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Ivalice Mafia - Winners: Clan No Lynch

Radiant Dragon

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Probably for the best, I almost certainly wouldn't have been able to resist doing this:


Death is certainly the end for everyone.

If your role pm contradicts the rules, follow your role pm.

Ezel the Town Rogue.

Dammit I was gonna do this for another game =(

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Except for the final boss, who is hard mainly because she has a %chance of using a Totema turn 1 and killing all your units immediately.

Funny, that never happened to me. . .

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It really sucks when you're doing an SCC for a slow class, since usually doesn't use it if you're close to her.

Oh, right, I'm the one that's guilty of Elementalist spam! :P:

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Oh, right, I'm the one that's guilty of Elementalist spam! :P:

I've done Black Mage and Sage (as well as a few other, faster classes), and it was pretty brutal. The Sages had enough HP that they were able to survive most of the time, but the Mateuses would screw things up from there. The Black Mages just had to hope she never used it.

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Dammit I was gonna do this for another game =(

It was actually one of our ideas for an Obviam role in SF Mafia Mafia, since he always breaks the rules, but he ended up as the Mafia's reinforcement Driver instead.

Apparently I can't convince someone to vote for someone not in the game(Kaoz) so I'm making someone vote for themself to prove my role.

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It was actually one of our ideas for an Obviam role in SF Mafia Mafia, since he always breaks the rules, but he ended up as the Mafia's reinforcement Driver instead.

Apparently I can't convince someone to vote for someone not in the game(Kaoz) so I'm making someone vote for themself to prove my role.

Clearly Paperblade is possessing this fine gentleman.

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Cycle End

As the members of the newly formed Clan No Lynch gathered the next day to begin their hunt, it's quickly noticed that eclipse is missing. However, since her body can not be found you can only hope she is still alive.

It is now Cycle 1. Role PMs may now be freely distributed. Cycle 1 ends on Monday at 10PM GMT, or 3 hours after majority is reached.

Action results are being sent now. Please don't post until they're all sent.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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We would hardly be a very good Clan No Lynch if we went around like, lynching people.

Who said you're going to lynch them? There are far more creative ways to kill people in Ivalice than that.

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Oh and I can do this now;

Dear Haze, you are Vayne, Town Persuader


Vayne Carudas Solidor is an ambitious politician who becomes the 12th Emperor of Archadia after poisoning his father, Emperor Gramis. He also works closely with Dr. Cid and Venat to study Nethicite and free Ivalice from the Occuria's control, and seeks to become the next Dynast King.

Each cycle, you may send us a PM entitled: 'Cycle X - Convince USER1 to vote for USER2'. You will use your mastery of politics and persuasion so USER1 will be compelled to vote for USER2 during the next cycle.

You are allied with the Town, and win when all threats are eliminated.

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Well, actually, I might as well do this too.

Dear Psych, you are Mayhew, Town Civilian


Mayhew is a Gria and member of the immensely popular Prima Donna clan, which also acts as a musical band. She wields a large broadsword in battle and plays a concertina while onstage.

You may not have any unique abilities, but you must still aid the Clan with your vote and your voice.

You are allied with the Town, and win when all threats are eliminated.

I'm just blue, so do whatever you want with me.

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Nobody else claim generic townie, all it does is narrow down the choices for the mafia's kill.

Ah, but a clever mafia would kill one of the other players, because only a great fool would believe such a claim. The mafia are not great fools, so they can clearly not kill Psych!

But Psych knows that the mafia are not great fools: he would have counted on it! So the mafia must kill Psych!

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