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Fire Emblem 12 ~Heroes~ Translation Project

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I feel like Hrolfr is much more primal than Roro. Roro is, like, what a baby would call me because they can't say my whole name yet.

Maybe for you. I spend enough time translating out of the Eddas to not feel as if Hrolfr is a name which is different and fresh. It's just another name--like Bob and John. Meanwhile, Roro is a name I've only seen here, and it fits the character quite well for me.

It's dependent on a player to feel if a name is good or not--but that doesn't really reflect the quality of a name. It only reflects the player's viewpoint on the name.

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Roro just feels like a name for a beagle or something. If I were to name any dog Hrolfr, it would a malamute or something. I just don't get the primal feel at all. Does Gaga sound primal?

Edited by Rewjeo
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Roro just feels like a name for a beagle or something. If I were to name any dog Hrolfr, it would a malamute or something. I just don't get the primal feel at all. Does Gaga sound primal?

It's probably good you get that sense, because that's what the Roro are treated as. They were raised from childhood to be obedient assassins.

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[9:14:55 AM] Bringer of Wrath, Brewer of Hatred, and DESTROYER OF WORLDS!: Let's figure out why Raiden/Vergil/Robert are here too

Okay, they're sad that Camus is dead

They always opposed Grust's alliance with Dolhr

They live a purposeless life without being able to protect the people they love.


My attempt to figure out some of FE12's random cast additions.

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I also have the same question with Darros. And why Beck is on the ice level.

Frost's was funny though. He was apparently following you ever since you freed Macedonia but wasn't able to approach you till his recruitment.

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I think Darros just happened to be there while trying to... whatever was that he was doing after the first game, I forgot. The rest I don't really know.

Heh, before I found that translation of Darros's recruitment, I thought he was actually part of the Fire Clan. That's the only reason I came up with to explain why would he be there with them. But on second thought, that would've make no sense anyway, as he wouldn't have been a pirate in that case, or leave the place at all. XD

Regarding the trio, I'd figure they like Frost were wanting to join with them, but unlike Frost, they did manage to catch up with them early. Must be the horses man, that extra movement really made the difference. lol

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I'm really curious about all of these random characters, hahah.

[spoiler=Beck]Beck decided after the war that he wanted to travel the world, so he sold his ballista, bought a horse, and wound up in a snowy wasteland the same time as Marth.

[spoiler=Darros]From what I can tell (since I'm google translating to get very rough versions of the conversations and take the details from), Darros exiled himself because he couldn't fit in to normal society and reverted to piracy. I guess he figured a molten lava graveyard with decaying dragons was the best place to get away from being "evil?"

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Well it's in the same series as a sword called the Killing Edge.

Also, the way they threw in all the new characters is my favorite part of the game. You could tell the higher ups demanded they stuff in as many as they could, so you'd get meetings like:

"So uh, where should we have all these Sable knights come in?"

"Put them in the lava cave."



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What about that one guys suggestion of "Khil"? Doubling as a threat sounds pretty good to me.

It was actually a joke, but w/e.

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I feel like being random. I wish there was a young male Manakete that could be called Ryu XD. Belf vs Virgil, throw in a Dante while your at it, no but seriously, Virgil FTW! I want another update. I really like the way this translation is going. I'm almost hoping Nintendo isn't going to release this game just so that everyone can have fun with this awesome translation.

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I feel like being random. I wish there was a young male Manakete that could be called Ryu XD. Belf vs Virgil, throw in a Dante while your at it, no but seriously, Virgil FTW! I want another update. I really like the way this translation is going. I'm almost hoping Nintendo isn't going to release this game just so that everyone can have fun with this awesome translation.

How does this post have anything to do with anything? You trollin', bro? 'Cause, if you are, you need to leave and let the big boys keep talking o 3 o

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Man, this thread goes so fast for me! I had to dig back very far in to find the reply to my initial post here.

I haven't really read the FE12 BSFE scripts in depth, so I can't answer that question yet. I did notice a few obvious changes like Nyna's father being missing from Episode 1, probably because they were too lazy to do his portrait or CG : P

Actually, there might be more to this script change than just lazy CG artists. The original portrayal of his death in BSFE (an implied-to-happen-off-screen incident) appears to contradict Nyna's description of his execution in Shadow Dragon (namely, the very fact that she saw it with her own eyes). Removing the king from the chapter gives the idea that they ret-conned the story so that now the king may already be dead and Boa's following his last orders posthumously.

This would also explain why they didn't re-use the CG Art fro the original BSFE, regardless of how neat-looking it was.

Course, I won't know this for certain until after this portion is translated from the DS game.

(Not even gonna bother with the renaming wars going on in this thread, except for proposing the possibility of making a fan-game or ROM hack based around the concept of Belf, Belves and Vergil fighting to the death over which name gets used. Or something.)

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I think I can sum up the reason why every change was decided on in this thread.


also what does eat a sandwich mean stop trying to coin a phrase
You know that when you tell someone to "go eat a sandwich", they realise that it's just a nicer way of saying "fuck you", right?

I'm also appalled at how ignorant/sycophantic the commenters are in that post. Of course the ignorant comments are based on Blazer not giving a full picture on the situation but the sycophantic comments make me want to go punch a baby.

Edited by Clockwork Sage
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