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Bizz: It's ok. I honestly wasn't mad at a specific person. It was just really frustrating and honestly made me very mad to leave with no votes on me (with the only votes on me the whole day having been RVS votes) and no real comments on my play being exceptionally scummy and to come back and find I'd been lynched. I hadn't really been in a good head space during that whole time and honestly considered just pulling out of Shining Force as well at that point and just not playing mafia for a while. The only reason I didn't was because I was leading the mafia at that point and would have felt horrible about just abandoning them.

That being said, just because I wasn't in a great space doesn't mean I wouldn't have been pissed about it if I had been all ok. It was a really bad play, and I was stunned to find out none of the people who had voted for me at the end like that were mafia. Marth was, but he didn't end up voting for me. Though honestly, what he did was even more scummy looking since he was just following what everyone else said and then unvoted when it was obvious he didn't need to be voting for me to get me lynched.


You were voted for having no opinion. Don't take offense to such things; I did NOT want any of the other people being voted for lynched at the time. It happens. The best you can do is sigh and shake it off.

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Eclipse: a) I had given some opinion, but had also stated I didn't have enough to go on at that point to make a vote and b) I also had said more than some people. So screw that. No matter how you look at it, it was a jerk move especially when multiple people knew there was no chance of me being back on for deadline and NO ONE HAD SAID ANYTHING AGAINST ME THE ENTIRE GAME.

Edited by scorri
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Eclipse: a) I had given some opinion, but had also stated I didn't have enough to go on at that point to make a vote and b) I also had said more than some people. So screw that. No matter how you look at it, it was a jerk move especially when multiple people knew there was no chance of me being back on for deadline and NO ONE HAD SAID ANYTHING AGAINST ME THE ENTIRE GAME.

Did you reread exactly what you said using the search function? Most of what you did say was spam; you had exactly one opinion post the entire day.

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Yes. I did in fact. And I had expressed my own opinions. Other people (Marth) were just bouncing around echoing others opinions, and following their votes, Strider had literally posted one liners that whole time, none of which had any real stuff in them except for saying how bad of an idea it was to talk about our roles, and there were other people who were acting more scummy than me. I specifically stated that due to outside life stuff I hadn't been able to focus on the game well enough to make a vote, and that I would be back the next day to read everything and make a better decision. And before you say how not voting is a horrible thing and no one should ever do it, there were 3 other people there who also didn't have a vote out, at least two of whom looked far more scummy than me. So yes. I stick with my views that what you did was a bad move and people really shouldn't do it in the future and I reserve the right to be pissed off.

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Oh right, I was going to make a post in here, and then forgot about it. But here it is.

It's a really jerk move, and honestly not very helpful to start a wagon on someone who won't be back before phase end when there's been no indication that they're at all suspected. It's one thing if proof comes out that proves their mafia, but it's honestly not a good move to suddenly decide "Hey, this person hasn't talked much, and even though they've talked more than some people, I've decided I don't like their actions and so I'm going to start a wagon!" and then not give them an opportunity to defend themselves. Especially if they haven't been suspected all day. Because then they come back, find out they've been lynched for no reason at all and get really pissed.

Yes, I'm still extremely frustrated and a little bit mad at what happened in Higurashi.

Quoting this now that Draft is over to point out that last minutes are awful for town and I seriously would not have last minute wagon'd Blitz had I not been scum with the ability to get rid of everybody I expected to call me on it (Strawman and Blitz himself) before Day 2.

Edited by Prims
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Yes. I did in fact. And I had expressed my own opinions. Other people (Marth) were just bouncing around echoing others opinions, and following their votes, Strider had literally posted one liners that whole time, none of which had any real stuff in them except for saying how bad of an idea it was to talk about our roles, and there were other people who were acting more scummy than me. I specifically stated that due to outside life stuff I hadn't been able to focus on the game well enough to make a vote, and that I would be back the next day to read everything and make a better decision. And before you say how not voting is a horrible thing and no one should ever do it, there were 3 other people there who also didn't have a vote out, at least two of whom looked far more scummy than me. So yes. I stick with my views that what you did was a bad move and people really shouldn't do it in the future and I reserve the right to be pissed off.

Just about everything you posted in D1 didn't contribute. You had exactly one opinion post, then unvoted before leaving. My lynch priorities are people that I find scummy, followed by active lurkers. You fit "active lurking" very well, so that's why you were lynched. If you don't want a repeat of that, then contribute a bit more, and make sure your vote is on someone you want lynched before you leave.

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if everybody had been voting seriously much earlier in the day (including scorri herself) then the last minute lynch wouldn't have had to happen there

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One thing I've been noticing is how this RVS thing, whatever it stands for, is becoming some sort of cliched and not very useful cliched opening move for everyone. Has a significant part of the player population really forgotten how to talk about stuff?

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random vote stage

it's tricky because I really don't think there's a way to start a game properly, you throw out votes and say things and the game just sort of happens

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you can talk about stuff and vote randomly at the same time!

random voting just increases the odds people end up taking a joke or weird behavior serious, react, and give everybody something that evolves into a point worth talking about

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Eclipse: Screw that. I had still contributed more than other people who were around at that point, I had explained why I wasn't voting, and I honestly didn't have anyone at that point in time that I wanted lynched. So I guess I'm a horrible person for not having a vote on someone. Clearly I should have just voted a random person so that I wouldn't be seen as not having an opinion even though I had explained why I was leaving with no vote. Oh wait, I wasn't the only person without a vote. Some of whom were being viewed as more scummy than me. Some of whom were actually *around* at the end of phase. And since I'm not the only person who thinks that what happened was shitty, I'm going to continue viewing it that way. So screw you, and screw other people who do that. It was a bad move, and honestly the town probably would have been better served just asking for an extension in general or something.

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I didn't really pay much attention to Higurashi because signups were filled with a few subs within 2 hours after being posted and I was asleep the whole time so I may not be entirely accurate but:

If your play was like it was in Carnival Phantasm I can kind of see where eclipse is coming from with calling you scummy because when I reread after your death you didn't really have any opinions other than a waffle-y one on Marth, which made me wonder why the mafia killed you since I thought your role was incredibly weak due to the random nature of it (talking to Iris later apparently the mafia inspected you N0 and thought it was totes OP). Also I thought you were possible scum late D1.

However I agree with you that the last minute lynches was questionable and I don't think that a lynch wagon should start up on someone near the end of the phase if they're not around. Seeing this kind of play as normal lets people do what Prims did in Draft Mafia, which in my eyes is basically a stealth lynch which is only done in two cases

A. As mafia to push an important kill (such as to end the game)

B. In multifaction because multifaction

Lynching people who aren't around to defend themselves can lead to things like lynching Doctors (note that this is different from a wagon that starts halfway through the phase and the person just doesn't defend themselves for whatever reason see: FE4/Haphazard). Especially because people who aren't contributing as much might have a valid protown reason to do so (for example a user in a Smogon NOC I'm in trolled for the first 2.8 days with just a little contribution then claimed cop with a guilty and was promptly nightkilled by the mafia, which worked out well because the mafia certainly weren't going to kill someone who spent half his posts claiming mafia)

Edited by Paperblade
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Never having read or participated in a multifaction game, why are last-minute lynches done there more than in normal games? Because there aren't really "scum", as such?

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(talking to Iris later apparently the mafia inspected you N0 and thought it was totes OP)

potential guaranteed 1-shot fullcop, possible more with good luck, so yeah

otherwise i pretty much agree with paperblade's post

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I have admitted (or at least have meant to admit) that my play during Higa, SF, and CP mafia was not the best it could have been. I'd been dealing with something that was scarily close to an entire life meltdown and so wasn't as focused on this as I could or should have been. However, even with that, I still had more opinions (even if they weren't the greatest or most coherent) posted than some other people. And I know I have said this, and that is if eclipse had decided to vote for me earlier than 4:30 AM my time when phase end was at 8 AM my time (haha like I'll be awake then on a weekend) I would have been fine with it. The whole reason I made my post in the first place is because it was a shitty move to vote for someone four hours before phase end when they have specifically said that they won't be back on before the end of phase and it's perfectly reasonable for them to not be back, especially when the only votes that had been on them at that point were RVS votes, and at the time when they left there were no votes on them.

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Eclipse: Screw that. I had still contributed more than other people who were around at that point, I had explained why I wasn't voting, and I honestly didn't have anyone at that point in time that I wanted lynched. So I guess I'm a horrible person for not having a vote on someone. Clearly I should have just voted a random person so that I wouldn't be seen as not having an opinion even though I had explained why I was leaving with no vote. Oh wait, I wasn't the only person without a vote. Some of whom were being viewed as more scummy than me. Some of whom were actually *around* at the end of phase. And since I'm not the only person who thinks that what happened was shitty, I'm going to continue viewing it that way. So screw you, and screw other people who do that. It was a bad move, and honestly the town probably would have been better served just asking for an extension in general or something.

Being upset over a D1 lynch when you weren't exactly being useful isn't helping your case. If that's how you want to view things, fine, but don't complain when you find yourself lynched because of your mindset. Step back and remember that this is a game; even if you are lynched/killed early, it isn't going to wipe countries off the planet or something equally drastic.

tl;dr: It happens, so stop complaining about it.

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I'm not mad about the fact that I was lynched D1. I'm mad that you all of a sudden decided four hours before the deadline when I had already made it clear that I was gone for the day that I was a good target to lynch when up to the point of me leaving, there were no suspicions directed my way. I don't care if I get lynched D1. Honestly, I don't. I would be just as mad if someone did this to me D3 or D15 for that matter. You keep saying I wasn't useful, but you're ignoring my points about how there were other people who were less useful, more scummy, and around at that point in time. I honestly don't care that I was lynched. I care that I was lynched with no chance to defend myself when I had gone to bed with the perfectly reasonable assumption that I would be alive in the game the next day.

I'm aware it happens. What I've been trying to say through these posts is that it's something that people should try to avoid having happen because it sucks, is unfair, and is honestly shitty play.

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potential guaranteed 1-shot fullcop, possible more with good luck, so yeah

otherwise i pretty much agree with paperblade's post

and with bad luck you are hooking other good town roles/giving the mafia dayvigs

also I don't think one shot cop is OP but eh

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I'm not mad about the fact that I was lynched D1. I'm mad that you all of a sudden decided four hours before the deadline when I had already made it clear that I was gone for the day that I was a good target to lynch when up to the point of me leaving, there were no suspicions directed my way. I don't care if I get lynched D1. Honestly, I don't. I would be just as mad if someone did this to me D3 or D15 for that matter. You keep saying I wasn't useful, but you're ignoring my points about how there were other people who were less useful, more scummy, and around at that point in time. I honestly don't care that I was lynched. I care that I was lynched with no chance to defend myself when I had gone to bed with the perfectly reasonable assumption that I would be alive in the game the next day.

I'm aware it happens. What I've been trying to say through these posts is that it's something that people should try to avoid having happen because it sucks, is unfair, and is honestly shitty play.

Of the remaining people, I didn't want Shinori/BBM lynched, because I felt both would be a mislynch. Bizz would be a silly lynch, so she was out. I wasn't sure whether Marth/Rapier was being stupid or his usual self, so I figured an inspection was warranted (turns out you being lynched kinda helped with Marth's lynch later). I wasn't about to test a bomb claim, so Subi wouldn't make a good lynch target. Elieson was talking, and if he's scum, he'll slip sooner than later, so I figured lynching him on D1 wasn't the best idea. Cam was echoey, but I think an earlier wagon on him made me not want to lynch him (don't quite remember). Bal contributed quite a bit whenever he was around. That left Rein/Kay, who would've been in the exact same boat as you. That D1 wasn't very helpful in terms of who to lynch, but who I'd rather not lynch.

If I end up being lynched in that manner, it'll kind of depend on what I was doing, among other things. If you guys honestly feel that I'm the best target, no matter what my alignment, then go for it. I won't fault people for doing what they think is the best course of action at the time, with whatever information they have available.

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I think this is enough on that topic, everyone has said their piece... on that note, content that's specific to one game that cannot be applied on a larger scale should probably be discussed in that specific game's thread.

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