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Reclassing: What if....

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Right, so I just simply got this idea from looking at a picture of Jill (FE9/10) as a Myrmidon... and this got my mind rolling...

What if the reclassing system of "Shadow Dragon"/"New Mystery" was put in the previous Fire Emblem games?

Would you use it? And if you did, who would you reclass?

Edited by Mark the Tactician
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Assuming it's with Class sets:

Ronan into a Mage. dry.gif

Ethlin/Aideen into a Peg. Knight for Ch. 2 trollin'.

Marty into a Merc (assuming that Bandit = Male Class set 2)

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Ronan -> Mage.

Amalda -> Sage

Holyn -> Free Knight

Skasaher -> Axe Knight

Midayle -> Civilian

Kent -> Wyvern Knight

Garcia -> Pirate

Gerik -> Pirate

Fiona -> Myrmidon

Leonardo -> Arch Knight

Boyd -> Axe Knight

Lachesis (if she could, I dunno because unique class) -> Mage until promotion

Azel -> Bard

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That's just for seven characters though of the entire cast, four of which have to promote at least once for that to happen.

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MasterKnight Lakche. Going from Swordfighter, though.

Yes, I'm trying to make her more broken.


I think that if he starts off Swordfighter then gets reclassed, he'd retain his skills, as in one of IET's pick-my-class-blood-skill hack runs, Lakche was SwordFighter->Masterknight and kept Luna after promotion. I dunno for sure, though.

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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@Anouleth: Not to mention, Shakasher would lose Pursuit and Astra.

Lester --> Archer (Makes almost any non-Midayle Aideen pair better.)

Lilina --> Myrmidon or Nomad (Don't know how Str would be, since Str and Mag share the same stat in the GBA games.)

Wendy --> Cavalier (It would help, based on what I've been reading. Just don't know how much.)

Bartre --> Mercenary/Hero

That's basically all I can think of right now. :/:Aside from Florina --> Civilian and Rath --> Civilian.

Edited by Elmer
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The problem with Meg as a Pegasus Knight is that 17HP/7DEF gets OHKOed an awful lot. Like, Tigers and Fighters and Archers will all OHKO her. And wth 45%HP growth and 35%DEF growth, she's not going anywhere fast. Nice STR/SPD bases (9 and 15 at base, respectively, so she's offensively beating Edward), but horribly lopsided growth (20% strength and 70% speed).

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That's just for seven characters though of the entire cast, four of which have to promote at least once for that to happen.

You forgot Atlas, but...it's easy to forget Atlas.

While I'm not one of the haters of the system, I nevertheless don't classchange into classes the units themselves strongly don't fit. I'm struggling to think of anything at all. ...Maybe Archer!Aran.

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Fighter Soren

Pegasus Knight Meg

Summoner Laura

Female Gareth. Oh right, class swap. Sorry.

Halberdier Stefan

Swordmaster Gatrie. Now picture him doing a critical with a Steel Blade and causing a minor earthquake when he lands

General Rolf

Wyvern Lord Tanith

Bastian the Bard

Saint Heather

Berserker Kieran

Thief Leonardo. Now he has something to cut his wrists with

Mage Mai as suggested by Largo

Priest Zihark

Last but not least Ike and Mist should swap class

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Wyvern Lord Seth, anyone? Same thing with Titania?

The only qualm I have about flier Jagen archetype units is that flying is not especially useful in early maps, while bow weakness is a big deal. Not so much in the case of FE9 where effective damage from Iron Bows can be shrugged off, but still.

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Zealot- Swordmaster

Noah- Mercenary/Hero

Ray- Mage/Sage

Percival- Wyvern Lord

Niime- Valkyrie

Wil- Mercenary/Hero

Dorcas- Shaman/Druid

Lucius- Myrmidon/Swordmaster

Marcus- Wyvern Lord

Bartre- Mercenary/Hero (If only to fix that base Speed)

Guy- Mercenary/Hero

Isadora- Bishop

That's all I got for now. :/

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lol; I remember someone on DA playing with this idea. I really hate the reclass system, so I wouldn't want it in any of the other games, but in the joke pic, they made Ike into a mage and he wound up accidentally burning his tome. Also, Sothe was a cleric and was basicly wearing a green version of Mist's outfit. I don't remember what the other characters were reclassed to, but I know Soren was some sort of physical attacker and couldn't lift his weapon.

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