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Do you ever use a unit for non-statistical reasons?

luigi bros

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THAT'S why you were making all those bullshit claims about Fiora?! Well at least I fucking know now.

Bullpoop claims? I was telling the truth about Fiora.

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There are some units I will never use for statistical reasons, almost all of which are Est and her clones. Other than that I just use any ~boneriffic babes~ and ~broneriffic bros~. (There aren't very many boneriffic/broneriffic Est characters so that doesn't matter that much)

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I can't really think of a character I haven't used if I liked them enough. Maybe Sophia? I don't remember if I actually ever used her...

Anyway, I'm probably much more likely to use a unit I like personally rather than one with better stats, unless they're really extremely useful (like a good Jeigan).

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I pretty much always do this. The point of the game to me was never winning super awesomely/quickly/whatever, it was actually playing the game, so I may as well use units I like since they still get the job done (even if they require babysitting for a while in order to get them to a point where they don't die.)

(As a completely random aside, I never got how Dorothy was supposed to be ugly. I guess she's kinda plain, on account of not having eyes half the size of her face? but not really seeing ugly there.)

Edited by Kiryn
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(As a completely random aside, I never got how Dorothy was supposed to be ugly. I guess she's kinda plain, on account of not having eyes half the size of her face? but not really seeing ugly there.)

Now that you mention it I do wonder this at times myself

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The point of the game to me was never winning super awesomely/quickly/whatever, it was actually playing the game,

One of my pet peeves is when people claim that playing the game efficiently is not actually playing the game. I've never quite understood why some people think this way when the point of a strategy game is to be somewhat mentally demanding.

(I don't mean to single you out, by the way.)

Edited by dondon151
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One of my pet peeves is when people claim that playing the game efficiently is not actually playing the game. I've never quite understood why some people think this way when the point of a strategy game is to be somewhat mentally demanding.

(I don't mean to single you out, by the way.)

Same people who often BAAAAW that tier players are Stop Having Fun Guys, even though they, with no apparent sense of irony, are more often than not the ones telling the tier players that their way of playing is all wrong and unnatural and indeed, "not fun at all."

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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I don't really mean that playing efficiently isn't enjoying the game or whatever, it just kind of seems like a journey vs destination sort of thing to me. I can understand playing efficiently to a certain extent, it just seems like people get obsessed sometimes. There's "I want to play through this game to the end" which I understand, there's "I want to play through this game to the end well" which I also understand, and then there's "I want to play through this game to the end until I am the very best, despite there not really being much reward for doing so past a certain point" and it's the third one I don't get.

Part of the fun for me was also just figuring out how to make things work with units that might not be as statistically perfect, since that sometimes added to the challenge. I agree that strategy games need a mental challenge, but I'm not entirely sure how being challenging and always having all the best units amount to the same thing.

ETA I don't really give a damn about tiers existing in general, I just get irritated when people actively try to get me to care about them (which nobody in this thread has done so far, it does happen sometimes though.)

Edited by Kiryn
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I don't strictly follow tiers or any of that jazz, but I'd be lying if I said Seth isn't always in my FE8 lineup. He's too damn sexy in the stats for me to resist.

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When playing casually I usually just use whoever I feel like using at the time. In fact, the better characters are probably left out more often (unless I really like the better characters) because I don't always like making the game too easy.

Although, in contrast, I will sometimes avoid units for being terrible statistically.

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When playing casually I usually just use whoever I feel like using at the time. In fact, the better characters are probably left out more often (unless I really like the better characters) because I don't always like making the game too easy.

Although, in contrast, I will sometimes avoid units for being terrible statistically.

Which reminds me, other than being terrible statistically, I'll avoid a unit if they're in a class I dislike or if they're ugly.

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I don't really mean that playing efficiently isn't enjoying the game or whatever, it just kind of seems like a journey vs destination sort of thing to me. I can understand playing efficiently to a certain extent, it just seems like people get obsessed sometimes. There's "I want to play through this game to the end" which I understand, there's "I want to play through this game to the end well" which I also understand, and then there's "I want to play through this game to the end until I am the very best, despite there not really being much reward for doing so past a certain point" and it's the third one I don't get.

Part of the fun for me was also just figuring out how to make things work with units that might not be as statistically perfect, since that sometimes added to the challenge. I agree that strategy games need a mental challenge, but I'm not entirely sure how being challenging and always having all the best units amount to the same thing.

ETA I don't really give a damn about tiers existing in general, I just get irritated when people actively try to get me to care about them (which nobody in this thread has done so far, it does happen sometimes though.)

THIS SO MUCH! Cuz i find it fun to use say, Fiona in a run through RD or seeing what Bartre can do at high level and stuff like that.

(As a completely random aside, I never got how Dorothy was supposed to be ugly. I guess she's kinda plain, on account of not having eyes half the size of her face? but not really seeing ugly there.)

She really isnt. Her Official Art isnt ugly at all.


Shes kinda cute there. Her in-game MUG on the other hand...its kinda homely for some reason. I think its her expression. Shes like derp facing or something. I totes never used her since i dont really play FE6 so i dont know if shes good or not.

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She really isnt. Her Official Art isnt ugly at all.


Shes kinda cute there. Her in-game MUG on the other hand...its kinda homely for some reason. I think its her expression. Shes like derp facing or something. I totes never used her since i dont really play FE6 so i dont know if shes good or not.

Her name is also important. It is generally traced to mean, "Gift of God." It's become synonymous with Beautiful in some texts.

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Maybe she grows up to be a super hottie or something...

I think it's because her eyes are on the smallish side, and her haircut doesn't suit her face shape.

. . .but she wears sensible clothes, so I appreciate her more than some of the other chicks who run around in miniskirts and the like.

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I use people based primarily on classes, in that I try to have most classes represented (not counting when I'm actually trying for turncounts). Availability is also a big factor to consider some of the time, it's not universal but I sometimes tend to use early characters rather than later ones even when the later ones are way better. Then I go based on personality. Then stats and appearances are roughly equal.

The main time I violated this was playing FE10 HM, where I was actually playing for turns and I didn't use characters I considered statistically bad. I did OK, I guess.

There's "I want to play through this game to the end" which I understand, there's "I want to play through this game to the end well" which I also understand, and then there's "I want to play through this game to the end until I am the very best, despite there not really being much reward for doing so past a certain point" and it's the third one I don't get.

For my part, it's the middle point that makes the least sense. Don't get me wrong, I don't play FE with the expectation that I will be the best, but when I play for low turns I TRY to be the best. There's no point in selling yourself short once you're going for efficiency - if a better way of playing occurs to me, I'll always try it, as long as it doesn't involve what I consider to be abuse, though I don't upbraid anyone else for trying to play differently. (note that I do sometimes abuse save states when just playing to finish).

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She really isnt. Her Official Art isnt ugly at all.


Shes kinda cute there. Her in-game MUG on the other hand...its kinda homely for some reason. I think its her expression. Shes like derp facing or something. I totes never used her since i dont really play FE6 so i dont know if shes good or not.

I think her in-game mug looks better, actually. With a better haircut she might actually look pretty decent there.

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