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Most Difficult/Frustrating Fire Emblem Chapter


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I find neither to be a huge issue. I just don't like it when I can only move 3 spaces a turn.

I understand where you're coming from, but I arguably find it even more annoying when the bulk of enemies are those that most of your units can't counter well (due to javelins and hand axes having dismal accuracy), if at all.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Chapter 27 in FE9. The actual chapter isn't too bad, but if you fuck up against the Black Knight you have to do all of Chapter 27 again (why couldn't IS let you save the game after beating it and have the BK fight as a mini-chapter or something?).

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-Chapter 2. Mostly because of the wtflength and Eve, Alva, and Eva's suckiness. At least Sigurd makes it to Lachesis on Turn 4.

-Chapter 3 (Silvail to Orgahill). Because wtfBriggidislockedto2rangeandisgonnagetswarmed, and ohfuckeveryone'stoofarfromMandinohowthefuckamIgonnagetthere.

-Chapter 5 (specifically from Lubeck to Velthomer). Because you not only have to tank Meteor mages, you also have to avoid the two sleep Staff Priests, AND you have to deal with a shitton of Dragon Knights who have Horseslayers, thus putting a decent amount of your party at serious risk for massive injury.


-Chapter 7, for reasons listed above.

-Chapter 14, for reasons listed above.


-Any LNM chapter that involves a Tutorial.

-Chapter 10. That rain. Makes me want to cry.

-Chapter 16/17. Because I usually have to waste one to three perfectly good units by rescuing the world's worst NPC's so I can get the sidequest. Also, wasting another unit to guard Merlinus against the swarm of Cavalier/Nomad reinforcements.



-Chapter 26/28. Yay, a chapter based mostly on luck! And keeping Nino alive!



-Chapter 11B. I have to send units careening into harm's way for the most annoying unit in the game, who isn't even that useful because I've already got two potential mounted healers.

-Chapter 19. Yay more useless NPC's!


-Chapter 8. Because getting swarmed is so easy in that chapter, and Titania isn't able to do everything.

-Chapter 27 Part 2: Yay more luck based mission! And it doesn't matter, I get a horrible unit no matter what I do!


-1-8. Not having Jill and attempting to rescue all of the villagers? Ha. Ha. Good one, IS.

-4-4. SO. LONG.

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No offense, but if you haven't had to try anything more than 3 times yet, you really don't know what "hard" is :/

Either that or you're some kind of prodigy who is too good for anything IS has to offer

Edited by zahlman
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I guess I just don't like the Shrine of Seals very much, because both chapters in which it appears are two of my least favorite: FE6, chapter 21, and FE7, Cog of Destiny.

And while desert chapters in general suck, I'd say FE9 chapter 14 sucks particularly hard for (a) having a completely counter-intuitive method of recruiting Stefan, and (b) those damned laguz whose movement is pretty much impossible to predict on the turn before they transform. I guess I should be grateful for [c] the BEXP incentive not to kill any of them... but in fact, that makes it even more frustrating when even Marcia can 2HKO some of those guys.

Edited by Paper Jam
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EDIT: And... I posted that a while ago.

Well, I'll also take Sailine to Thove in FE4 Chapter 4. That's annoying as fuck.

Edited by Kefka
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I actually despised FFO on EHM FE7, simply because I was trying to S rank EHM and was stupid/stubborn enough to field really low level units to pad experience rank in a chapter known for coughing out tons of it. Two ballistae, a bolting sage, and wyverns that all OHKO'd my low level units made me die inside.

As for HHM, C15 without Marcus/Oswin while getting the Dracoshield and both chests. OH. MY. ****ING. GOD. Nothing else on this mode compares to that, at all, ever. Or probably any chapter of any FE I've played to date.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Most annoying has to go to fe7 - LNM, having to force Wallace to use a knight crest hurts me at the deepest part of my soul.

Most hated to play: FE11, H5 Ch.1, 3, and 14 ( is that wooden cavalry?) in that order

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