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I'll let you in on a little secret: I'm actually the wolf. I'm pretty much screwed! But guess what? If you take me along for the ride...maybe we can give each other a chance?

Welcome to my strategy. I think I single-handedly screwed 3 Mafia members as Rogue? AKA a role where I don't do anything.

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This makes absolutely no sense. Because (once again) "suspicion" in a NOC game is glorified guesswork. People get credited for nothing more than lucky guesses in that game unless you're playing against retards.

This make absolutely no sense.²

You can't make a proper assumption about someone being scummy or not, but you can -guess- the probability of him/her being scum with a bit of logic and detective work. It isn't mere guesswork.

If I'm the world champion of competitive hotdog eating, is that skill? No, that's called being a fatass. It's the same thing here. What you call skill is really luck in disguise.

Please explain where skill exists in NOC. All you did was say "lol no even though we prove otherwise".

Don't try to mix things that have nothing to do at all.

About NOC, it's all about playing the cards straight, using a bit of logic and detective work. That's how it's been working for ages. If someone can't work through the factor of not contacting anyone, then it's their problem for not being able to adapt to that style. Just please don't ask me to prove it with actions because I suck at Mafias. DX

I like OC, but I don't like it here. If this was a forum where people took initiative, and struck up conversations with everyone, it would work, but we've got way too many people that refuse to talk. That's why I'm hosting NOC; it forces people to think for themselves, or look like sheep.

They'll never learn if you don't make them get used to OCs, Clipsey...

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They'll never learn if you don't make them get used to OCs, Clipsey...

This is the reason why I raped OC games. Because I was the only one who would go out of his way to gain info on everyone.

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This make absolutely no sense.²

You can't make a proper assumption about someone being scummy or not, but you can -guess- the probability of him/her being scum with a bit of logic and detective work. It isn't mere guesswork.


NOC pretty much is guesswork, but it's educated guesswork based off of analyzing interactions with flipped players and prior experience with the game. It's not random at all unless you're playing it at a very low level where nobody knows how to play the game. Most people who say things like "NOC is all luck" seem to typically be the ones who are shit at the game in the first place.

It's basically a game of experience. Townies and scum play differently, for obvious reasons. As you roll different alignments and play in more games, it becomes easier to tell the difference between them because you're used to the goals and tactics as both. It's not as easy to "just look like town" as scum as it sounds, since you're informed minority and it's harder to fake scumhunting if you already know everything anyway (and of course, you need to alter your play to work with your scumbuddies while they're alive).

Alternately, you could just learn how to become a psychic.

It's definitely not a game for everybody, and if somebody prefers OC because NOC never has absolutes or whatever, I'm not going to criticize them for it.

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Context: This is Kay addressing Strawman at the end of FE4 mafia. Iris wanted this saved somewhere, so here ya go~! It's applicable to a lot of you.

This is the whole reason you're not playing that well. You don't do things with confidence. You need to be more sure of yourself. Maybe you'll lead your team to disaster sometimes. It happens. Maybe you'll do something really amazing. Just once, try acting on your ideas with as much certainty as you can muster, and see whether it works better. I'm pretty sure you can be a really great mafia player if you just learn to trust yourself.
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Me and Kay might fight a shitton about my personality but she's probably got the best mind for Mafia here (after me of course). She's absolutely correct here.

This is how I improved. I went out, I did shit, and most importantly, I fucked up a lot. Don't believe me? Look at Mafia Round 3 or Mini Mafia 5. Old games where I completely fucked up but I learnt from them. If you don't ever want to put your ass on the line because you're worried about looking stupid, you'll never improve. If you're willing to risk it all to win it all, the rewards are that much sweeter.

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Kay's right, it's logical: If you do something, something will happen, be it bad or not; if you don't do anything, then nothing will happen. [/Captain Obvious]

It's better to do something than to do nothing. Now we need more Mafias damn it.

EDIT: I forgot to say that I'm thinking about making one. Shouldn't it be interesting for being quite "different" since I'm not used to the common Mafia roles? But I'll need help from someone who's got a lot of experience and is willing to hear me out...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Reposting this here so that people keep it in mind...

Have a little more self-esteem there, and also try to practice a little in-game out-of-game separation. If someone's attacking you or deliberately pushing your buttons, I would say that more often than not it is primarily to get a reaction, and not because you're legitimately hated or whatever. For one, I know that I personally don't dislike you or regard you as stupid or unskilled. Even if your area of expertise may be more focused on the OC games, you don't come off as a noob in NOC by any means. Everyone does have areas that they need to improve on or learn to better apply themself, though, and part of the recent image/style/whatever you've been projecting hasn't been altogether positive. If that's simply because it's a busy time of year, well then that's even more of a reason not to let it get to you, because if you are playing less than optimally it's because of circumstances and not of skill, right?

I'm making such a big point of this because, although hounding on people to try to get them to participate is normal and encouraged, I always feel terrible when somebody takes it the wrong way and is hounded out of the game. I prefer player elimination to happen in proper mafia style.

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  • 4 months later...

Reposting this from the Schoolgirl Mafia thread (quote is regarding the rvs, probably worthwhile to read what kaoz quoted for context + it's a valid point):

kaoz: i've never played with weapons, but that is a Good Quote

it's not hard to just vote somebody as soon as D1 starts and maybe intentionally try to place your vote on a wagon to see if you can start controversy or something. poking at little things that bug you even if they're not particularly strong is good too since it gives people stuff to talk about

Other problems with play here from Schoolgirl that should be addressed:

If the game is NOC (hell, probably if it's OC too but that's not my forte), vote people. Vote people who you think are scum. Always. Votes are the heart and soul of NOC mafia. 420 vote every day. You want your vote down on a scumspect as soon as possible each day. I can not stress this enough; the goal of scum is to blend into the background so that townies get lynched over them, and if everybody's okay with players who aren't trying to find and vote scum, then the scum get a free pass to endgame without taking any stances on other players (aka those things that help you find scum once other players flip). Additionally, if you're not content with your current any vote, doing that re-read and finding a new target before you post instead of just unvoting and leaving everybody hanging tends to keep the day's momentum going and saves your fellow players some time. That said, if town wasn't paying attention and actually did let somebody have no vote down at the end of the day without a good reason, then remember: scum lynches are golden, nightvig shots are silver.

The exception to the above is if a player is at L-1 (in which case you don't hammer until everybody around is OK with it), or if it's LYLO (in which case you don't vote until time is running out, to prevent scum from quickhammering).

Additionally, this should be obvious, but really, don't claim your role unless it's necessary. By "necessary", I mean any of the following:

- - - You're at L-1 and somebody is threatening to hammer you, OR are about to be deadline lynched with minimal time left in the day

- - - Somebody just claimed your role or results that conflict with it, and there isn't an easy explanation for this

- - - You have incriminating results on a scum and it's unlikely you'll be able to get them lynched without claiming

- - - You're a Miller, hated townie or Paranoid Gun Owner, in which case weighing the benifits of claiming that part of your role ASAP is probably a good idea. There's generally never a reason not to claim Hated as far as I'm aware, but Miller makes you a good vig target, and keeping PGO concealed in a game with a low amount of targeting roles can be reasonable.

- - - Not one of the above situations, but you know what you're doing wrt roleclaiming (as a general rule, if you didn't know that claiming outside of the above four situations is typically a bad idea, you probably don't)

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prims, bizz and eclipse are not permitted n1 kills

breaking this rule results in auto-death

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do you die n1 often

I haven't played many recent games here so I wouldn't know ):

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No complaints about the other two, but I don't get that pissy about dying N1 because it feeds my ego 8)

It's lame to watch stuff like those Blitz / Kay lynches unfold while not being able to do anything about it due to DEATH, though.

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aww i'm glad i started playing here again, you guys are awesome

never change that

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I don't get that pissy about dying N1 because it feeds my ego 8)

##Buffalo Charge: Prims

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do you die n1 often

I haven't played many recent games here so I wouldn't know ):

I played a bunch of RTMs with some Smogon people a few months ago

I was Doctor every time

and died N1



it was awful

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Paperblade can't die because Kelsey Green is a perfect being

Remember this, folks

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Pro Tip: don't join games if you're going to sub out immediately, otherwise you're probably an awful person

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Pro Tip: don't join games if you're going to sub out immediately, otherwise you're probably an awful person

Nope. This is what you meant to say.

Pro Tip: don't join games if you're going to sub out immediately, otherwise you're being inconsiderate to the hosts and the rest of the players. Personal emergency stuff is acceptable; "I can't be arsed to play" isn't.
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I had an anxiety attack and had to sub out of a game like a day into it because they don't take kindly to breakdowns there and I didn't want to get personal. /: I might not play games for a while there either, lol.

Thing is, there are players there that DO get personal and wave it off as "all part of the game, grow up." But, see, people play mafia to have fun and even though it can get messy, it shouldn't get to the point where players are getting seriously offended. I understand pointing out the fallacies in someone's argument, but berating a player for having a different style of typing is not a part of the game. It's like saying to someone, "you're ugly and that's why I think you're scum."

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Anxiety attacks fall under "personal emergencies". If it screws with RL, it'll bleed into a mafia game, and that's bad.

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