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Duel Terminal 2 Mafia


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I changed your priority last Night, Kay. And it was successful this time. Can you tell me what your Priority was changed to, just to confirm?


Your claim list looks accurate, Hika.

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I guess having Haze lynch Sho is probably as good a risk as any. That doesn't mean we should all shut up and not leave any information behind, though.

New survey:

1. Whose claim do you think is most suspicious, and why?

2. Which player do you trust most at the moment?

3. Who do you suspect most?

4. Do you think having someone suspicious lynch Sho is a good idea?

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I guess having Haze lynch Sho is probably as good a risk as any. That doesn't mean we should all shut up and not leave any information behind, though.

New survey:

1. Whose claim do you think is most suspicious, and why?

2. Which player do you trust most at the moment?

3. Who do you suspect most?

4. Do you think having someone suspicious lynch Sho is a good idea?

1. Ether could be faking to make himself look clear. Same applies to Kay in lesser extend too. Lets not forget my issue with hikarusa not blocking items

2. I trust No one.

3. I don't fucking know

4. As I know my faction. its bad idea. I can live with it thou because it stops me from harming the town too much.

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1. Ether could be faking to make himself look clear. Same applies to Kay in lesser extend too. Lets not forget my issue with hikarusa not blocking items

2. I trust No one.

3. I don't fucking know

4. As I know my faction. its bad idea. I can live with it thou because it stops me from harming the town too much.

Arguably so, I suppose.

Clearly, always a good policy. But who are you closest to trusting? Who do you suspect least, if you prefer that?

;/ Work on thinking of an answer before you die, okay?

What would you suggest instead?

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1. Whose claim do you think is most suspicious, and why?

2. Which player do you trust most at the moment?

3. Who do you suspect most?

4. Do you think having someone suspicious lynch Sho is a good idea?

1) I still find odd Hika's safeguarding not working when Items are in question, just like Sho.

2) Kay, because I already know she is innocent...

3) Besides Hika, I guess Sho, because of his role.

4) It's too risky to lose two Towns, but I can't let Sho's claim get through me like that, nor Haze's possible plan to take two birds with a single stone, and Hika's safeguarding issue. But let's also think this over: If we lose two Towns, then the most suspicious players will become more clear, remaining the following players:

Kay - Innocent

Domu - Innocent for voting Shinori

Hika - Suspicious because of his safeguarding issue pointed by Sho

Ether - Suspicious for lurking

Sho - Dead

Haze - Dead

Bal - Seems Innocent to me, but thats just my opinion...

Kaoz - Is a Neutral, and thus he's harmless

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Kay - So Random role and in theory so fakeable. I don't think her role is fake thou. No offence but I don't think she is able to pull this level of grand act

Domu - Pretty clear for forcing that NL... (this is so wrong on so many levels)

Hika - Safeguard that can't block items is not trustworthy for me

Ether - Could easily be faking his role.

Princess K - Glorious

Haze - While essentially same as fakeclaiming BPV, this guy gives me odd vibes with how easily he agrees to be lynched. Ninja vote?

Bal - Now that I think of it I have no reason to think him as either town or scum. Maybe he is scum pretending to contribute. I would actually be perfectly ok with lynching him.

Kaoz - At least one person I can trust in this game. (I think Mason is my new favourite role -.-)

Alternative I suggest is lynching suspicious people directly. But as I am suspicious... -.-

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1. I don't really like Sho's claim, myself. But that is being worked on as we speak, so we shall see. Hika's claim is also odd, as it doesn't seem to fully add up. But priority is stupid, so that could be it.

2. Kay. She has confirmed more than enough for me to believe her. If she was mafia, it would be suicide to do this much idling.

3. Hika and Sho at the moment. Their claims just seem fishy.

4. It wouldn't be my first idea, but it should get the job done.

Towards Domu, don't read into it too much. I tend to lurk no matter what my alignment is.

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Can Domu explaim me what part of my role is so weird?

Also add the endless pointing shinori thing from him suspicious...

Because you're a Day Bomb. Although that could be explained if:

a) Clipsey is a Troll

b) Sho is Neutral just like Kaoz

But if we follow that logic, then Haze is the Night Bomb and obviously Town. Do you see why I'm so suspicious about him?

Towards Domu, don't read into it too much. I tend to lurk no matter what my alignment is.

Since you love Mia too I'll let that pass.

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Then why am I suspicious based on my role? Make some fucking sense already

No, YOU make some fucking sense already instead of putting words on my mouth. What I said is, what the hell of a role is a Town Day Bomb? If you aren't Neutral then you're Mafia... Unless, as I said, Clipsey is trolling us and you.

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1. Whose claim do you think is most suspicious, and why?

2. Which player do you trust most at the moment?

3. Who do you suspect most?

4. Do you think having someone suspicious lynch Sho is a good idea?

1. I can't help but question both bombs, to be honest.

2. Kay and maybe Ether

3. Haze/Sho

4. Well I think something is also off about Sho so

also just gonna say I don't really understand where this idea that I can't block items came from. It almost definitely has something to do with priority fuckery. Sho, why do you find that, specifically, so unbelievable? Honestly how fast you started pretending (maybe?) to assume I simply can't block items because I didn't block your item thus my claim is fake is part of what's off about you.

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No, YOU make some fucking sense already instead of putting words on my mouth. What I said is, what the hell of a role is a Town Day Bomb? If you aren't Neutral then you're Mafia... Unless, as I said, Clipsey is trolling us and you.

-.- -.- -.- -.- -.-

You do realize day bomb is pretty much WORSE as neutral or mafia? Mafia don't fucking have spare to let their boys go boom on everyone's face. Neutrals on the other hand have thins silly thing where they usually need to survive to win. If there is lynch bomb its either town or some fool variant. AND OMG YOU SERIOUS? OF COURSE CLIPSEY IS TROLLING ME! THATS THE WHOLE POINT OF ME NOT FINDING MY TARGET!!! I FAIL MY MISSION, I GET SHIT!

also just gonna say I don't really understand where this idea that I can't block items came from. It almost definitely has something to do with priority fuckery. Sho, why do you find that, specifically, so unbelievable? Honestly how fast you started pretending (maybe?) to assume I simply can't block items because I didn't block your item thus my claim is fake is part of what's off about you.

Geez I don't know other than that claiming priority being reason for safeguard fail is the oldest and most ridiculous excuse in the book considering your job is to stop actions? Am I the only one who thinks role not doing what it is suppose to do is suspicious?

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Yes, it is suspicious, but that doesn't mean that it can't actually be the case. Actually, I thought items would just have 0/1/whatever priority by default, and I don't really have any reason to believe otherwise. But, then, maybe you have some actual reason to suspect that items run off your priority? I just thought it would be like "hey you have this trump card use it well!" as opposed to "here's an extra one use action!", else why not just make that another part of the role in the first place (other than the questionably notable existence of thieves, of course).

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Now that's what I wanted to hear from you! Fine, you're clear to me now.

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Sho, who said anything about agreeing to die? I fully think your claim is complete bullshit on account of how vague and mysterious you were about what you got and how your role was "useful" if used in some clever way and then you come out and claim fucking lynch bomb of all things.

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The Fabled Unicore whinnied in protest, but it was too late. While the town had been busy slinging accusations at each other, three individuals had voted it off. Decisive Armor blasted it into oblivion.

Dear Kay,


You are The Fabled Unicore. You will stop damn near everything, if the conditions are right.

Your current priority is 7 5 8 3. While on a given priority, you will negate all actions with the same priority as you. Your starting priority will change on a whim. Unlike everyone else, YOU ARE FREE TO SHARE ANYTHING REGARDING YOUR PRIORITY IN THE MAIN THREAD. You may not share anything else about anyone else's priority.

You object to being moved unnecessarily, and as such, you may not be moved to the same priority twice.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

As the remaining townspeople stared in horror, Genex Ally Remote pressed a button. The Jurrac Giganoto fell, an icicle through its skull.

Genex Ally Triforce shook its head. Genex Ally Triarm and its force were set to rule. What could it do to stop this?

To be continued. . .


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Let's take a picture to remember the day we ALL HAILED MEGATRON.

PRAISE TO BE A DECEPTICON! (And yes JAM PROJECT is the japanese rock I was listening to to stay awake, but now I'm super awake and might not be able to get to sleep ;_;)

I enjoyed this game but I think I'm done with mafia for a while. I need to stop being an idling little boy and I feel for that I might need to just outright change how I post in general.

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