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Duel Terminal 2 Mafia


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Wow, uh, town was really kind of screwed in terms of numbers there. <_<

EDIT: Then again, scum basically couldn't NK most of the time, so.

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Wow, uh, town was really kind of screwed in terms of numbers there. <_<

We're not positive, but Strawman may have been a traitor, he wasn't allowed to quote part of his pm to us and he was obviously Sho's target. We also had, what, four or five failed kills because of Kay(and the bulletproof martyr.)

@Hika: Good choice.

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Man, so many apologies, you just subbed in at the wrong time. It wasn't your fault you were the Doctor. I honestly really look forward to playing a game where we're on the same side.

[18:22:13] <Baltazar> I'll have to apologize to prims later too, he subbed in at just the wrong time

[18:22:22] <Baltazar> my apology list this game is going to be huge

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Yeah, but you got an extra kill in the form of bullshit lynch redirection. ;_;

Honestly that post was just the kneejerk reaction to seeing the functional equivalent of 5 scum + 1 traitor in a 17p set-up, so.

I dislike survivors. They are self-serving bastards.

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Game concept:

Originally, this was gonna be a two-mafia OC game, with Triforce and Triarm leading their respective groups, their lackeys slowly dying off when their leader died, and either leader having the option to suicide and send its troops over to the other. Unfortuantely, we don't have the numbers to pull that off, so Triarm kept its mafia. Triforce was originally slated to be a SK, until JB pointed out that lynch bombs, mafia, and SK would lead to way too much killing. Thus, Triforce became the "leave me alone" role you see here.

The Jurrac Meteor's role was meant to change the games from day/night to cycles, with the first cycle being OC, so the town could attempt to get organized. You bastards shot him out of the sky. At least the Jurrac Giganoto got his true role (Mayor).

The mafia's job was to stay hidden, and mess with the town in every way possible. To that end, they had a lawyer (Triarm), their own way of screwing with priority (Remote), a safeguard (Krus), a role that can't be targeted by the really important town roles (Pilum), and an old-fashioned role blocker (Defender).

The town, in return, could cancel entire action blocks (Unicore) at will (Landoise), take an extra kill (Fulhelmknight), and have a doctor that could verify its role (Shaman). They could also choose to track/watch (Watcher), and their inspector could nab some very nifty things to use in his investigation (Linx). The two searchers could potentially remove mafia members as their night action.

Now, had either Snike or Sho succeeded, the following would've happened:

1. Town searcher would win.

2. Corresponding mafia member would die.

3. Ether would get a role PM (Dragunity Knight - Barcha or Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, both of which would've been a huge boon to the town).

That's why my rule regarding hidden players was worded like that. Once Snike and Strawman had died, Ether converted to a regular sub.

While you wrap your heads around that, I'll go fetch the role PMs and the essay that Raykitty wrote about each of you. I'll get the link to the spreadsheet later.

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First things first, role PMs. The player analysis is gonna be super-long, so I'm putting that in a separate post.

[spoiler=Role PMs with stuff you suggested added in]Everyone,

Would this war ever end? Ever since the Worms appeared, the land was in constant turmoil. Villages were here one day and gone the next. Food, weapons, and stamina were running short. It was time for a new order to rise.

The five of you, led by Genex Ally Triarm, wish to eliminate all resistance and take control of the land for once and for all. As you are the "bad guys", you will be performing kills starting from N1. To kill, the current head of the mafia must respond to this PM with "Night X - Sending <MAFIA MEMBER> to kill <VICTIM>". The hierarchy of the mafia is below:

Genex Ally Triarm

Genex Ally Remote

Fabled Krus

Dragunity Pilum

Defender of the Ice Barrier

You are free to contact each other outside of this PM as well, but please copy and paste all logs in here. You may only converse with other mafia members this way; no talking to anyone else in the game like that!

Since you are the mafia, you know the following:

1. None of the characters from the original Duel Terminal Mafia have returned; the Dewdark's still in prison, and everyone else is dead.

2. You know that there are no Flamvells or X-Sabers in the game, and that "Neo Flamvell" and "XX-Saber" do not equate to the previous.

3. You know that every single archetype in this series of Duel Terminal exists (so I'd better not see Laval fakes or something equally ridiculous).

4. Claiming Worm or Mist Valley probably isn't the best idea. Ditto with Jurrac.

5. Before arriving here, you killed the night bomb, the hider (hides behind someone every night; if they would be killed, the person they're hiding behind is killed; if the person they're hiding behind is killed, both are killed), and the Naturia Pumpkin. You jerks.


Dear Balcerzak,


You are Genex Ally Triarm. Your force may be small, but you are confident that with the array of troops at your disposal, you can take over the war-ravaged lands.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Disguising <PLAYER>". If someone were to nose about in <PLAYER>'s role PM during that night only, they'll see <PLAYER>'s win condition as "You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated." You may target yourself with this ability. Your priority is 5

Because you are in charge of everything, you may not send yourself out to kill.

You are allied with the mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia are eliminated.

If you would be part of a lynch tie, you automatically win the first one



You possess a Forbidden Lance. You may choose to invoke this card by responding to your role PM with "Night X - Use Forbidden Lance." If you do so, you will be untraceable for that night.


Dear Haze,


You are Genex Ally Remote. You are second-in-command, and are determined to see your boss' will come to fruitation.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Swapping <PLAYER1> and <PLAYER2>". <PLAYER1> and <PLAYER2> will have their respective priorities swapped, and if either (or both) of your targets are carrying at least one item, you will swap at most one item from each.

Once and only once, during the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Shuffling items between <PLAYER1> and <PLAYER2>". You will swap at most one item between the players, if they have any. This will NOT affect their priority. Your priority is 1, regardless of which ability you use

During any kill, you may respond in the main mafia thread with "Night X - Priority driving the kill using <PLAYER1> and <PLAYER2>". For that one night only, your ability will work on the mafia kill priority, assuming one of <PLAYER1> and <PLAYER2> are responsible for the kill. You may only do this once. If you want more details regarding this, please read Duel Terminal's postgame.

You are allied with the mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia are eliminated.

If you would be part of a lynch tie, you will automatically lose, and kill a random voter



You possess Remote Revenge. During any Day Phase, once majority has been reached on a player, you may respond to your role PM with "Day X - Lynching <PLAYER> instead". <PLAYER> will be lynched in place of whoever would be lynched.


Dear Hikarussr,


You are Fabled Krus. Your people tried to rise and take over, but they were mercilessly beaten. You don't care if you have complete domination; as long as you have power, you'll be happy.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Stand near <PLAYER>". You will stand next to <PLAYER>, and anyone that targets <PLAYER> will be distracted by your (relative) cuteness and fail to do their action. People out for blood won't be deterred by you. Your priority is 3

When you are sent to kill, you may respond in the main mafia thread with "Night X - Can you see me now?" Any attempts to trace you will fail. You may only do this once.

You are allied with the mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia are eliminated.

If you would be part of a lynch tie, you may use your night action once beyond death. Since you are dead, you can't be stopped.



You possess Threatening Roar. During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Use Threatening Roar on <PLAYER>." You will drop <PLAYER'S> priority to absolute last, but only on the night you use it.


Dear Shinori,


You are Dragunity Pilum. You are a force to be reckoned with, even if you haven't reached adulthood yet.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Send everything to <PLAYER>". If you would be targeted by anything, it will target <PLAYER> instead. Your priority is 4

When you are sent out to kill, you may respond to the mafia main thread with "Night X - MINE!" You will steal all items your victim has before making the kill, and your victim's role PM will NOT be published until you die. You may only do this once.

Something stirs in the back of your mind. Is it. . .laughter? Just as quickly as it appeared, the stray memory fades away.

You are allied with the mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia are eliminated.


Dear Strawman the Ducksaw Ducky,


You are Defender of the Ice Barrier. Your adorable appearance belies your true power.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Stopping <PLAYER>". You will prevent <PLAYER> from doing his/her action for the night. Your priority is 2

When you are sent out to kill, you may respond to the mafia main thread with "Night X - Hands off!" Everything that targets you or your victim will fail. This action ignores priority. You may only do this once.

Something stirs in the back of your mind. Such gentle eyes and kind smiles. Just as quickly as it appeared, the stray memory fades away.

You are allied with the mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia are eliminated.


Dear Snike,


You are Dragunity Angusticlavii. You are the only non-Dragon Dragunity to show your face, and the ladies thank you for it.

You are here for a very specific purpose, but with all these people out and about, it's not gonna be easy finding your target. During the night, you MUST respond to your role PM with "Night X - Is <PLAYER> my target?" If you find your target, something good will happen. If your target dies before you, you won't be happy about it! In most cases, you will not receive a message if you fail. Your priority is 8

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.



You possess a Dark Designator. During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - What is your name, <PLAYER>?" You will learn what card <PLAYER> is playing as.


Dear Sho.M,


You are Dance Princess of the Ice Barrier. You were released IN AMERICA! before being released in Japan (unlike the rest of your brethen).

You are here for a very specific purpose, but with all these people out and about, it's not gonna be easy finding your target. During the night, you MUST respond to your role PM with "Night X - Is <PLAYER> my target?" If you find your target, something good will happen. If your target dies before you, you won't be happy about it! In most cases, you will not receive a message if you fail. Your priority is 8

After seeing the death of your friend, you have decided that you will not go down so easily. If you would be lynched, you will take a random voter down with you. You will no longer respond to your role PM at night, because your target is dead.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.



You possess Clear World. During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - What afflicts you, <PLAYER>?" You will learn the attribute of <PLAYER>.


Dear Rothene,


You are Neo Flamvell Shaman. You're a lion-maned, fire-wieldin' beast with a cute little scarf.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Dance around <PLAYER>". You will protect <PLAYER> from killing actions. If you do manage to stop a killing action, you will steal your charge's item, because doctors aren't paid enough! Your priority is 6

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

If you would be part of a lynch tie, you automatically lose, and cancel all other lynch tie conditions


Dear Paperblade,


You are XX-Saber Fulhelmknight. You--waitaminute. What are YOU doing here?

"Miss me?"

I told you that you weren't allowed to play!

"I see this totally cool role, and it so fits me~!"

As if. Get lost.

"Not a chance! Like, I'm so awesome that I'm gonna appear twice!"

The first one was Anu Pirhana--

"You mean someone with long blonde hair, red clothes, and a whip? That's ME~!"

Why do I even bother?

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - I'm over here, <PLAYER>" You will stand next to <PLAYER>, and any attempt to target <PLAYER> will target you instead. You will also survive the first attempt on your life, including redirected kills. Your priority is 4

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.



You possess a piece of Infected Mail. During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Here I go!" You will skip over everyone else's priority, and go first on that night only. This counts as a priority raise.


Dear Rein,


You are Worm Linx. During the many events of the war, you were separated from the other collective Worms. They don't recognize you, and you don't care. At least in THIS world, there's stuff to be had!

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Gimme what you got, <PLAYER>!" You will make a grab at <PLAYER'S> item stash, and run off with one item in their inventory. If they are not holding an item, you will get their role PM instead (remember that you are still bound to the rules regarding PM quoting, so be careful!). Your priority is 6

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

If you would be part of a lynch tie, you will automatically lose, and steal the winner(s) item(s)


Dear Proto,


You are the Mist Valley Watcher. When the Worms came, your people were scattered to the winds. You managed to evade capture, but you've been on the run so long that you're not sure how to get back home. You pray that everyone's safe, but with the way things have been going in Mist Valley, your logical side tells you your home is no more.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Tailing/Watching <PLAYER>" Depending on which verb you choose, you will either follow <PLAYER> to see who they visited, or watch <PLAYER>, to see who visits them. You may not do both in the same night. Your priority is 9

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.



You possess Waboku. If you are ever the target of a killing action while holding this card, the kill will fail. In exchange, you will permanently lose your night ability.


Dear Wen Yang,


You are the Jurrac Giganoto. You are the muscle of a Jurrac deck, and you really hate cards like Macro Cosmos.

Though you roar, no one pays you any heed. Perhaps you'll gain more attention when there's less of a crowd. Your priority is 2


With the Jurrac Meteor dead, you find that you've become more powerful. For lynching purposes, your vote counts as two votes.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.



You possess a copy of Remove Brainwashing. During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Are you with me, <PLAYER>?" You will learn of that player's alliance.


Dear Flint,


You are the Naturia Landoise. Turtle. TURTLE.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - It's <PLAYER>'s turn, <NUMBER>." <PLAYER>'s priority will change to <NUMBER>, which is any positive integer you can think of. Your priority is 1

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

If you would be part of a lynch tie, you will lose, and the winner(s) will have their night actions determined by RNG for the rest of the game


Dear Naglfar,


You are the Secret Guards of the Ice Barrier. Yes, I'm aware there's only one of you, but that's what your card says. Despite your dual swords and icy glare, you have a gigantic snowflake on your shirt, which I find adorable.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Switch <PLAYER1> and <PLAYER2>." Somehow, you'll arrange it so that everything that targets <PLAYER1> hits <PLAYER2>, and vice versa. Your priority is 3

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

If you would be part of a lynch tie, you will lose, and the winner(s) will permanently lose their abilities



You possess, uh, Shadow of Eyes (DON'T ASK). During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - What are you, <PLAYER>?" You will learn <PLAYER>'s role. You may NOT directly quote what you've learned, but you are free to paraphrase it.


Dear Kay,


You are The Fabled Unicore. You will stop damn near everything, if the conditions are right.

Your current priority is 7 5 8 3. While on a given priority, you will negate all actions with the same priority as you. Your starting priority will change on a whim. Unlike everyone else, YOU ARE FREE TO SHARE ANYTHING REGARDING YOUR PRIORITY IN THE MAIN THREAD. You may not share anything else about anyone else's priority.

You object to being moved unnecessarily, and as such, you may not be moved to the same priority twice.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

If you would be part of a lynch tie, you will lose, and the winner(s) priority level(s) will be negated for the next night



You possess Miracle Dig. During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Unearth <PLAYER>". <PLAYER> must be dead. During the next phase's update, <PLAYER>'s priority will be revealed to all.


Dear Psych,


You are the Jurrac Meteor. It's a long way to the meeting site, but you'll make it (you hope).

Starting from D1, you are subject to the following:

1. You may only make one post per day/night.

2. This post may only contain "Countdown to impact: <NUMBER>". You will start with 4 on D1, and count backwards.

3. You will not post "Countdown to impact: 0" during D3. Instead, with less than 24 hours remaining in D3, you will post "JURRAC METEOR IMPACT!", just as red and bold as you see it here. This post will end D3 as soon as Someone Important sees it, so you might want to give me or Raymond/Shade of Shadow a poke when you do it.

4. If you forget to count down a day/night, you will be forced to restart from 4 during the next phase.

5. Posting anything not specified above, or posting more than once a day/night will probably end messily, so don't do it.

On N0, you may NOT share the nature of your post restriction, but you can say that you have one.

However, simply. . .arriving would be boring. During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - <PLAYER>, pave the way for me!" <PLAYER> will be forced to append every post during the next day with "Repent, for the herald of the heavens is coming!" Your priority is 9

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated, OR if you post JURRAC METEOR IMPACT! as per your role.

If you would be part of a lynch tie, you will lose, and kill everyone that's tied with you



You possess Enemy Controller! During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Use Enemy Controller on <PLAYER1>! Vote for <PLAYER2>!" <PLAYER1> will be forced to play DDR with vote for <PLAYER2>, on pain of modkill (or worse).


Dear Kaoz,


You are Genex Ally Triforce. Once, you used your power in an effort to rule the world. With your forces either dead or deserted, your only goal is to survive this conflict.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Unaffected by <NUMBER1> and <NUMBER2>." <NUMBER1> and <NUMBER2> must be positive integers. Anything that targets you with priorities <NUMBER1> or <NUMBER2> will fail. Your priority is 0

You are allied with yourself. You win if you survive.

If you would be part of a lynch tie, you will cancel the lynch the first time only



You possess Negate Attack. During the day, you may respond to your role PM with "Day X - Negate Attack". If so, that day's lynch will automatically become No Lynch

Edited by eclipse
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Next up. . .player analysis. Raykitty needs to put his thoughts about me~!

Paperblade / Mysterio

Raymond: Paperblade was ridiculously unlucky in this game, having his action fail every single night (his reaction to this was pretty hilarious, though!). For some reason, however, it did not occur to him to wonder why his action failed on Bal twice in a row, though he did later make up for that by asking for failures in general. Aside from that, he played reasonably well and was among the people generating the greatest amount of useful discussion, and additionally was one of the few people who actually generated some pressure D1 by voting for random people. I also like how he instantly gave the correct explanation for the difference in Sho's failures without even knowing his role. Paper's the new witch! :newyears:

Eventually had to be subbed out for whatever reason and was replaced by Mysterio, who paid little attention to the game and ended up not doing very much. He did eventually manage to put his role to good use and stop two kills with his role, at least.

eclipse: Didn't like Proto, which eventually led to the disaster of Day 2. I'm a bit miffed that he didn't bother asking "Hey, I keep failing whenever I target Balcerzak, why is that?" Did ask for failures, thank goodness. Had to be subbed out because Bal left some info regarding MtG in an IRC log, and I had to make sure I didn't need to be subbed out in that game. Mysterio basically kept to himself and idled on N4. With this role. :facepalm: He managed to save Kay twice, but idling while you're a martyr that can't be killed is silly.


Raymond: He talked a lot, but most of what he said actually was completely irrelevant to this game. In recent games, he has been expressing a habit of openly displaying very odd and tricky behaviour, a.k.a. making himself look scummy - as town. He confused the town much more than he helped it, made it easy for the mafia to remain unnoticed early in the game, and then went ahead and got himself modkilled for failing to read (or remember) the rules. Very disappointing.

eclipse: I don't know why he decided to argue about items, thieves, and JoaT, since JoaT generally doesn't gain new abilities as time goes on. He left ~5 hours before phase end with only a promise to claim, then got himself modkilled for not reading the rules (hint: If you're gonna be busy, do tell the mods). As even more insult to injury, he decided to tail Kay twice ("well, maybe she's a killer?") If you want to get good watch/track targets, don't get overly tricky, and scumhunt.


Raymond: Started out doing very well, making the reasonable assumption that this game had thieves, and used his item as early as possible, amusingly enough finding out who one of the thieves was.

Actively participated in the public thread, asked the right questions at the right time, came to reasonable conclusions and generally played well given the town's situation.

Later slackened quite a bit, though, and, just like the rest of the town, missed/ignored several pretty obvious inconsistencies with the mafia's claims.

eclipse: A lot of you need to start taking notes from this guy. Idled on Night 0, but then decided to experiment with his role. Surmised that there was a thief and immediately used his item (Rein might not have been the most awesome choice, but it's better than the nothing a certain someone else chose), which actually made life easier for his target. Instead of being overly tricky, he went straight to work scumhunting, by pressure voting when it counted. His actions, on the other hand, were a little random. Kinda slacked off later in the game, which wasn't a really good thing. Once Sho decided he was mafia, there wasn't much he could do about it (but don't ask to be lynched, unless you're an oracle or something). MVP just because he was being sensible for most of the game.


Raymond: His downfall was making too many empty and illogical assumptions, like the assumption that he'd turn into an SK upon his target's death. While his role did state that he wouldn't like it if his target dies, nothing explicitely implied that something strictly negative would happen, or even that anything would happen at all. He also misinterpreted what receiving a failure message meant, and somehow jumped to the conclusion that they were caused by some kind of difference between his targets - and decided to out this assumption in public, which led the town onto the wrong track for quite some time. Sho may quite possibly have been the most damaging town player in this game, contested only by Proto. Yes, as you yourself realized after a while, your plan backfired. Spectacularly.

Later caught Hika in a lie, at least.

eclipse: Paperblade thought Sho was a witch, so I thought it would be funny if I gave him a role that forced him to find someone, with very little clues. He was right in the fact that he was looking for an Ice Barrier. He was dead wrong about turning into a SK on death of his other half, and the fact that he used this assumption as part of his strategy was silly. Don't assume things like this. Also, his stunt of "some kind of infinite use card" eventually came back to screw the town, in the form of making Proto look scummy. Yes, I'm holding you partially responsible for that. Don't make things unnecessarily complicated unless you have a damn good reason to. . .and in Sho's case, he didn't. Once he became the lynch bomb, he complained that the role made no sense. After becoming lynch bomb, nearly wound up in a situation that would've caused him to potentially end the game, then suddenly decided he wasn't done messing up the town, and got Nags lynched. In my opinion, he has regressed from the first DT (any gains in logic have been overshadowed by a bigger failure to keep an open mind and be polite to everyone). Despite all of that, he did one thing that most of the town failed to do - scumhunt. I'm not happy with how Sho did it, but the general apathy by the town towards the end of the game makes me even more unhappy.


Raymond: Unlike Sho, he went with a more subtle approach in finding his target (relying on luck, perhaps? I'm not actually sure what he did do to try and figure out who his target might be). Unfortunately, this didn't work out for him, and just like Sho, he ended up getting killed before finding his target. Also failed to make use of his item, causing it to completely go to waste with the thief getting killed the very same night it was stolen.

eclipse: Unlike Sho, didn't announce his damn role. Decided to hold onto his item, which, IMO was a very bad move (it was meant to aid him in his search). Hit the Paper failure on Night 0, and very nearly told the mafia what his true purpose was on Night 1 (he can thank Hika for the save). Claimed an item early, and looked town enough that the mafia wasted their janitor kill on him. Had he done research on himself, he might've seen Dragunity Knight - Barcha, waiting in the wings. . .


Raymond: Mostly didn't exist until D2, then started to "participate" in the game because votes started to pile on Proto, prompting her to defend him for her own reasons using very questionable logic; keep things like these out of a game, please. Remained active afterwards, but other than that, didn't stand out very much.

Unlike what everyone else seemed to think, Kay's role never actually hindered the town at all - instead, her priorities were used to troll the mafia, except for one night where Flint decided to move her to a priority no one else had.

eclipse: Kept defending Proto for her own reasons, which didn't make Paper (or this mod) happy. She did out herself, which makes up for that. After that, didn't seem to contribute much to scumhunting (if you're that clear, you're in a position to pressure people). I wish she'd used her card the minute Proto died, so she'd have a better idea of where to go. Her role was used to troll the mafia hard. I kept forgetting to give her a night result. SORRY!

Flint / Ether

Raymond: Flint's posts were pretty unhelpful for the most part, and for quite some time he made the impression of coming to random conclusions for reasons that neither of us could understand. At first he seemed to target people at random, giving them random (but always dead-last) priorities. Thankfully, after a while he finally started making sense, and it turned out he used his night action sensibly, as some of his conclusions and/or gut feelings actually were noticeably correct. Then came N4, where he moved Kay to the mafia kill priority - quite possibly the single best move in the game. Whether it was just luck or whether he actually figured this out logically, it definitely bought the town much-needed time. Had Kay's role not had the restriction of not being able to be moved to the same priority twice, Flint would basically have been able to rob the mafia of all its kills at this point.

Overall, he performed better than usual, and towards the end made some genuinely good moves that may just have saved the town. He definitely deserves some credit.

Later subbed out and got replaced by Ether, who participated a bit more in day phase discussions.

eclipse: Actually put some thought behind his role (for example, "Strawman seems scummy, so I'll depress him," which he told me over IRC), which was refreshing. Made an effort to speak his mind. Due to his weird computer situation, I allowed him to send in actions a little before the day let out. Then came his N4 action, which he did based off of Kay's N1 priority. While his behind-the-scenes logic was pretty good, his attempts to scumhunt went downhill after Strawman was lynched. Had to sub out because he was off on a very long trip. Afterwards, Ether took over (sorry!) He didn't have to say much, because he was fairly clear in the town's eyes.


Raymond: Deliberately invoked the cop part of his role by stealing from the same target twice. He then proceeded to out himself as cop over a neutral Survivor, however; a very thoughtless move, especially considering that survivors are no direct threat to the town, that he obviously got killed for by the mafia.

eclipse: Decided that it would be a very good idea to out his role as cop over a survivor, and did just that. I've since explained to him over IRC why this was a horribly silly move. Took Snike's item before going down, but that kinda wasn't his fault. . .okay, sort of, but running into Shinori and Nags was hilarious. His logic for targeting Shinori ("he claimed he had no item"), at least, was good.

Wen Yang / Lorddomu

Raymond: Wen did a whole lot of nothing in this game. Lame.

When we subbed him out in favor of Domu because votes started to pile on him while he was nowhere to be seen, things finally got better. Domu tried to remedy the situation as best as he could, and made a reasonable suggestion to prove his claim and finally make use of the item Wen hoarded for so long. We put him into a pretty unpleasant situation, but Domu's performance at the time was reasonably good, all things considered. Afterwards he slacked a bit, but not as badly as the rest of the town.

eclipse: The former was very interested in playing, then kinda disappeared, so he was subbed out. Lorddomu, thankfully, paid more attention, even softclaiming alliance checker. Normally, I'd start screaming (especially in 8-5-1, where Mayor Does Not Suck), but given Rothene's previous actions, and the fact that he had to do something about the lynch, it wasn't a bad move. Continued to be semi-active, and did such stellar things as force a tie between Mysterio and No Lynch, which caused a no lynch (and saved Kay indirectly).

Rothene / Prims

Raymond: His protection choices were sensible, but at the same time too obvious, allowing the mafia to easily outplay him. Aside from that, he spent most of his time claiming that there's not much he could do to contribute; while it is usually a good idea to try and lay low as a doctor, he could have shown a bit more effort in trying to help the town with lynches and such. He also very strongly implied in public that he was the doctor (or scum, to the town) when he claimed that the doctor didn't do his job N1 when in the town's view, he had no reason to assume so; a very sloppy move. Haze picked this up and cleverly highlighted the scummy part about it. Rothene partially remedied this by openly claiming doctor, painting a big red target sign on his forehead (bad), but also prompting the rest of the town to go back and think about the events up to that point some more (good). Overall, aside from that one mistake, his performance was not too bad.

Eventually had to be subbed out, allowing Prims to enter the game. I haven't seen Prims play mafia before. My first impression: amazing. He almost immediately made excellent contributions and displayed really impressive scum-hunting skills, despite the added difficulty of subbing in for another player pretty late into the game. Unfortunately, he fell victim to the mafia's lynch redirect and didn't get to do much after all. I felt really bad about this; I would've liked to see more from him. ;/

eclipse: Was worried about saying too little, so started talking. He's still pretty new, and the mafia's no slouch, so I'm gonna chalk this one up to experience. His early claim did manage to get the lynch off of him, and revealing that he failed on N1 helped Blitz figure out that Kay had been on the mafia kill priority on N1. Had to sub out due to fears of his router back home not working, so Prims came in for him. For the short time that he was around, he gave the town quite a bit to think about. Too bad he was killed on the same phase he subbed in. I'd love to see Prims play more; I know I could learn a lot from him!


Raymond: While admittedly, there's not much he could have done, he was allowed to make preparations for his impact in N0, but failed to make use of that time. He posted once that he's basically "gonna be useless", and that's about it.

eclipse: Didn't really try to clear himself on N0, which led to a D1 lynch. He did troll Rein, which I found hilarious.


Raymond: Used his night action to protect Bal until Rein died, then used it to ensure that the mafia's most important actions would go through as planned. Perfectly reasonable and valid choices - that's exactly what a mafia safeguard is there for.

Amusingly, a heck of a lot of people tried to target Bal N1, resulting in a completely ridiculous amount of failed actions caused by none other than the safeguard. Hika seriously messed up the town with this. :D:

Didn't post very much (neither in public nor in the mafia PM), but what he did post was reasonable and sensible, and the town didn't seem to suspect him for lurking.

Chose to lie about his night actions when he was forced to claim, which Sho called him out on. For some reason he got away with it and didn't get lynched, even though the town spotted several inconsistencies in his claim. Way to go, town.

eclipse: Didn't do much in public, but did a pretty good job brainstorming with everyone else. Caught some flaws in Shinori's unused argument. Saw an extra sentence that Blitz posted, but it didn't make a difference. Posted a very messed-up action list when called out for it, but somehow, the town bought it. I made him stay up past his bedtime. SORRY!


Raymond: Lurked, didn't try very hard to appear town, failed to be present in crucial moments. Dude, you know you need to post more when the co-host has more posts than you. Didn't stand out in any way otherwise.

eclipse: Kept silent most of the time, and then claimed priority driver on Bal and Haze's prodding. Sho, who actually remembered something about my previous games, pointed out that this is a mafia role. When majority was reached, his connection apparently died, which led to his lynch. . .and a lot of failed mafia plans.


Raymond: Lurked even harder than Shinori, though had we known his reasons for doing so sooner, we'd have offered him to be subbed out. As it stands, it's understandable why he paid so little attention to the game.

His abilities were used to good effect; mainly to troll Sho, and to get through the doctor's protection on an important target. Was later used as a scapegoat for the rest of his team to appear innocent, and consequently lynched.

eclipse: Crappy RL situation, combined with a mafia role, spelled his doom. Sorry, man.


Raymond: I like how for the most part, Haze put more effort into "scumhunting" and appearing pro-town than the town itself. :newyears:

That aside, he started out doing an excellent job at pretending to contribute (a.k.a. looking town) while stealthily giving the town false leads - something any mafioso should aim for. For instance, he picked up Rothene's slip-up and pointed out how it looked scummy - twisting it in a way to benefit his team while making an assumption that would appear entirely reasonable and logical to the town!

However, for some reason he also felt it was a good idea to use his one-shot item swap in a way that Strawman's one-shot kill ability would completely block any of its effects. Good job reading your team's role PMs, that was really silly. ;/

He had the right idea though (while Kaoz no longer had an item anyway, he didn't know that).

Later, he started to overdo his twisting of the town's logic a bit and started to arouse some suspicion, which eventually led to them bussing Strawman for a lynch. From that point on it went downhill for the mafia, and he proceeded to make beginner mistakes like buddying up too much with the mafioso to be lynched that day.

Also, instead of using his priority swap on Kay to utilize her mass roleblock for their own purposes, they tried over and over again to kill her.

eclipse: Second-in-command, and acted like it! Other than the derpy waste of his Item Drive, did a pretty good job coordinating things with Bal. In public, did his best to appear to scumhunt, which is more than what I can say for most of the town. Slipped up on something on N4, but Sho didn't catch it. Thought up of things like stealth lynching (which made me smile, BTW), but didn't think of killing Blitz/Ether instead of Kay (she might negate things, but who kept forcing her onto the mafia kill priority?). I'm still waiting for someone to attempt to use this role as the dual hook it's meant to be.


Raymond: As usual, made few, but very large and thoughtful posts, making it pretty easy for him to pretend to "contribute". He was basically the brain of the mafia, making most of the decisions about their actions, and also promptly prepared fakeclaims (or cards, at least) for his team.

Was as sharp and clever as usual, though for some reason, he didn't notice Haze's slip-up either.

He never made use of his item, though with Proto's early demise, there wasn't really a need to anyway.

Also, ironically, not the town, but Kaoz was the first one to suspect him of being mafia. Around this time was when things started to go downhill for the mafia, and they decided to bus Strawman for a lynch to make themselves look good, and also because they were afraid of what would happen if Sho found Strawman. Unfortunately for them, they never really recovered, and started digging their own graves by messing up claims and making their buddying blatantly obvious. Except they never actually fell into said graves because the town played even worse and chose to completely disregard these scumtells.

eclipse: Did a lot of talking, and actually organized the mafia! Also did his best to appear town, by asking for lots of input and possible claims. This lit a warning light in exactly one person's mind - Kaoz. Who was neutral. Led the Strawman lynch, to clear himself and Haze. Continued to talk, and attempt to organize things. Never really saw pressure from the town. Most of his contributions were behind the scenes in Mafia Central.


Raymond: Kaoz wanted to be third party for a change, so that's what he got - and he did a decent job at it, I'd say. He tried to appear pro-town at the beginning (but not excessively so), with good success. Later, when Rein outed his role, he did a decent job at defending himself and bluffed by implying that he had a lynch redirect, when in reality, his lynch cancel was already gone. Even though Rein knew that Kaoz did not actually have an item anymore, he did not call him out on it (allegedly because he didn't want to reveal that he was the thief). In fact, having his role outed may even have assured him victory, as the mafia isn't interested in killing a harmless survivor, and while he was in danger of being lynched still, due to Proto's modkill, the day ended in a No Lynch, and the town lost interest in him afterwards.

On the other hand, Kaoz was a bit unlucky, as during the first few nights, he kept negating priorities that didn't even exist, thus wasting his night action.

After his outing, Kaoz did what was the best course of action for him - nothing. This does not mean he didn't follow the game, however - to the contrary, he may quite possibly have done a better job at catching the mafia than the town itself did - he just had no reason to reveal what he found out. In particular, he correctly identified Bal as mafia on multiple occasions, using publicly available information that all of the town apparently missed.

eclipse: Got his item jacked, his alliance outed, and still managed to keep the lynch at bay. After that, didn't have much of an incentive to do anything, which I do not think is his fault. Instead, he wrote his opinions in his role PM, much to our amusement (BTW, he did the best job scumhunting). Too bad I didn't bother telling him that the priorities had changed drastically! :P:


If Snike or Sho had succeeded, he would have his own entry with a really cool role here. Instead, he wound up subbing into a role that he said he didn't like (from Schoolboy Mafia). I apologize.


Did a good job with ending phases, but didn't want to try his hand at writing flavor. Correctly stalled on N7, which was the messiest night in the game. Gave lots of input, and probably did a better job analyzing people than me. Did not attempt to Tee-hee~! anyone. Way to go~!



Town MVP: Prims. He was the only townie to not make any obvious mistakes.

Mafia MVP: Haze. The mafia generally did almost as bad as the town, though Haze at least did a decent job at throwing the town off early in the game. Bal's contributions, while there, were a bit less noticeable.

Game MVP: Kaoz. He was the only one to constantly do well throughout the game - not only in accordance to his own role, but he also did a better job at catching the mafia than any townie did. He just had no reason to out it.

Best move: Flint. Setting Kay to priority 7 successfully blocked another mafia kill. If it weren't for Unicore's restriction (can't be moved to the same priority twice), this award would have gone to Ether for attempting to set Kay to priority 7 every night he was in the game.

Worst move: Haze. He wasted his one-shot special move by getting it blocked by one of the mafia's own actions.

Funniest move: Hikarusa. He safeguarded Bal N1. This happened to be the same night like half the town decided to try and target Bal as well, resulting in a ton of failed actions.

Luckiest player: Hikarusa. Didn't get lynched because the town chose to ignore the inconsistencies in his claim for whatever reason (even after explicitly calling him out on it!).

Unluckiest player: Paperblade. His action failed every single night while he was in the game. Honorable mention goes to Prims for getting killed the same day he was subbed in.


Preamble: I give my MVPs out based on the kinds of things I want to see in the future.

Game MVP: Kaoz (even if Rein rained on your parade)

Mafia MVP: Bal, for actually leading the mafia. Honorable mention to Haze for setting up the final lynch

Town MVP: Nags, for being mostly sensible. Prims probably would've brought the mafia to its knees.

Best Move: Flint setting Kay to the mafia kill priority, with honorable mention to Mysterio using his card at the right time and Haze using my rules to do the stealth lynch

Worst Move: It's a tie between Proto getting himself modkilled (worst one-time move) and just about everything Sho did after becoming a lynch bomb

Funniest Move: Strawman hooking Sho twice (as opposed to hooking someone useful)

Luckiest Bastard award: Haze, because NO ONE caught the fact that he quoted part of Snike's role PM. Honorable mention to Kaoz for no one calling him out on his lack of item.

Unluckiest award: Prims. Got hit with the lynch redirect on the same phase he subbed in.

Best quotes: That'll get lumped in with the night flavor.

Final game analysis and full night flavors later. I'm hungry.

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Also, the "five scum, but two can be recruited into town" concept was actually pretty clever. Might have leaned a bit too much on the luck-based side, though role madness games almost always end up swingy anyway, so I can't really complain.

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Also, the "five scum, but two can be recruited into town" concept was actually pretty clever. Might have leaned a bit too much on the luck-based side, though role madness games almost always end up swingy anyway, so I can't really complain.

They actually had a couple of roles that would give them hints (most noticeably, Kaoz would've told them who not to target, and one of the other townies would give them some hint as to what they're looking for). That's why the ratio was as high as it was. . .that, and I wanted to see Sho's witch/psychic powers firsthand.

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I'm sure everybody remembers that mysterious game pausing incident... Yeah, that was my fault, and I owe Paperblade a public apology so hard. I know I've told you in private, and it was a shitty thing that had to happen, but I honestly had no idea. I don't tend to read a lot of mafia games I'm not in, or on subs list for, so I ended up completely screwing things over for you. I felt you'd been really doing a good job, and then later during the claims, I'm sure you would have been piecing things together and it would have been a whole different ballgame.


[23:45:03] <clipseykitty> Also, Bal, can you snip out the MtG part of that IRC convo you posted?

[23:45:16] <Balcerzak> oh, was there MtG in there somewhere?

[23:45:19] <Balcerzak> shit, my bad

[23:45:27] <clipseykitty> Yeah. And my cohost and a couple of your mafia are in it.

[23:46:16] <Balcerzak> this bit?

[23:46:17] <Balcerzak> [16:34:55] <Haze> He hasn't said anything in MtG lately either

[23:46:17] <Balcerzak> [16:36:43] <Haze> Oh wait yes he has

[23:46:17] <Balcerzak> [16:36:46] <Haze> it's Proto that hasn't

[23:46:25] <clipseykitty> Yeah.

[23:46:40] <Balcerzak> I guess I didn't think that worthy of note, but it's gone

[23:46:47] <clipseykitty> Thanks.

[23:46:52] <clipseykitty> Should I tell you just what impact that had?

[23:47:04] <Balcerzak> oh shit, this was all my fault?

[23:47:07] <Balcerzak> oh fuck

[23:47:09] <Balcerzak> I'm so sorry

[23:47:13] <clipseykitty> Nope. Mine. Mostly.

[23:47:24] <clipseykitty> But. . .what that snip told me was Haze's entire faction in Paper's game.

[23:48:03] <Balcerzak> I... guess I assumed that was mainthread shenanigans

[23:48:05] <Balcerzak> oh god

[23:48:08] <clipseykitty> Yeah, sorry. . .

[23:48:14] <clipseykitty> I had to clear it with Paper.

[23:48:34] <Balcerzak> fuck fuck fuck

[23:48:45] <clipseykitty> I feel really bad, too. . .ugh. . .

[23:48:47] <Balcerzak> welp, this teaches me to pay better attention

[23:49:34] <Balcerzak> I was just trying to be good about following your rules

[23:49:41] <Balcerzak> it never even occured to me

[23:49:42] <Balcerzak> wow

[23:49:46] <clipseykitty> I thank you for that.

[23:49:57] <clipseykitty> Also, I get to keep playing in Paper's game, and Haze doesn't seem to mind.

[23:50:53] <Balcerzak> I feel really bad for Paper

[23:51:05] <Balcerzak> I'm gonna have to make him an apology a mile wide in post-game


On another note, here are some snippets from the mafia group PM (centered mostly from my pov). Other thoughts on the game as a whole to perhaps to be posted later.

[spoiler=setting up basics for claims]

I am thinking that perhaps Hikarusa could claim his actual role, and be something like


Haze, you can be


the night bomb.

Maybe you should not drive priorities until we know a little more? I do not know.

I will be Naturia Pumpkin, the hider.


Ducky can be, uh


Shinori, how do you feel about


I am not sure of the best roles to actual claim for you two. Maybe driver and safeguard in some order.

Please, input is always good. Everything can be more solid if we all feel comfortable. With luck we won't need to claim, but backup is always good to immediately have on hand.

Haze corrected me and pointed out that since Hika was safeguard, the other two probably shouldn't go that route. I had actually just done a stupid brain substitution.

fuck did I say safeguard, I meant Martyr.

[spoiler=my n1 ideas]

As for kill targets, I am not particularly sure who would be good. I was almost thinking of switching things up and doing the unexpected, by targetting someone inconspicuous like Rothene or Naglfar. I would highly doubt they would be a priority target for doctor protection, or watcher watching. But then again, maybe it would be safer to gamble on one of the more established members of the community: Paper, Kaoz, etc.

Night 1 - Sending Strawman to kill Rothene


Hook Proto, he may be the thief?

Sure, send stuff at Paperblade.

"Nightbomb" idle sounds legit.

I will will "hide" behind Haze.

I will still listen to other options, but we need something in.

[spoiler=n2 shiz]

I'm open to other suggestions, but I believe what we should do is:

Balcerzak: Making Haze a new suit.

Haze: Stealing Kaoz's item and giving it to Strawman

Hikarusa: Safeguarding Balcerzak

Shinori: Redirect all actions to Kaoz(He's the other likely candidate for inspection because of Sho, let's just make sure they get nothing out of it.)

Strawman: Killing Rein(?) with his Hand's Off! ability and hooking Sho.

I will be peeved if I find out in postgame that our N1 kill failed because I didn't have it properly bolded. (This is also known as a polite "how stickler are you" request of the mods.)

[spoiler=brainstorming and the bus preparations]

What are peoples thoughts on Shinori claiming soon?

Also, random other conversations with Haze


[23:48:26] <Haze> You here now?

[00:05:41] <Balcerzak> oh, yup

[00:05:44] <Balcerzak> sorry about earlier

[00:05:48] <Haze> No problem

[00:05:50] <Haze> So yeah

[00:05:58] <Haze> Less of a dumb idea, more lateral thinking

[00:06:09] <Haze> Why would this persuader persuade someone to vote for Snike and then do nothing?

[00:06:22] <Haze> Or rather

[00:06:26] <Haze> Who gains most from doing that?

[00:06:48] <Balcerzak> snike gets a sense of respectability, for sure

[00:06:55] <Haze> Yeah

[00:07:01] <Haze> and no one would suspect him of being the persuader

[00:07:07] <Haze> not mafia or town

[00:07:16] <Haze> but it establishes that he exists for when he claims later

[00:07:29] <Balcerzak> certainly

[00:07:47] <Haze> I'd put money on him being the persuader from who we have left, anyway

[00:08:01] <Haze> Just looking at the sheet

[00:08:31] <Balcerzak> The only other thing that made sense would be if it was somehow tied to Psych's "The herald is coming" restriction, but I don't know how happy I am with that explanation

[00:08:55] <Haze> yeah we still don't know what he was besides the meteor

[00:58:51] * Haze has quit ()

[16:33:03] <Haze> So if one of ours is getting lynched today in DT2 should I trigger Remote Revenge?

[16:34:15] <Balcerzak> That may be a good idea, I'm still catching up on stuff, has Shinori replied at all to the thread?

[16:34:29] <Haze> Not that I've seen

[16:36:49] <Haze> Hm

[16:58:30] <Balcerzak> I am not sure if your Remote Revenger will work just yet, depending on whether or not it assumes the (implied) mayor claim at the moment, and whether majority mean, most votes or more votes than half the living members

[16:58:52] <Haze> I'd imagine it's half the living members

[16:59:05] <Balcerzak> yeah, that is the sensible thing

[16:59:09] <Balcerzak> otherwise

[16:59:20] <Balcerzak> cast 1st vote, "majority", instalynch

[16:59:34] <Haze> yeah

[16:59:43] <Haze> regardless, if they settle on Shinori or Strawman

[16:59:48] <Haze> We could add our own votes

[16:59:57] <Haze> to try and get majority, then trigger RR

[17:00:01] <Balcerzak> clearly we should have to in that case

[17:07:23] <Haze> Yeah, since domu's claiming mayor and wants to prove himself by lynching Shinori...

[17:07:28] <Haze> he doesn't want any more votes

[17:07:30] <Haze> bleh

[17:07:36] <Haze> We may not be able to save him

[17:30:03] <Balcerzak> There's still several hours left, let's see if anything starts to happen. It may end up grim, and honestly, I would have preferred to lose Strawman.

[17:30:13] <Haze> Definitely

[17:31:02] <Balcerzak> We may think about bussing him, actually, if worst comes to worst and votes continue to stagnate

[17:31:33] <Haze> mm

[spoiler=me bitching]

Also, we seriously need to step our game up here. We have a whole thread to ourselves here essentially, and it is not being properly exploited. We need to to a lot better daytime coordination in addition to just our night-time activities.

Hika, Shinori, and Strawman also need to do a better job of projecting a presence in the main thread as well. Simply showing up for votes is not enough, and you guys are all starting to rise rapidly on the suspicions ladders. If we manage to get away from today without a loss, I will be highly surprised. We cannot fall into complacency here.

[spoiler=why are we not nk-ing the doc?]

Are we just gonna leave the doc alive for now? Domu is claiming mayor so that gives them lee-way in lynchs we have to be mindful of that.

Until the mass claims go out, I'm worried about a traditional martyr, or some other means they may have of protecting the doctor (bodyguard perhaps), but trying to kill him might not be terrible either. We definitely need a kill to go through tonight, though.

If Sho goes rogue and starts serial killing, that will honestly be a lot easier for us, as it will take tomorrow's heat off with an easy lynch.

[spoiler=in which I prove to be too wily for Sho]

Leaning towards killing Sho myself, I don't trust that "new role", at all.

That's quite possible, Haze, but I'm not sure why he would be flagrantly baiting us at this stage of the game.

[spoiler=N3 business]

Hika, Target Shinori tonight. I'll be sending him to do the kill, and I don't know if your thing will help or not, but it couldn't hurt.

Haze: I think I just remembered Snike claimed he had a namecop item that was stolen. Still, assuming it was similar to Sho's affinity cop and infinite use, he likely has name cop results, so we need to kill him before the fakeclaims hit, just to be safe. Sho gets one night of freedom with his new powers.

Night 3 - Sending Shinori to kill Snike

Shinori, please activate your ultimate tonight to engage in Janitor action. Even though he claimed to have been robbed, and likely has no more items, if he to avoid becoming a target for a mafia thief, it may still get something. At any rate, Janitor misdirection is always fun to fuck with the town, regardless of reason.

Unless Haze or anyone else feels strongly otherwise about saving the "MINE" ability for later, that is. But I think it's probably best to get these skills off before any more of us get irredeemably cornered.

As for who's role PM I should personally be doctoring up, if nobody has any urgent desire to claim it, I think I'll be on Shinori tonight as well, for good measure.

Haze, I was thinking you should maybe swap priorities just for the chance of shuffling around items, but I'm not sure I have the best idea as to who to swap with whom. Input from all around the table would be good on this one. The only one of us that doesn't have an item is Shinori, but I feel uncomfortable priority driving our killer to someone with an unknown priority.

Speaking of items... tonight might not be a terrible night to use that ROAR of yours Hika, to drop doctor protection to absolute last. Then in the future, Haze can try swapping you new items. I want to hear input on this idea as well. Items are an important part of this game, and so far we've managed to do fuck all with them.

My item is kind of useless to me, due to the nature of my role, and also my planned fake claim. If any of you want it, and there's nothing else going on, maybe we should give that to one of you?

I just realized I'm a moron, I can't tailor Shinori's role PM if he uses his redirection effect, because I am slow priority. That said, he should always be using his redirection effect.

Why don't you send everything to Rothene, just in case a vigilante tries to snipe you during the night. I would lol so hard if the vig kills the doctor because that would be so delicious.

I assumed that your thing took effect, resolved, and was no longer on the stack by the time he activated his power.

Also, I guess we should ask ourselves what do we thing the probability is that the Doc can or cannot self-target?

Should we save the roar to kill the doctor?

I don't know, I'm just one opinion. We still have almost a full day. I will delay sending in my action until the end so we have as much time to talk as we need.

[spoiler=I make one of the worst mistakes ever]

Im home now. So i need the card which is on the first page. What did we want me to claim? Because there were like 3 different things said.

What did you feel most comfortable claiming? Hika seemed more flexible.

I should not have left the decision in his hands. Also, I should have fucking realized we had a spare claim with the fucking janitor we just used. Goddamn this was sloppy play on my part, and I told eclipse to grill me for it in the postgame, but I still amazingly somehow escaped relatively unscathed.

[spoiler=it's true]

Two more things;

1. Prims is a smart, aggressive scumhunter, be careful of him.

2. Someone else may need to send in the item use if I'm not here.


Initial Plans:

We kill Lorddomu, the mayor with our kill kill.

Shinori reflects everything to... Kay? Sho?

Hika Safeguards Shinori?

Haze does, I have no idea?

I fix Hika a set of clothes?

Tomorrow, Shinori as the mafia frontman makes an appeal to Kaoz to vote with us and survive? May depend on how the kills shake down.

Need more input, but these are my current thoughts.

[spoiler=I suddenly become curious]

Eclipse/Raymond: Is town notified on "lynch or lose" status, "mislynch or lose" status, or not informed at all?

Not informed. And neither are you.

[spoiler=brainstorming like a motherfuck, because pressure liek woah]

So, I was writing this post about the cult, when I suddenly came across the novel idea I have outlined in bold here:

You're right. It's possible Snike was Cult. I forgot about that when I was initially running through things. But even with one cult down, that doesn't make the numbers Haze presented anywhere near favorable. And I still can't believe we'd be this far into a game without seeing even a hint of a whiff of cult presence if there actually were one. Everyone else has already gone on and elaborated about the typical situation with missing role information, that of a janitor.

But let's consider that possibility further, briefly. If Snike were cult, why would the mafia hide his presence with the janitor? If they just janitored at random, what would the odds be of covering up the cult by accident? Plus, if that was the case, why would they not come forward, especially now that Shinori is obvious scum is obvious? Cult would be just as much of a threat to the mafia as well.

I see no reason to assume cult is in play unless a dead cultist shows up tomorrow, Shinori comes forward and reveals cult involvement (not that I would necessarily trust take this at face value anyway, as it might simply be a ploy to divert the noose from being looped around his neck for just one more day), or we wake up tomorrow and have lost the game. There's just nothing to gain from it.

If there is a cult, of the every other night recruitment variety, which means we would still have a shot of taking care of them, we simply have to employ the same scum-hunting techniques to find them as we would for mafia. I don't know what else to say on the matter.

I doubt it would work, but it may be worth considering? Probably not. I may just remove parts of the paragraph and make the post anyway, but I thought I'd drop things off here for you guys to look at.

Fuck, I've got an idea.

We could potentially come out and claim that Snike was the mafia leader, and he was culted

"We woke up one morning and we had a new group pm minus our leader, Snike. So we killed&janitored him the following night, his role had been crossed out and he was a cultist. The outburst before he died showed that he obviously predicted we'd go after him to see what had happened.

Additionally, when we redirected the lynch yesterday, we were hoping the cult would have recruited the Doctor since it's an insta clear, but apparently they left him alone to fuck with us."

[spoiler=I think I was apologizing to Haze, I don't remember why and lost the reference]

Night 5 - Sending Hikarusa to kill Kay

Priority drive me with Kay, so this bullshit of kill failing ends. Thank you, sorry I fucked things up last night, you had the right idea, and I was wrong.


I propose you let me put Kay on a bad 60's sitcom and then cancel it after 1 episode.

In other words, kill her with a max priority kill.

I'm cool with this.

Does who I use my ability on even matter at the moment?

As long as the martyr is still alive you should probably safeguard whoever we are trying to kill. I am not sure what else you are good for at the moment.

Haze also says it probably isn't necessary tonight due to the priority drive.

[spoiler=more crazy-ass ideas, discarded in favor of saner ones]

also, I am working out details of who to have "hid" behind each night and was wondering what would happen if I claimed the reason Snike died was because they were trying to kill me.

How do you think that would interfere with the Janitor process, and do you think I should just scrap that line of thought?

the hider (hides behind someone every night; if they would be killed, the person they're hiding behind is killed; if the person they're hiding behind is killed, both are killed)


I am pondering just giving up on night-killing Kay and instead going after domu. Without the mayor, I think we win tomorrow. We'd need to juke around Kay's hooking either way, wouldn't we? Thoughts.

Okay. Decepticons transform and roll out.

Night 7 - Sending Hikarusa to kill Rapier/Lorddomu

I don't think it matters which of you I send to do the killing... right? Just throwing that out there as maybe another thing we could try to change...

Oh hi.

Kaoz, it's currently in your best interest to side with us. Why? Simple, we just proved that one of our roles allows us to get around Kay's shenanigans, and if you side with town and fail to hit that role, we will kill you as retribution, causing you to lose. That means siding with town gives you a 33% chance of winning, and it will take 3 day phases to do it.

Siding with us will take 3 phases total, and offers a 100% chance of winning as the town have no vigilante.

The choice is clear.

##Vote: Ether

That will probably be what I post if we manage to kill Domu tonight, I would be lying through my teeth since it's two roles that are letting us bypass her (if it works), but the town/Kaoz wouldn't know that.

Any thoughts?

[spoiler=In which I inadvertantly fuck us over, because Hika didn't warn us his safeguard was failing]

Here's a thought.

What if I drive -Ether- with Hika instead of myself?

It should work if we assume Ether's priority is higher than Hika's, and would let us check him for items.

Drive Ether with me, that way we don't have to gamble on his priority, as we know that Hika goes before I do.

(days later)

I'm just gonna go ahead and mention really quick that my safeguarding failed last night. Also I think I forgot to say this (sorry) but my safeguard failed the night before as well, I just didn't think it mattered that much at the time.

[spoiler=great minds. (check the timestamps). Also, my first ever mafia 'Tee-hee~!']

mafia thread pm

Also Bal, if for whatever reason we end up having to claim actions again, claim you hid behind me because lolhidingbehindnightbomb.

role thread pm

Night 7 - Disguising Haze

A nightbomb is safe to hide behind, right guys? :awesome:

no, because if you're killed in that manner, I modkill everyone except for Sho and Psych, and call the game in favor of the Dewdark


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Tales of ranting Princess, chapter one. I wake to see I have lost. this strikes to me as very odd thing to happen and wonder what would have caused this. Oh Kay has been lynched... WHAT THE HELL! What the actual hell!!! Mafia can fuck our lynch multiple times!? How can this bullshit be in any thinkable way balanced? Waaait a sec. 3 scums left? Three scums left... Thats like, 5 scums to begin with... 11 townies, 5 scums... How was this balanced again? Hey look 2 townies can seek and destroy scums! Surely that balances it out! Oh wait they have spesific targets. Well that isn't so bad because clearly they will have way to find those targets right? Oh right they have items that flavour hunt! Well that should makes it easy to find targets and shake things in town's favour. Its not like there is million and one ways to lose your item am I right or am I right? (if you don't get the joke you are a complete tool btw) Scearchers were piece of shit! All they could do was shoot blindly. And they were suppose to balance out the ridiculous as shit high amount of scums?

continues in the next episode

Edited by Princess K
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Raykitty needs to put his thoughts about me~!

D'oh, really? I don't really know what to say about you other than "you did a good job hosting, as usual". I wasn't present in the planning stages of the game, and thus wasn't as sure about the deepest inner mechanics of the game, causing me to screw up N6 actions (at least I actually happened to send out the correct results regardless!). After the disaster that N6 was for me, I left N7 to clipsey despite her not being there at the time because I predicted I'd screw things up again (and I was totally right about that), and because actually ending the game (as would have been the case had my guesses been correct) is something I didn't want to do as the co-host.

I want to thank Clipsey for letting me buzz in and co-host, and she did a good job explaining how to do things correctly to someone new to hosting like me. Thanks, it was nice to do this together with you!

@Sho: The mafia edited their votes shortly before phase end to ninja-lynch Kay. This was perfectly allowable by the rules.

And an 11:5 ratio of town to mafia actually is more balanced than you seem to think - it's the town's own fault for screwing around and wasting their time the first few phases, as well as generally being pretty terribad and somewhat inactive. Just how many mislynches do you think the town should be allowed to get away with?

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Tales of ranting Princess, chapter one. I wake to see I have lost. this strikes to me as very odd thing to happen and wonder what would have caused this. Oh Kay has been lynched... WHAT THE HELL! What the actual hell!!! Mafia can fuck our lynch multiple times!?

That hit me hard in the face too, as the first useful thing I did to the Town was to figure out Haze's plan. Except it was useless in the end.

How can this bullshit be in any thinkable way balanced? Waaait a sec. 3 scums left? Three scums left... Thats like, 5 scums to begin with... 11 townies, 5 scums... How was this balanced again?

You mean 10 Towns, 5 Mafias and 1 Neutral. Anyway, no matter the numbers, if we did a good job we'd have won. Shinori's card annoyed me though, because he's able to redirect lynches at his own will.

Hey look 2 townies can seek and destroy scums! Surely that balances it out! Oh wait they have spesific targets. Well that isn't so bad because clearly they will have way to find those targets right? Oh right they have items that flavour hunt! Well that should makes it easy to find targets and shake things in town's favour. Its not like there is million and one ways to lose your item am I right or am I right? (if you don't get the joke you are a complete tool btw) Scearchers were piece of shit! All they could do was shoot blindly. And they were suppose to balance out the ridiculous as shit high amount of scums? Now I would be ok with this if this was OC and there was other ways th

Searches are useless, but they get awesome roles if they succeed. In my case, as a Town Mayor, I can stamp any votes I'd like to. Maybe you could be the Vigilante if you'd succeeded.

Items got nothing to do with it, as you're supposed to use them so that you, along with the Town, can face off the Mafia. They weren't introduced so that you just use it for yourself.

It was a good game overall. I'm looking forward the next Mafia. ^^

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You mean 10 Towns, 5 Mafias and 1 Neutral.

Actually, 11 Townies is correct. This game had 17 players (11 town, 5 mafia, 1 neutral).

Searches are useless, but they get awesome roles if they succeed.

Not quite. They would have won, gotten replaced by Ether, and Ether would have gotten an awesome role. But I guess it pretty much amounts to being the same from everyone else's point of view.

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@Sho: The mafia edited their votes shortly before phase end to ninja-lynch Kay. This was perfectly allowable by the rules.

And an 11:5 ratio of town to mafia actually is more balanced than you seem to think - it's the town's own fault for screwing around and wasting their time the first few phases, as well as generally being pretty terribad and somewhat inactive. Just how many mislynches do you think the town should be allowed to get away with?

Just saying, I interpreted Rule 6 to mean that editing wasn't allowed at all, but the mods wouldn't crack down on anything that wasn't really significant. Not sour grapes or anything, I just wanted to point it out in the interest of improving the ruleset.

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Just saying, I interpreted Rule 6 to mean that editing wasn't allowed at all, but the mods wouldn't crack down on anything that wasn't really significant. Not sour grapes or anything, I just wanted to point it out in the interest of improving the ruleset.

Yeah, I can see why you'd interpret it like that. However, when in doubt, just go ahead and ask the mods. The mafia asked us whether editing in votes was allowable, and Clipsey said it was.

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Shinori's card annoyed me though, because he's able to redirect lynches at his own will.

No he couldn't, that one lynch redirect came from my trap card, what Shinori could do was redirect any night actions that targeted him to someone else.

We used the lynch redirect to save Shinori because a night where he was obvious scum was valuable to us, since he could redirect to someone and let us potentially redirect a vigilante kill to the town, turns out you didn't have one, but it was worth a shot.

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