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Defeatist Elitist's Ask Me Anything Thread

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I'll kickstart this with something simple:

What is your favourite activity? Why is it your favourite activity? When do you do your favourite activity? Who do you do your favourite activity with, if anyone? And how do you do your favourite activity?

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I'll kickstart this with something simple:

What is your favourite activity? Why is it your favourite activity? When do you do your favourite activity? Who do you do your favourite activity with, if anyone? And how do you do your favourite activity?

Fapping. Because it's gr9. All the time. Just myself usually. It's pretty straightforward, you could probably figure it out yourself.

Why does everyone draw FE4's Daisy with her midriff bare?

See above.


But really I don't know what my favorite activity is. I guess right now I'm really into playing Magic The Gathering, so that might count. One of the main reasons I like it is because it's really mentally satisfying to play, and there's enough variance to keep it constantly interesting. I usually play a couple times a week, mostly in the evening, and I usually play with another kid in my building who plays, but sometimes I play with friends from where I grew up. It's somewhat to complicated to explain it here, but it's at least a little like most TCGs.

As for the Daisy question, my first answer is probably still correct.

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Recently I've been going through a lot of abuse lately, had a lot of people point and scream at me, children are running away from me and people have been trying to get the police on me.

Anyway, do you think I should stop boycotting trousers and underwear?

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Recently I've been going through a lot of abuse lately, had a lot of people point and scream at me, children are running away from me and people have been trying to get the police on me.

Anyway, do you think I should stop boycotting trousers and underwear?

No. Public indecency laws are pointless and oppressive and you're an incredibly brave man for challenging them.

ALSO, the rest of you need to ask me more questions.

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Why do you seek to have questions asked of you, oh wise one?

Do you actively seek to better yourself in any way?

Of the nine kinds of generals, is it fair to say that mixtures of the types dilute the purity of the types and that it is better to have an assortment of purities than of mixtures because having relative purities allows one to recognize and select them for appropriate tasks more easily?

Do you enjoy leading questions?

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Why do you seek to have questions asked of you, oh wise one?

Raven did it so I had to as well. Plus you know, arrogance and a constant need to spread myself all over everybody else.

Do you actively seek to better yourself in any way?

Doesn't everybody? Isn't that the point of school and whatnot?

Of the nine kinds of generals, is it fair to say that mixtures of the types dilute the purity of the types and that it is better to have an assortment of purities than of mixtures because having relative purities allows one to recognize and select them for appropriate tasks more easily?

I'm not sure I understand the question.

Do you enjoy leading questions?

It depends I guess.

Why Garak? Why not Dukat instead?

Well, I fucking love both of them, and I'm probably going to slowly cycle through DS9 characters anyway. Garak was just the one I chose first. I really do want to do Dukat though so I can have the "But she is, and that might mean nothing to you, but it means everything to me" line in my sig.

Can you actually sew?

I think I can, haven't tried in quite a while. It's not that hard.

you see a woman being chased accross the street by a man with ratty clothes on, and you are at a red light. What do you do.

I'd need more information than that to make an educated decision.

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I'd need more information than that to make an educated decision.

well you're sitting in a car at a red light, and all you see is a woman being chased. This obviously means she's being chased with some intent other than honest. What, pray tell, do you do? There is no other information, you are within the safety of your car. Will you abandon her to whatever her fate may be, or will you park your car and see what's going on?

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well you're sitting in a car at a red light, and all you see is a woman being chased. This obviously means she's being chased with some intent other than honest. What, pray tell, do you do? There is no other information, you are within the safety of your car. Will you abandon her to whatever her fate may be, or will you park your car and see what's going on?

How's the rest of the traffic? If there's a bunch of people around I probably don't need to do anything, but I might call the cops anyway. It really depends how things go down. I probably wouldn't park and go after them unless it was somewhat obvious that it was necessary.

Have you played Sonic Unleashed?

Who do you think I am?

Fave FE4 Pairings?

Hard to say. I tend to like Noish pairings though. Also BriggidxDew is hilarious.

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Who do you think I am?

Some forum junkie, same as everyone else here

The coolest of bros.

Hard to say. I tend to like Noish pairings though. Also BriggidxDew is hilarious.

I've never paired Noish. I ought to try it sometime. I heard NoishAyra is spectacular.

Edited by Darros
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How's the rest of the traffic? If there's a bunch of people around I probably don't need to do anything, but I might call the cops anyway. It really depends how things go down. I probably wouldn't park and go after them unless it was somewhat obvious that it was necessary.

Alright. So you drive to your apartment, neither you nor the other drivers care, and the woman quickly leaves your mind as you look forward to the weekend after your double overtime week. You get home at 10:30PM, and your stomach begins to hurt from the chinese food you had for dinner. You use the bathroom, and flop onto your bed, and fall asleep.

You wake up around 3PM the next day, and curse as you realize how you long you slept. You realize it's the weekend, sigh with relief, and turn on your TV. A newscaster's voice on your local news channel catches your ear as you surf channels, and you hear the follow. "A warning to all of our viewers, these people are not to be dealt with, and if any attempt to enter your home, lock yourself in a bathroom, basement, attic or other secure area..." you quickly lose interest, as you look out your window to see almost no cars out on the street. You check your cellphone and see a message recieved a couple of hours ago from your girlfriend, saying, "Looks like there's a riot downtown, wanna come over and keep me company?" You shrug. What do you do next?

Edited by Train to Dick Butt Town
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Let me try and explain my question regarding generals. In chinese military philosophy, either Sun Tzu, Zhuge Liang or Liu Ji described nine kinds of archetypal generals. My question is whether having specialization in generalship is advantageous so that various kinds of tasks can be assigned with accuracy, or a degree of mixture of traits is better. I was asking whether you would favor specialization or admixture.

There are nine types of generals:

Those who guide with virtue, who treat all equally with courtesy, who know when the troops are cold and hungry, and who notice when they are weary and pained, are called humanistic generals.

Those who do not try to avoid any task, who are not influenced by profit, who would die with honor before living in disgrace, are called dutiful generals.

Those who are not arrogant because of their high status, who do not make much of their victories, who are wise but can humble themselves, who are strong but can be tolerant, are called courteous generals.

Those whose extraordinary shifts are unfathomable, whose movements and responses are multifaceted, who turn disaster into fortune and seize victory from the jaws of danger, are called clever generals.

Those who give rich rewards for going ahead and have strict penalties for retreating, whose rewards are given right away and whose penalties are the same for all ranks, even the highest, are called trustworthy generals.

Those who go on foot or on a war-horse, with the mettle to take on a hundred men, who are skilled in the use of close-range weapons, swords, and spears, are called infantry generals.

Those who face the dizzying heights and cross the dangerous defiles, who can shoot at a gallop as if in flight, who are in the vanguard when advancing and in the rear guard when withdrawing, are called cavalry generals.

Those whose mettle makes the armies tremble and whose determination makes light of powerful enemies, who are hesitant to engage in petty fights while courageous in the midst of major battles, are called fierce generals.

Those who consider themselves lacking when they see the wise, who go along with good advice like following a current, who are magnanimous yet able to be firm, who are uncomplicated yet have many strategies, are called great generals.

Edited by Blue Mars
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Is this the choice of Steins;Gate?


Let me try and explain my question regarding generals. In chinese military philosophy, either Sun Tzu, Zhuge Liang or Liu Ji described nine kinds of archetypal generals. My question is whether having specialization in generalship is advantageous so that various kinds of tasks can be assigned with accuracy, or a degree of mixture of traits is better. I was asking whether you would favor specialization or admixture.

Okay, in that case clever general is basically objectively better than the rest because half of those skills aren't even relevant to a general, and the clever one just flat out beats the others. Basically, I don't think I'd have many mixed generals, but I wouldn't have a bunch of generals with different purities. I think in most cases a bunch of clever generals will just flat out be better.

Edited by Defeatist Elitist
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