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Nope, not really.

Mia is very effective in the GMs, and can easily become one of their best units. Zihark does the same in the DB, but still struggles in 3-6 and 3-13, especially as he lacks concrete durability and his avoid isn't great enough to survive reliably. The last three are somewhat. Edward can become fantastic, but struggles a bit from mid-DB through to the mid-late game, where he can be pretty unreliable. Stefan is alright, Lucia is just not.

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Should I put Makalov over lucia ..... Lol at identical speed growths.

Is Makalov a reliable unit in NM.

Stefan is surprisingly a decent filler for endgame.

Too bad everyone uses mia and zihark/edward

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Eddy has a good shot at being the best on Easy and Normal mode (Zihark would probably be > Mia there), but on Hard Mode, it's Mia>Zihark>Edward>Stefan/Lucia.

We actually have topics on this already; just look it up in the OMG it's a tier list topic or something.

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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Silver Harpoon: Use the Edit button.

And: oh look, another Trueblade topic. I wonder if this one will turn out like they do on GameFAQs.

Or the last one we had with XxWolfXx...

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I've done a trueblades and lords only PT,

as it was easy mode, everyone was great.

Edward was just fine to start with, ended up my best trueblade in later chapters. 5 luck is quite useful too.

Zihark came in about the same level Eddie was at that time. his stats were slightly less than Eddie's overall.

Mia was the best female trueblade obviously, though I was quite missing that slightly higher str like the male TB's.

Lucia had the worst availability, but the Bexp saves her easily. at --/20/20, only stat she didn't cap, I believe, was luck.

Stefan is okay, but he comes way late in a chapter where he doesn't do a lot. And at --/--/20 he missed quite some caps

that's my order of usefulness. but that's just for easy mode I guess

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I would argue Lucia > Stefan.

Lucia really helps in 2-2 where Stefan at best is a good filler unit for Endgame and we have more then enough other (better) options for that.

I'll agree with this statement. Stefan comes at part 4, late enough in the game where he's basically relegated to tower use only. At 20/20/20, he's slightly worse statistically than Zihark (and Edward is even better statistically than him, and probably easier to raise via BEXP). So really, he's only useful if, for some reason, you decided not to raise Edward, Zihark, OR Mia. However, if you were for some reason forsaking them, then you probably have a huge disdain of trueblades, and thus probably wouldn't even use Stefan anyways. As a result, I don't see much of a use for him other than to say your brought back a character from PoR.

Lucia, in general, is terrible. She probably has to have one of the worst set of growth rates in the game for any beorc (and she's hard to raise via BEXP because her *MAG growth* is higher than her DEF growth and almost equal to her STR growth). With that being said, she's at least useful in 2-2, which is one more chapter (or, being nice about it, half of one) than I can say of Stefan.

Mia probably takes the cake because while her caps (female) are questionably worse than Edward's or Zihark's (1 STR versus 5 LUK is the biggie here), she has nice availability, well-rounded stats, she's always useful in any chapter she is deployed in, and I've never seen her to have major survivability issues in comparison to her ilk. In short, starts out good and keeps on getting better.

Edward versus Zihark probably comes down to how you're playing. For a brute efficiency playthrough, it's hard to raise Edward (or any DB unpromoted member besides maybe Jill, really), so Zihark takes the cake here. But if you can raise Edward, he's equal or better than Zihark. That being said, Zihark's earth affinity doesn't hurt him at all...because who doesn't like extra avoid on a trueblade?

So, in short, my ranking for HM:

Mia > Zihark >= Edward > Lucia > Stefan (with Zihark versus Edward being flexible)

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Eddy > Mia > Zihark > Stefan > Lucia

Eddy is the best trueblade in the game hands down (EM/NM). NM makes it easy for him to get more EXP quickly. The EXP should help him get what ever speed he need as well as strenght. Sure he has trouble surviving early, but there is only one other unit that doesn't that early in the game. Mia is great for GMs, that we can all agree on. Zihark, eh, i don't know much about him honestly, but i placed him there because he is definately > stefan and lucia. Stefan is over lucia due to being able to be brought to endgame without much things needed and Lucia only has 1 chapter then she becomes crap.

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Eddy > Mia > Zihark > Stefan > Lucia

Eddy is the best trueblade in the game hands down (EM/NM). NM makes it easy for him to get more EXP quickly. The EXP should help him get what ever speed he need as well as strenght. Sure he has trouble surviving early, but there is only one other unit that doesn't that early in the game. Mia is great for GMs, that we can all agree on. Zihark, eh, i don't know much about him honestly, but i placed him there because he is definately > stefan and lucia. Stefan is over lucia due to being able to be brought to endgame without much things needed and Lucia only has 1 chapter then she becomes crap.

The reason why Eddy isn't top of the list in HM (AFAIK) is because of his severe issues early game. Enemy hit rates are pretty high, so his avoid can't save him, and his defense base is pretty sad with a mediocre growth. He does have amazing offensive growths and caps early in every tier. With planning, if he manages to get SPD/SKL capped early, you can save BEXP and use BEXP level-ups to get him necessary durability in part 1/3. But it's the fact that Zihark is so easy to pick up and use because of his comparatively high base level that he tends to be so popular in HM. Edward has more potential, however, and becomes better faster, but you have to get him there for it to matter. If you can do it, great.

And for Stefan v. Lucia, I honestly think it comes down to whether you think "good for one chapter" or "possibly maybe decent for tower but usually outshined" is better. The two of them are easily far below the top three, though.

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You read my post at all? I said that was based on EM/NM. Besides OP is only considering NM, not HM. Read the OP.

No, no, I read it. I was just trying to expand on your post with the whole Edward v. Zihark thing, not edify it. Probably didn't come across correctly. Although my views on Stefan v. Lucia apply in all modes, really.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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No, no, I read it. I was just trying to expand on your post with the whole Edward v. Zihark thing, not edify it. Probably didn't come across correctly. Although my views on Stefan v. Lucia apply in all modes, really.

I mainly stated NM/EM because of Eddy's placement change in HM.

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In efficient play, Zihark > Edward in NM.


Edward - Level 13

26.7 HP, 12.4 Str, 16.9 Skl, 17.4 Spd, 12.5 Lck, 8.15 Def, 1.8 Res

Zihark - Level 3

30 HP, 17 Str, 22 Skl, 23 Spd, 11 Lck, 13 Def, 11 Res

It goes without saying that Zihark dominates Edward in their shared availability in Part 1. Zihark can ORKO everything except Armors and Bandits with a simple Steel Sword. With the Brave Sword, Zihark can ORKO everything. Edward cannot double Myrmidons and fails to 2HKO most Fighters, Archers, and Soldiers. Even with the Brave Sword, ORKOing Armors and Bandits are out of his reach. On the durability front: everything 2HKOs Edward, Zihark is 2HKO'd by just about nothing.


Edward - Level 20/1 (last two levels Bexp'd)

32 HP, 18.4 Str, 21 Skl, 21 Spd, 17 Lck, 12.9 Def, 4.8 Res

Zihark - Level 7

32.2 HP, 18.4 Str, 25 Skl, 25.8 Spd, 12.6 Lck, 14 Def, 12.4 Res

Promotion is good to Edward. Now Edward is almost exactly on par with Zihark. Edward even has the Caladbolg for +1Atk over a Steel Sword forge. Zihark has an important Speed advantage in Part 3, though. Zihark can double Cats in 3-6, which Edward has no chance of pulling off. Edward may also have trouble reaching the 24 AS needed to double most tier 2 beorc in 3-12. Zihark has no such troubles and might also be able to double 3-12 Swordmasters. Edward has a decent chance of being able to double Cats and Hawks in 3-13, but he is unlikely to be able to double Ike. Zihark may be able to double Ike and deal good damage.

At the close of Part 3, Edward has probably just Capped HP and Str. We can Bexp him a few levels to cap Spd and give him a Master Crown for a solid Part 4. Zihark has likely capped Skl and Spd and can be Bexp'd to cap Str and Crowned (or just finished off with Bexp) for an almost identical Part 4. Edward's Part 4 might be be a little bit better due to his higher Str growth, but he's also more fragile than Zihark (who has higher Res and Earth affinity for excellent avoid).

In summary: Edward can contribute a little in early Part 1 chapters (and substantially in 1-P). Zihark dominates Edward in the second half of Part 1. Zihark has a slight edge on Edward in Part 3. Edward has a slight edge on Zihark in Part 4.

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Why is edward gaining so little? We are focusing on Trueblades here, therefore i would assume that edward is getting plenty of kills and resources as well... Byt that point (1-6) i'd expect eddy to be close to changing classes

Edited by SlayerX
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