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How retarded were you two years back.

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I love how everyone is so down on themselves. :)

The rate yourself thread is worse

We're talking about how we improved though, kinda.

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Welp.... I just grabbed a random topic I found. Of course the tavern is so memorable.

I suppose I acted a bit more ordinary 3 years ago xD

And you can see it was edit in 2010 which shows you guys how I didn't start out using blue font =o

This shows the time I started to consider using colored font.

So many people who voted in here, I bet, don't even remember this happening.

Lol I like how I just turned this into a "font change" thingy for myself now

Also, Knife did that thing two years ago? Wow.

Also, yeah that surprised me too =o

Edited by Agnaktor
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I was stupid enough to join a pokemon forum. A single troll caused the entire forum to collapse.

I also liked whales. My old high school made that sound like it was a crime. Seriously people, if anything, having an obsession with whales is much better than an addiction to pot.

Thank Moses that I found a better high school. Sheesh.

Did I mention I was insanely crazy? :awesome:

I'm still crazy.

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I necro-posted, double-posted, triple-posted at least once, actually laughed with gamefaqs users because and not at them, believed this fucking faq, couldn't tell the difference between the smart users and the idiot users, actually thought Fire Emblem games had great stories, thought prepromotes for the most part were shit, couldn't beat Thracia on elite mode without hundreds of savestates, didn't know I was a noob, didn't know why the majority of people call Micaiah a Mary-Sue, actually took Naruto seriously, liked recent Cartoon Network cartoons not named Regular Show or Adventure Time, used memes that were outdated even 2 year ago, joined an empire that I can't even remember the name of, thought Shadow the Hedgehog was awesome and not so bad it's awesome, enjoyed youtube poops, had a negative opinion of tier lists, made a forum that only has me as a member to this date, at least I assume so because I can't find it anymore, and made posts that make me embarrassed at the thought of anyone going into the archives and looking at them, and I didn't know it was a good idea to format a long post into multiple paragraphs, making a wall of text not too dissimilar to this one

Edited by Mousefire
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I necro-posted, double-posted, triple-posted at least once, actually laughed with gamefaqs users because and not at them, believed this fucking faq, couldn't tell the difference between the smart users and the idiot users, actually thought Fire Emblem games had great stories, thought prepromotes for the most part were shit, couldn't beat Thracia on elite mode without hundreds of savestates, didn't know I was a noob, didn't know why the majority of people call Micaiah a Mary-Sue, actually took Naruto seriously, liked recent Cartoon Network cartoons not named Regular Show or Adventure Time, used memes that were outdated even 2 year ago, joined an empire that I can't even remember the name of, thought Shadow the Hedgehog was awesome and not so bad it's awesome, enjoyed youtube poops, had a negative opinion of tier lists, made a forum that only has me as a member to this date, at least I assume so because I can't find it anymore, and made posts that make me embarrassed at the thought of anyone going into the archives and looking at them, and I didn't know it was a good idea to format a long post into multiple paragraphs, making a wall of text not too dissimilar to this one

That's not honestly being retarded, just young or a noob.

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Pretty much being a kid back then totally sucks. When I think about the past, I cringe and wish it never happened.

I look back on younger years as somewhat ridiculous. But then I take a second look and acknowledge this: it's necessary. It makes us who we are. So sure I wasn't bright. That's fine. It paved the road for me, as I am now. So I wouldn't change it, even if I could.

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I didn't have a life. I still don't but now it's because of work and the fact that I haven't been in Toronto for 10 months.

On the other side of things, I did have one in Israel.

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Sharp enough to have been a distinguished team rater back on PokeCommunity Forums before it went to hell, but I would have KILLED to have had half the quotes I got from Narga and Int.

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Waaay before, I used to be horrifyingly violent since my temper ago was so short-wired.

Annoy me, or insult me translates simply as "I WILL KILL YOU!"


Edited by Frosty the Blizzardkitty
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Around that time frame in '09, I was much more confident about my knowledge on various things and flaunted my opinion where ever I could.

Now, I am a bit more apprehensive over giving out any knowledge I think I might possess for fear it is likely faulty.

Also, I have somewhat lost the ability to sound out words to figure out how to spell them. For example, I had issues remembering the 'u' in 'flaunted' when typing this lol

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Me three years ago.

I wanted recognition from people, I actually cared about what someone thought, I was extra sensitive about things, I acted stupid, I felt bad when my topics weren't replied to/didn't get a lot of posts, I made fun of people because everyone else was doing it(sorry Crash), I wasn't manly, I wanted to be part of the 'crowd', I was a mess.

Now I'm waaaaaay better, qualified and 20% cooler.

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Around that time frame in '09, I was much more confident about my knowledge on various things and flaunted my opinion where ever I could.

Now, I am a bit more apprehensive over giving out any knowledge I think I might possess for fear it is likely faulty.


I was decently clever and mature, but I tried to debate people far more experienced than me in serious discussion, which lead to me avoiding serious discussion like the plague for a while. I don't think I ever made a total idiot out of myself, but I certainly wasn't winning any admirers.

Also, the stuff I wrote in creative writing was decent, but it was far from up to my current standards.

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