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Trendsetters...I'm a trend breaker. Unless someone wants to play semantics until what I'm saying here becomes the exact same thing as "chill dude, it's just a fictional character."

Oh, crap! There's no way this can end well! D:

I don't even want to begin to elaborate on that statement.

I'm going to de-elaborate instead, because I feel compelled to.


This way only gets half the forest banned. Foxerine gets everyone banned.

OMG that would be amazing because then nightmarre's dream would finally be fulfilled!

*Pays for foxerine's wedding*

(hmm, no not really, the only pairing I was ever going to shell out a dime for is severian X that girl in the tower, and it turns out she betrays him later anyway, I just never read the book where she does it.)

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It's Togie!!!! :>

I'm sure there's plenty of Tinnys to go around.

Yeah, Azel!Tinny, Lex!Tinny, Levin!Tinny, etc etc.

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Wow, a whole thread about me that not once refers to me as Retard, Faggot, Bitch, Shithead, or whatever else people call me!

This is... New.

Faggot bitch, you're retarding my shithead fuck majigger.

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Don't worry, Tinny has been well looked after while you were away. I can't believe crashman_alpha didn't realise they were chilling with a lookalike bot.


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You're so silly!

(Or I'm being clueless...)

No, you're right. :S Well, I only read FE4LI and I don't know about Ooosawa... also Teeny!Tinny is nothing in particular.

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Don't worry, Tinny has been well looked after while you were away. I can't believe crashman_alpha didn't realise they were chilling with a lookalike bot.

This sounds a lot like a Doctor Who story.

But I don't mind. I knew the real Tinny would be safe. For me. :]

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Exist. At least, that's how I understand it.

Well, I can agree that since the moment of your existence's beginning, events may well have been entirely out of your control. But is it really simply a matter of joining this forum that lead to the scorn? I'd love to know what it is that causes others to treat you poorly, at least on here if not off of this site.

I can't actually say I love you sincerely, because I barely know anything about ye.

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Well, I can agree that since the moment of your existence's beginning, events may well have been entirely out of your control. But is it really simply a matter of joining this forum that lead to the scorn? I'd love to know what it is that causes others to treat you poorly, at least on here if not off of this site.

It's probably the way I come across. Of course, people don't tell me what it is about me that upsets them, they just say that I'm annoying (which is actually very vague) or proceed to call me names. Like Erk did, except that Erk was joking.

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  • 2 years later...

You do realize this topic is 2 and a half year old, right?


[6:05:21 PM] Ayrton-kun: tempted to necro an over 2 year old thread in SF


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