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Pokemon SoulSilver Draft


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I don't know why you'd catch a magikarp in the first place, But honestly I'm not so sure about this. :/ I'll let others decide.

Catching a Magikarp with an Old Rod and raising it into a Gyarados is the quickest way to get a Gyarados. But last time I played, the Red Gyarados was at Lv30 like my own raised Gyarados but also had better stats and nature, so I swapped them.

Honestly I think that if people want a new Pokemon of the same type (eg. Dr. Will's Rhyhorn idea - he drafted Rhyhorn so in my opinion he should be allowed to do whatever he likes with any Rhyhorn/Rhydon he catches, as long as he uses it upon capture) then let them do as they please.

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I think the fairest interpretation of this rule would be you can 'sub' a pokemon for another of the same species with the preferred nature or whatever, but only if the new one is lower level or only a couple of levels higher. So, in the Gyarados case, if you've raised the old one to, say level 25, then you can sub RG.

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I don't have any problem with replacing a pokemon with another of the same species. I mean, you drafted the pokemon, and switching them means you "lose" all experience invested in the old one, as well as EVs. I think it's perfectly fair.

About grinding, I'm okay with any of those options, either/or allowing grinding or less then 6 pokemon, we just shouldn't be encouraging starter solos.

Also, would anyone else be in agreement with abolishing the current HM rules and just flat out allowing HM slaves? Nobody really wants to slap whirlpool, cut, rock smash etc on team members because their one slave couldn't learn all of them, do they?

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I agree - I would much rather have a HM slave than have to teach useless HMs to my limited team. I think that, if you want to, you can carry around a Pokemon to do the HM duties at your own discretion. If you bring around a HM slave, you have less space for your 6th Pokemon. I believe it should be up to you whether you should carry 5 Pokemon and a HM slave, or carry 6 Pokemon everywhere with useless HM moves taught between them. As long as the slave doesn't contribute to battles, I see nothing wrong with this.

Example: I don't want to teach Cut to my Zubat or Chikorita just to get through Ilex Forest. I'd much rather get an undrafted Pokemon to do the job for me as opposed to wasting one of my 4 move spaces on a rubbish HM move. And later on, I know Surf is a decent Special water move, but Gyarados is an Attacker, not a Special Attacker. I will be looking for a HM slave to do my Surfing duties - and I doubt it will be the same Pokemon that cut that tree back in Ilex Forest.

Edited by V-Raven
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I just want suggest a change to rule 9, you can't use two of the same pokemon at the same time, but you can catch more than one.

That sounds good and right to me.

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I myself was planning on catching a Spearow early on, then ditching it for the one that is given to you later on, for boosted exp. As long as you don't use them at the same time, I don't see the problem.

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So, are we going to require six pokemon raised or not? At this point, none of the flyers add anything much to my team, so if we are not requiring 6 I will probably just use an HM slave in the 6th slot to hold fly.

Anyway, I'm going to go with Doduo/Dodrio, just in case. (Because Doduo can learn fly and Scyther can't, hurr)

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:/: Two electric types? I would have guessed for sure that Magnemite was safe until my pick. Anyway, guess I'm going with Eevee/Jolteon. It made that choice easy, at least.
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:/: Two electric types? I would have guessed for sure that Magnemite was safe until my pick.

Not with me, no. I needed it to make the third rival fight much easier. (ie, don't need to waste x items in Quilava) Past that, it probably won't see any use, but hey, not everything can be used for the whole game. :/:

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Fair enough. I still don't know how I'm going to handle the 2nd rival fight other then "suicide Geodude into Bayleef, flinch to death with bite." After that, scyther lols at him. Anyway, I was debating the merits of Magneton vs. Jolteon when my picks were coming up: Magneton gets discharge and a secondary STAB, but Jolteon shows up earlier and most critically is one of the few pokemon that could potentially get the jump on Red's Lapras and Blastoise while being roughly 25 levels lower. It just has to deal with a shitty movepool all game.

Anyway, since I now have 5 pokes + starter, I'm going to being playing. I'l still finish drafting, of course.

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Okay, better start logging this before I forget.

Session 1

I started with Cyndquil, and fought a couple of wild Pokemon on the way to Mr Pokemon. By the time I beat the Rival (named Silver) is was still only level 8. I got back to New Bark, gave Silver's name, and got my mother to start taking some of my money (for a possible Choice Scarf and such). Headed back through Cherrygrove, and beat the trainers on the way. I caught Bellsprout, who I baton switch trained on the sages in Sprout Tower. Cyndaquil (who got Ember on the last trainer before Sprout Tower) OHKOed everything but the Hoothoot, which was kind of annoying because it got put to sleep but it worked out. Part way through I got a phone call from Joey about his top percentage Rattata, I just laughed. I used the escape rope and got Cyndaquil to evolve on the 2nd gym trainer. Falkner was easy. Pidgey got a sand attack in before he was 2HKOed so I switched Bellsprout so there wasn't an issue. After it was KOed Quilava came back out for a 3HKO (thankfully no Roost) and defeated Falkner.

I got the egg and all that good stuff, and gave Bellsprout the Miracle Seed I got from the man at the start of the route. Then he caught up with Quilava taking the right side of the route due to the Fisherman, and it wasn't worth going back for a Nidoran. He pretty much soloed Union Cave, where I went straight for the exit, except for the guy with the Koffing who was dispatched quickly by Quilava. Quilava swept the well and the Gym. Scyther didn't cause a problem because Bugsy is stupid and decided to use Focus Energy instead of attack on the first turn, which would have killed. He others were one shotted by Flame Wheel. Silver's Ghastly and Zubat were easy pickings for Quilava, while Bellsprout killed Croconaw. Time to get Headbutt, and then Heracross.

Current Time: 1:25

 Quilava (Level 21)
-Quick Attack
-Flame Wheel

Bellsprout (Level 16)
-Vine Whip
-Sleep Powder
-Stun Spore

Bellsprout is lower leveled because of the gym's typing, unfortunately.

Oh, and I think it's Smithy's turn.

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Who's turn is it to draft?


EDIT: I'm going to change the rules according to majority vote:

Grinding is allowed and do whatever the hell you want. :(

HM slave allowed. Makes no difference, I learnt. xP

You are allowed to capture as many of the drafted species as you want, but only one can be used at a time.

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Part 1: Let the Battles Begin!

I mash my way through a bunch of useless tutorials and other information and pick Totodile as my starter, who I name Rampage. Blast through wild pokemon, collect egg, dispose of Rival (named Silver) without effort. Sit through Lyra being generally annoying as she tries to teach me how to catch a pokemon. I head north, and capture myself a Geodude named Gnome. Gnome muscles her (yup, both of my pokemon are female, random female starter ftw) way through the worthless trainer pokemon on the way to Violet City, growing to level 8 easily. In the Sprout Tower, Gnome already proves her worth, getting 6HKOed by Vine Whips. After she learns rock throw, I swap her out for Rampage, who learns bite against the tower sage. Gnome demolishes the Violet Gym, 2HKOing Pidgeotto and OHKOing everything else. I return to the pokemon center, heal and save.

Time: 00:48


Rampage (Level 13)


-Water Gun


Gnome (Level 13)


-Rock Throw


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Session 1

Sorry in advance if I am switching between past and present tenses. I'm writing it as I go along.

I began with Chikorita. Did all that jazz with the egg, rival (Kai) and stuff (Chikorita was Lv9 by the time I fought him - cheers Kakunas).

Bought some items from the shop - some PRZ Heals and Antidotes.

Looking through that cave for a Zubat, but so far I have only seen 2 Lv2 Zubats, and like 4 Geodudes. Chikorita's now Lv12 after wiping them out. I want a Zubat on at least Lv4 before I leave this cave. My plan is to train Zubat in Bellsprout Tower.

Gah shit fuck, ran into a Lv4 Zubat, but typically Chikorita critkills it. Fuck. Try again.

...Fuck you Chikorita. He did it again.

Fuck it I'll settle for a Lv3 Zubat. Back to the PKMN center for healing then training of Zubat. So anyway I beat all the trainers on that route and by the time I enter Violet City, Chikorita is on Lv13 and Zubat is on Lv6. Nearly an hour has passed.

Training in the tower is slow and painful. Nothing can get 1HKO'd. 18 minutes passed before I finally finished it. Chikorita is Lv14, Zubat is Lv10. Gonna face the gym now. This won't be easy considering my team. Zubat is probably my best option here.

Made it to Falkner. Beat his Pidgey. Zubat confused Pidgeotto, then switched to Chikorita. Chikorita was getting 3HKOd by Gust. Chik poisoned Pidgeotto. Then it was a desperate mix of Roost, Gust, Tackle and Potion before the AI decided to Gust instead of Roost, with the poison ebbing the last HP away from Pidgeotto. Victory for this unlikely team.

What a terrible start.

Time: 1:31 sigh =[


Chikorita Lv14



Razor Leaf


Zubat Lv11

Leech Life



There will be no changes to my team except maybe for Chikorita's evolution for the second gym. Zubat's learning Wing Attack at Lv17, so I am considering training only him until he learns it.

Edit: Since I am focusing on Zubat's training I'm not even sure if Chikorita will be evolving before the 2nd gym.

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Part 2: Caves and Wells and all those shitty places.

Heading south from Violet, nothing particularly notable happens as hordes of trainer pokemon are mowed down. Gnome learns Magnitude, which is like Earthquake... but horrible. At least it gets STAB. Rampage is true to her name as she slaughters Union Cave and the Slowpoke Well. I reach Azalea Town.

I don't both taking to Kurt when he falls down the well, and I refuse his phone number too. I'm such a jackass. Bugsy puts up no more resistance then Falkner. Scyther's U-Turn puts quite a dent in Gnome, but 4x weak to Rock=lol. Everything is OHKOed. Then I go out and beat up Sliver. Curse hits me as I Rock Polish turn 1, bringing Gnome down to a sliver of health by the time Gastly is KOed. I was considering using Rock Polish + Selfdestruct to take out Bayleef, but realized I would lose a good chunk of exp, so I go with my first plan. Bite works just fine on Bayleef, and despite an annoying synthesis in the red, it never even razor leafs Rampage. I heal at the pokemon center and save.

Time: 1:23


Rampage (Level 20)


-Water Gun

-Still Crap

Gnome (Level 18)


-Rock Throw


-Rock Polish

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Session 2: Caught Farfetch'd, got Cut and went to the headbutt guy and taught it to Quilava. Took a while but I got a Heracross (underleveled as hell though) and spent most of my time before Whitney grinding it. It soled Whitney with Brick Break. Got rid of Sudowoodo, beat the rival in Ecruteak. Deciding if I should fight the gym yet. Oh and Bellsprout evolved.

Current Time: 2:58

Weepinbell (Level 21)
-Vine Whip
-Stun Spore
-Sleep Powder

Heracross (Level 21)
-Brick Break
-Fury Attack
-Horn Attack
-Aerial Ace

Quilava (Level 22
-Quick Attack
-Flame Wheel

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Part 3: Disregard Underground Path, aquire Brokeness.

I made my way through Ilex Forest, teaching a Bellsprout I aquired earlier Cut, and teaching Rampage Headbutt at the move tutor. Pwned more trainers, talked to the useless day care people and reached Goldenrod. Once their, I first took a trip to the department store to buy a TM of Focus Blast and Thunder, then got a free bike. Advertisment? Screw that. I then played some lovely Voltorb flip and aquired a level 15 Abra, which I renamed to Lucas. (I actually do enjoy playing Voltorb Flip) On the route north, I used bait-and-switch to get Lucas a level, which evolved him. He then took care of the rest of the trainers on his own.

Up next, the Bug Catching Contest. First time, I didn't realize I would be unable to heal in the contest, and entered with my 10 hp Lucas. Not a great idea... I got further trolled by the fact the very first pokemon that showed up was a Scyther. After a ragequit, I spent a lot of time trying to find one again and eventually did... losing the contest to a Kakuna, of all things. Well, the Scyther (Named Valmanway) had a shitty nature, but it had technician, so I can't complain. I returned to Goldenrod taking out the rest of the trainers along the way, got a radio card, and challenged the gym. Valmanway destroyed everything with rock smash, except for Milktank, which she weakened enough for Gnome to easily take out. Saved outside the gym.

Time: 2:19


Rampage (Level 22)


-Water Gun

-Ice Fang


Gnome (Level 22)


-Rock Throw


-Rock Polish

Lucas (Level 19)




Valmanway (Level 17)

-Rock Smash



-False Swipe

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