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Do you ever use a unit for non-statistical reasons?

luigi bros

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Like appearance, personality, etc.

Supports don't count unless it's only because you enjoy the conversation. If it's because they give good bonuses, then it doesn't count.

I personally can't do it. I only look at stats. I will use the most ugly or boring, or even irritating character if they have good stats.

Thank goodness Dorothy is bad statistically

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screw stats, leonardo's the best

No, but I use characters for looks and personality only. If it's my first playthrough, I don't know how their stats'll pan out. If it's my second, the games too easy if I use only good characters.

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I use whoever for whatever reason I feel like. If I replay a game I try not to reuse the same character again so it's not as boring.

In FE6 I once used all three Knights together though. My god, endgame Bors was fucking useless. And I waiting til 20 to promote, and he was probably level 10 after that too. A lot of his stats didn't break higher than 15.

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I wouldn't say I'm one of those "screw stats, I use characters I like!" people, but I do have a tendency to use some characters just because I want to. For example, I always use Ronan, Tanya, and Marty in FE5 even though none of them are very good. I also used Barts in FE3 way back when everyone thought Oguma's three axemen and Marth were instabad because they could not promote. I also used to Lundgren abuse Wallace whenever I played FE7, but that became too much of an annoyance even though Wallace is one of my favorite characters.

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Always. Wendy is supposedly the worst person in FE6, but I use her and keep her around regardless.

And then I run around and say 'x is top tier' for fun. I laugh so hard because I offend a lot of people.

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I use female characters I like personality-wise unless they really suck ass (read: Wendy), and if they are /that/ good, unless I can't stand their guts, even if I don't like their character, I'll use them (aka Clarine)

But man, there's more than just "holyshitwtfstats" reason of why I give Lakche the leg ring instead of Celice or Leen/Laylea.

For men, if you aren't 1) hot 2) incredibly badass 3)cute AND really good (read: Asvel, Franz), you don't get in period. Sorry, guys.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I'll use anyone that I like unless they're Wendy-level bad.

EDIT: Forgot to mention looks are a factor as well.

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Yeah I never really care about stats. Unless I like a character based off of how they did with me. Then I'm like "okay I like you"

I know in PoR I would at first used Muarim for a support with Zihark but I realized how well he did, while at first I never really used any of the tigers, so I kept using him.

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All. The. Freaking. Time.

I use who i want, not whos best. I find that it gets boring for me when i just use the roflstompers. I spice it up by using characters like Fiona and stuff. I also sometimes pull a Lumi and use hot dudes because i like looking at them.

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If it's a girl and she's good looking, she'll have a place in my team regardless of her stats or the babying needed to make her usable.

The vacant spots are for men that are both badass and good.

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I love the gratification that I get from babying weak characters and turning them into something stronger - hence, I often use units like Astrid or Fiona. Using "easy" units is never fun.

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Characters with blue in their armor, hair, scarves or w/e. And cool facial scars.

For females they gotta have a hot sprite outfit (preferably in battle: like dismounted Sheeda in interior castle missions from FE3).

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In fact, except for FE4, I don't know the units grow rate (put I know who is "Jeigan"). However I try to don't use prepromote unit.

Beside this I use who i want (specialy girls and good looking guy... and mages!)

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There are many characters I use mainly because I like them, despite the existence of superior alternatives, such as Treck, Noah, Edward, Tanith, Boyd, Marcia. But I wouldn't use a character if they were too awful. FE10 Makalov, for instance, or FE10 Tormod.

I find though, that as I play more efficiently, it becomes more difficult to balance my own unit preferences and maintaining a low turncount. My favourites like Wade and Treck would probably be largely unusable, for instance. Edward is almost definitely unusable. Perhaps I should be more relaxed about turncounts...

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Personality and interest in the character is usually my main reason for using characters unless if for two reasons. Reason one being if a character is at the level of Wendy, Lyre, or FE4 Daisy. In which case I won't use them. And reason two being that I'll use a character with even the worst of personalities if they are really good to use. (Even someone like Florina.)

Edited by Little Al
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My choices are kinda random.

Eg: I love using edward, coz he gains uber stats, and looks real good as swordmaster and trueblade. I like using Mia since she looks good too. I like Pent's character, so I use him. I somehow have this tendency of training Wade, Lugh and Wolt in fe6(especially Wolt.) I also like using Treck a lot just for fun. Treck's support convos are fun. Wade just looks cool as a fighter and his portrait looks cool too. I feel mushy when I hear about Lugh's past and stuff. I like using wolt as he's the first archer, Roy's milk brother and I like his support convos are nice.

I also like using Fin in fe4 for absolutely no particular reason. I like using valkyrie staff corple. I love using Colm and Neimi together in fe8. Fe7... eh.

I also like training weak chars( such as the trainees in fe8) to see them rofl stomp later on.

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I always try to use different characters for each playthrough (except for really bad prepromotes and characters whose personalities I don't like whatsoever), so I suppose I do.

Even without the "try everyone" attitude I have, there are some bad characters I actually use quite often since I'm rather fond of them for one reason or another (like Roshe, Elice, Robin, Sophia, Rath, Knoll)

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And then I run around and say 'x is top tier' for fun. I laugh so hard because I offend a lot of people.

THAT'S why you were making all those bullshit claims about Fiora?! Well at least I fucking know now.


You're such a prick.


Anyway, on topic time! I will sometimes use units I like better than "technically superior" ones as long as my choice is still okay (i.e. Most people say that Priscilla is better than Serra in FE7, but I'll still use Serra because I hate Prissy's guts and Serra is perfectly good by herself but I won't use Lyre even though I really like her). Most of my favorite characters tend to be highly competent though.

Edited by CrashGordon94
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