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Fruit Tier List!!!


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Why is tomato even considered a vegetable in the first place?

They're probably thinking it looks and tastes more like a vegetable.


Not really a good reason, since if a tomato tasted like a vegetable it'd still be a fruit (or any other similar examples you can think of), but they see it as justification.

Edited by Lux Aeterna
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They're probably thinking it looks and tastes more like a vegetable.


Not really a good reason, since if a tomato tasted like a vegetable it'd still be a fruit (or any other similar examples you can think of), but they see it as justification.

Taste varies with all fruits.

But how on Weyard does a tomato look more like a vegetable than a fruit? We are talking about those round red stuff, right?

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They're probably thinking it looks and tastes more like a vegetable.


Not really a good reason, since if a tomato tasted like a vegetable it'd still be a fruit (or any other similar examples you can think of), but they see it as justification.

It's a much better reason than the nitpicking crap that peopel use to make it allegedly a fruit.

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It's a much better reason than the nitpicking crap that peopel use to make it allegedly a fruit.

Well, there are two definitions: botanical and gastronomical. Tomato is not gastronomically a fruit since it's used in savoury cooking; but gastronomically, rhubarb is a fruit

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Well, there are two definitions: botanical and gastronomical. Tomato is not gastronomically a fruit since it's used in savoury cooking; but gastronomically, rhubarb is a fruit

Then we'll go by gastronomy, it's got the right idea.

Yeah. Like...science. Fuckin' uppity biologists.

No, like "science", the sort of thing that puts people off good, logical and useful Science.

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Are Durians the ones that allegedly taste amazing but smell like rotten flesh?

Yes...exactly that..although depending on which part of the world you grew up in, you might not think it smells like rotten flesh.

I've tried time and again to make my asian grandparents try cheese as I find it awesome...but they can't stand its smell...

Alternately, I've got to say the same things(Minus the word 'awesome') to convince my norwegian relatives durians are worth giving a try...

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For starters, all four orange variants down to mid, clementines above tangerines, mandarines above oranges.

We'll go on from there once you do that.

Edited by Hazekitty
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Pineapples are not difficult, even I can cut a pineapple. Now a pomegranate I have no idea how to deal with except don't eat the outside, as for how you do that without being messy I haven't the slightest.

Only some varieties of oranges are difficult. Isn't it clementines where you can just peel the skin off and eat em without worrying about the whites that much?

Grapefruits are insanely difficult to cut good slices from IMO.

Edited by Blue Mars
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Green Apples








Mango is too low, dude. It should be moved up to Upper Mid, if not High. Definitely above bananas.

Other problems with the list, but this is the most serious! :O

You're missing out if you've never tried a lychee.

Edited by Iris
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It's a much better reason than the nitpicking crap that peopel use to make it allegedly a fruit.

Oh okay so you're saying that we should call it a fruit because we think it should be a fruit, rather than what it actually is?

k, sound reasoning there

This is probably the single least correct tier list I have ever seen.

Well, that's because it's so ridiculously subjective. What you find tasty I might find gross, and vice versa.

Edited by Lux Aeterna
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