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Homework Time!


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I do my homework at school. ._.

And when I actually have leftover homework I do it as soon as I get home. I don't get distracted that easily from homework, no matter how boring it is.

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Well, mostly I just avoid it somehow, or do it while watching anime online, chatting, playing. All three until I end up missing something of my homework and I realize that until the next day.

When they are due to some date that is far, I tend to do a bit, then rest, then finish it one day before handing in.

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I usually wait until I'm ready to do something. This actually works pretty well--what I usually do is waste some braincells playing a game until I get bored--an hour or so--and then I want something much different. So I start on an essay or something like that. I usually power through the entire thing right then. The previous dead-time also gives me time to rethink anything I'd like to explore or evaluate.

If it's just monotonous whatever work I generally set a time and work on it with some music from stereomood or something.

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Oh god I hate homeworks >_>

We have some epic homeworks though, one of the most recent ones was making a newspaper frontpage about yourself in PhotoShop, it was pretty fun :3

And when I don't have homeworks... I play Plants Vs Zombies xD (I like casual games when I'm tired, and that's exactly what I am after homeworks...)

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What kind of habits do you display when you are about to / doing / finish doing /avoid doing homework?

If I log onto Skype, I won't ever start my homework until really super late, like 10:00 p.m. (It's a great way to avoid things.) Once I eat dinner, I realize that I don't have enough time to do my homework and therefore don't get enough sleep. @ _ @

If I don't want to write an English essay (I have one due tomorrow, actually....) I do some homework that's due in 2 weeks... Productive procrastination? I'll probably be playing games most of the time, though. Oh. I used to be even worse in freshmen year when I did homework during lunch/in between classes/during class and got no sleep. So I guess this is an improvement.


Pretty much this. <3

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I started homework at 10PM last night.

I even procrastinate about things I want to do. It has gotten that bad. But everything I need to do eventually gets done and is turned in on time (I plow through homework very quickly, bullshitting assignments I know already and I don't need to learn the material at home, because I am really focused on learning the lesson at school). However, math has always been the exception. I need to work hard in math, understand it, and (sometimes, if it bores me too much) apply it to life somehow. That way, math is interesting and useful. Calc has been awesome so far haha.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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What kind of habits do you display when you are about to / doing / finish doing /avoid doing homework?

In order

I delay the inevitable for a time by whatever means necessary / I focus on it as long as I don't feel time is an issue / I throw all of my effort into finishing it off / I... just don't do it. There's nothing in particular that I do, I just don't do it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Go on facebook for as long as I possibly can, then crank out my essays at the last minute so I can still grab 5 or 6 hours of sleep.

Then I hit those A's, and repeat the cycle :D

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