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Pokemon SoulSilver Draft


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And with that, an update:

Session 1:

Chose Cyndaquil this time round. It's a female, which makes a nice change. Her nickname is Blaze.

Did the usual faffing about. Got the egg. Beat the Rival. His name is Kai.

Then went into Dark Cave and caught a Lv4 Zubat. Her name is Edge.

With my team of two, I kept switching Zubat out against trainer Pokemon to raise him. His offensive is basically shit right now.

Blaze evolved in the gym, just before the fight with Falkner. His bitching Pidgey used like 5 x Sand Attack on Blaze, it took about 6 tries for Ember to hit.

Pidgeotto didn't get much of a chance to shine really. He was burnt and Ember 3HKO'd him.

Good. MUCH better timing than my first run with Chikorita.


Quillava Lv14
- Ember
- Quick Attack
- Smokescreen
- Leer

Zubat Lv10
- Leech Life
- Supersonic
- Astonish

Time: 00:53

Edge's grown 6 levels and hasn't fought a single battle to himself yet. GJ Blaze.

I'm going to catch a Wooper in passing through the next route in preparation for a Surf HM slave. He's gonna take me to Red Gyarados, who will be learning Waterfall. Not sure what to do about Whirlpool, though.


Continued play. Did some research and found out Wooper can learn all 3 of the water HMs. I also used it for Rock Smash.

Got some levels in the cave. Edge could fight her own battles after learning Bite. She cleared out the Rockets single handedly.

We took on Rival Kai before trying the gym, but Gastly had Cursed Edge. Crokanaw kind of destroyed Blaze, and then Edge fell shortly after due to some damage from Curse already inflicted.

Instead of facing Kai again, I decided we should go for the gym, get some more levels in. Edge went on to learn Wing Attack in the middle of Bugsy's gym. I should've healed her before facing Bugsy but I forgot. Edge took half of Scyther's HP off before getting KOd. Blaze cleared up the rest of the leader's Pokemon - she gained a complete levels-worth of experience from KOing Scyther alone.

Saved outside the gym.

Time: 1:42

Quillava Lv18
- Ember
- Quick Attack
- Smokescreen
- Leer

Zubat Lv18
- Wing Attack
- Supersonic
- Bite
- Leech Life

Edited by V-Raven
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I wouldn't recommend No$GBA. I've been using it, and it's quite fast, but it crashes continuously.

Around the time I got to Ecruteak, the crashes happened almost every time I saved. I tried to get around this by closing it as soon as it saved, but it now crashes on loading. So my runthrough is a bust. mellow.gif I haven't had much luck with DS emulation in general. I may restart on the original, if only for my own interest.

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I wouldn't recommend No$GBA. I've been using it, and it's quite fast, but it crashes continuously.

Around the time I got to Ecruteak, the crashes happened almost every time I saved. I tried to get around this by closing it as soon as it saved, but it now crashes on loading. So my runthrough is a bust. mellow.gif I haven't had much luck with DS emulation in general. I may restart on the original, if only for my own interest.

funny, because I've never faced loading crashes.

On my draft though, it did crash a couple of times when I entered the national park with a bike. o.O

Still, emulation gaming seems weird. Like, you cant frameskip, or else your time score kinda goes bad.

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Maybe it's the game I'm using. Or maybe it's some issue with my computer. In any case, it probably wouldn't hurt to try. There seem to be different quirks (my game didn't like it when Elm rung me, either time), so maybe it will turn out all right.

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I'm pretty safe using my 3DS and cart. The Home button in the middle is very useful for freezing the time of the game. It's like a universal pause button.

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I had no idea who's turn it was, I asked a while back, and recieved no response.

Not that I care, I don't plan on using any other pokemon anyway.

Really? Sorry, then.

Well since you're cool with it, let's wait for smithy.

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Session 2:

Well shit, it took me 30 minutes to do the following:

Beat Rival Kai, Catch the 2 Farfetch'd, Catch Paras for Cut, get the Charcoal, get through Ilex Forest, catch my Drowzee and call her Chopper, beat some trainers using Drowzee, talk to the daycare people event, and then heal my Pokemon at Goldenrod PC. Saved here.

Time: 2:13

Quillava Lv19
- Ember
- Headbutt
- Smokescreen
- Leer

Zubat Lv18
- Leech Life
- Supersonic
- Wing Attack
- Bite

Drowzee Lv15
- Headbutt
- Disable
- Confusion
- Hypnosis

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Houndour, I guess. (Not likely that I'm ever going to use it.)

That ends the Johto picks, assuming Manix is done.

I get the last Johto pick and the last Kanto pick. :(:

Edited by Overlord Zetta
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No, I'm not likely to use all the ones I have anyway, just commenting on the situation. Honestly the whole Kanto draft seems very unbalanced no matter who kicks it off- there isn't likely to be anything remotely useful after the first few picks. Basicly Snorlax >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zapdos >>>>>>>>>Articuno/Safari Zone Pokes (Both cost a lot of time)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everything else (Horriblely underleveled)

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I would like to get at least one more Johto pick to round out my team more unless I can change my previous pick. (and assuming no one takes it of course).

Actually, pick it if you want, but I'm warning you that you'll probably regret the decision later on.

EDIT: Ok, in game of 24 hours? No way! >.<

EDIT 2: Can someone tell me how do i get that Block call from Baoba? I got the nat dezx before showing sandshrew to Baoba. I want a Skorupi/Drapion, but if its costing me hours, I'm not sure I can risk it.

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Actually, pick it if you want, but I'm warning you that you'll probably regret the decision later on.

EDIT: Ok, in game of 24 hours? No way! >.<

EDIT 2: Can someone tell me how do i get that Block call from Baoba? I got the nat dezx before showing sandshrew to Baoba. I want a Skorupi/Drapion, but if its costing me hours, I'm not sure I can risk it.

Remember to save and turn it off every time you go off - don't waste time leaving it on to eat food or go to the bathroom.

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Remember to save and turn it off every time you go off - don't waste time leaving it on to eat food or go to the bathroom.

I use an emulator, remember?

But I've heard people saying that if you finish the 3nd task, then as soon as you get nat dex you get a call from him.

How does it happen?

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I can only speak from experience from my last run, where I unlocked the zone changer well before beating the E4, and I believe I got the call that blocks were available just shortly after beating the Champion. Also, I play on cartridge, so I really have no idea how playing on an emulator might affect all that time based stuff.

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