to see how invading Caelin would cause a largescale rebellion instead of, say, a united front against Laus. By the pact of the Lycian nations that is described in EliwoodxHector, every other Lycian nation should have come to Caelin's aid. It's merely another plothole that they didn't.

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Their current plans? I fail to see how invading Caelin would cause a largescale rebellion instead of, say, a united front against Laus. By the pact of the Lycian nations that is described in EliwoodxHector, every other Lycian nation should have come to Caelin's aid. It's merely another plothole that they didn't.

How are we sure it didn't? Unlike Lyn and co. who were there at the scene, they may not have any idea just how big is the Laus army, and thus just how much it would take them to mobilize. It's not that Darin being chased out of Laus became that known quick and so his forces weren't that big. Another was just Eliwood's small company would need less time to mobilize and thus reach Caelin quicker. Perhaps the whole ordeal finished up before anything bigger happened.

Remember, considering stuff like Bern, Uther can't allow for Lycia to show weakness, if any other territory had acted, it would be a clear sign that something's wrong. Perhaps he ordered them to not act and knowing Eliwood and co. were in the area, they could take care of the problem. They did, after all, drove Darin from Laus away in the first place.

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