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Mafia Headquarters The Third


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<Princess_K> so, am I the only one who thinks being able survive untill day 6 when you claim SK day 1 pretty amazing?

<@Paperblade> you didn't claim SK dumbass

<Princess_K> i did

<@Paperblade> you claimed independent BP

<@Paperblade> lyncher

<Princess_K> I just slashed it and everyone though it was joke :P

<@Paperblade> that doesn't count

<Princess_K> D1 paper

<Princess_K> that was d2

<Furetchen> Yes that makes you smart sure

<@Paperblade> also you still lost

<Princess_K> I never said smart

<Furetchen> guys lynch me I'm godfather so don't wait for the cop

<@Paperblade> people have won when outed as SK halfway through the game

<Furetchen> You said 'amazing'.

<Furetchen> So, uh, yeah, you kinda did.

<@Snike> Paperblade is right

<@Snike> I just saw that game

<Princess_K> the fuck?

<@Paperblade> Snike that was just a repeat of Fallout 3 Mafia

<Princess_K> what did s/he sell to survive?

<@Snike> Was not here for that

<@Paperblade> it's called NOT SUCKING, Sho

<Princess_K> I suck?

<@Paperblade> in Fallout 3 Mafia the wolf was outed D1 and won

<Princess_K> Do I heve to remind you about yourself Paper?

<@Paperblade> because the village sought to control him

*** Paperblade kicked Princess_K from the channel: ##Vote: Sho

<@Snike> man

<Kaoz> oh my...

*** Princess_K has joined #sforestmafia

<@Snike> Smogon is somewhat awesome

<Princess_K> hey

*** Paperblade sets mode +b *!*@l29-985-004-24.elisa-laajakaista.fi

*** Paperblade kicked Princess_K from the channel: Princess_K


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Kicking someone during an argument is bad form. Sure, it might be a joke, but it often wouldn' be taken as such. Kicking them again when they try to rejoin is shameful. I'm with Sho on this one.

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I had already talked with Sho about KRRM several hours before that, his stance is that it's not his fault he gets lynched (even though the reasons for his lynching in Itemafia, ToV, CM4, and KRRM were all basically the same, and tbh I wouldn't be surprised if MotG was the same) and he's not going to change himself to amend this issue because "it's just an online game." Maybe I shouldn't have banned him, but honestly I and most other people are annoyed with his attempts to rewrite history to make himself look better, arrogance, and refusal to accept his own shortcomings.

Edit: Also in the original conversation I basically ended my half of the conversation with "Whatever I'm done trying to talk to you" so maybe he could have taken the hint.

Edited by Paperblade
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Paperblade, what the fuck? I never denied the reasons for lynching me. Im just pissed of for being lynched because who I am, not bacause the game. I will not change the person I am because it lets me live in longer in an online game. On the other hand if people keeps taking reasons utterly and completely not releated to the game as reason to lynch, I am not going to waste my time playing with them. I am not trying to make myself look better by changing history. Im pointing out that you lynch people for bad reasons and that is not helping winning the game. Also if it wasn't obvious I was joking when you last banned me.

This marks as last time I will ever post to this part of the site. As my last words. Fuck high majority of you.

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Dude, you blamed your grammar (and in the case of ToV, PR). I have the log on my desktop, I can post it when I get home from class in about 8-9 hours if you want.

Also, again, as I told you, no one wants to put up with an asshole. That goes for everything, not just mafia games on video game forums.

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Speaking of the main queue

Proto you've been at the top of it for nearly two months

if you're not going to run it yet let me fucking know so I can move things along with other people

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So like, Proto, are you ever going to actually run your game? You're blocking everyone else in the queue from running theirs.

EDIT: Ninjas, they're everywhere!

Edited by Shade of Shadow
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Yeah, uh, my 22-player game doesn't seem feasible because we don't have 22 players, so for now, just treat me as if I'm not on the list. I'm almost done with another plan though, but it's not ready yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

With Touhou mafia on and with Haphazard mafia about to start, and the vast inactivity of many members due to RL issues, I would advise against starting the game. However, its probably not up to me.

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I didn't plan to start it yet, unless 9 people scream out loudly that they want to get trolled by me.

Also while those minis are training games, they will still require some attention, so I don't necessarily think they should be ignored.

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With the top mini game being delayed and the next two being training game, should Kaoz start his next mafia?

Well just because they're training doesn't mean they don't count =/

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 If it's not too much to ask given that I haven't been here for very long, then put me down on the hosting list for Some NOC 13p Set-up I'll Think Up Flavor For Eventually. 

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