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who do you say has the worst way of recuitment?

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i heard xaiver in FE5 is by far the worst but its the only one i haven't played...so from the games i've played i'd have to list

FE2: Ryuto's sister is an pain to recuit if you can't kill the boss quickly.

FE3 B2: Machis due to how much time it would take to recuit him and him not even being worth it, and why would you talk to him with Julian?

FE4 has got to be both Hannibal and Corpul.

FE6 either Percival or Gonzales...or Garret due to your not really given hints on how to recuit them ingame.

FE7: Jaffar is random chance if you get him or not.

FE8: Cormag in both routes can be annoying if you don't know that tana can recuit him as well(which your given no hint at either). In Erika's you could beat the chapter before he even shows up, In Ephraim's, if you don't know about tana you gotta rush Eph to Dussel so he can rush to cormag.

FE9 and 10: Stefan, step on an random space, get character thats never introduced or hinted at before.

FE11: no issues

Also can anyone tell me how people found out about how to recuit these characters before people knew you could get them?

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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I can't say I have trouble recruiting anyone. Unless they're like Stefan since you have no idea they even exist.

Edited by Ein Silver Rose
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Stefan in both Tellius titles is a Guide Dang It. What more can I say? That aside, there's Cath since you have to talk to her thrice while making sure she doesn't steal anything valuable and Cormag in Ephraim route since unless you realize that Tana can talk to him (which you're given no hint at whatsoever), you're left having to rush Ephraim to Duessel then have Duessel talk to Cormag.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Also, I don't like recruiting Marisa in Ephraim route since I *really* don't like having to bait a recruitable with one of my own units.

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I'm gonna say Xavier. There is too much room for error. Since you don't know which civilian must talk to which knight, and then they could attack themselves (and it doesn't help half of them have Hammers) or get themselves killed, etc. Not to mention you'd then have to give up on the Member Card.

FE3 B2: Machis due to how much time it would take to recuit him and him not even being worth it, and why would you talk to him with Julian?

Because of Lena.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Also, I don't like recruiting Marisa in Ephraim route since I *really* don't like having to bait a recruitable with one of my own units.

Marisa joins if you recruit Ewan and complete the chapter.

I'm not actually sure if you even have to recruit Ewan, she just shows up in your group in the next prep menu.

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I find recruiting Rennac kind of difficult. But that may be just me.

He can be given that in order to get him free, you have to put L'Arachel in the line of fire sometimes. (in both routes) Hes a little easier to trap in Eirika's route. I have no trouble getting Cormag and i never used Tana to do it. Marisa can be a bit of a pain but ehh.

Legault is a lot like Rennac where you gotta kinda trap him and make sure he can steal that member card off that other thief.

lol Wallace. :|

Stefan was a stupid with his recruiting.

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All of the people who are recruited in any of FE11's Gaiden chapters... (Seriously, WTF were the people at IS smoking when they made those gaiden requirements?).

Also, Shinon's re-recruitment in FE9.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Also, Shinon's re-recruitment in FE9.

Good catch NM. I can't believe I forgot to mention that one.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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...Worst way of recruitment? I think that it'd be Jaffar.


-Need to reccruit Nino (I normally do, but in Eliwood, that involves putting people in Ursula's fireline. If I'm remembering.)

-Need to split up your party to rescue Jaffar and recruit Nino. (Sucks in general, as a Lord is needed to recruit, and that normally means sending Eliwood down, to recruit in ENM and to carry Hector in HNM.)

-Need to actually bring them together. (I send them to Zephiel's room)

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i tend to forget all about Hannah and her Augury's...so i'll take your word for it.

Text of ID 0x0FAF

A moment, please...[.][CloseEyes][ToggleMouthMove]

... ... ...[.][ToggleMouthMove][A][0x02]

Oh... I'm not sure what to do.

The enemy is so very strong.

One, a fallen hero...[.]

A potent adversary.[.]

You must be careful.[A][0x02]

To survive this trial,

you will need lances,[.]

bows, and...strong

magical attacks.[A][0x02]

As for items...take pure

water and a Barrier[.]

staff. Swordreavers should

come in handy, too.[.][A][0x02]

Something else... You'll

meet someone.[.]

Very powerful...with an axe.

He may aid you.[.][A][0x02]

Send an envoy who smells

of the sea to treat with him.[.][A][X]

Y U no trust me? cry.gif

Edited by The Smithy Gang!
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But, I'd say for FE6 its Douglas. That whole chapter you have to keep him alive for is incredibly annoying and you have to waste units to blockade him or use up the sleep.

Edited by Eryth
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Text of ID 0x0FAF

A moment, please...[.][CloseEyes][ToggleMouthMove]

... ... ...[.][ToggleMouthMove][A][0x02]

Oh... I'm not sure what to do.

The enemy is so very strong.

One, a fallen hero...[.]

A potent adversary.[.]

You must be careful.[A][0x02]

To survive this trial,

you will need lances,[.]

bows, and...strong

magical attacks.[A][0x02]

As for items...take pure

water and a Barrier[.]

staff. Swordreavers should

come in handy, too.[.][A][0x02]

Something else... You'll

meet someone.[.]

Very powerful...with an axe.

He may aid you.[.][A][0x02]

Send an envoy who smells

of the sea to treat with him.[.][A][X]

Y U no trust me? cry.gif

alright now i believe you with that proof.

argh i forgot about Shinion's rerecuitment and Jaffar's, i'll post jaffar's instead of Geitz's now

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FE6 either Percival or Gonzales...or Garret due to your not really given hints on how to recuit them ingame.


Even remotely difficult


I mean hell you get two chances to get this guy and if you play HM the C15 recruitment is cake. C13 recruitment is only worth it on NM and it's honestly not that hard to get there in 8 turns. And only for one and a little bit more chapters of use than the C15 one since horses are useless in C14.

And you can just rescuedrop Lilina over at the village for Gonzo. Thany exists.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Jake can be a pain in the ass, seeing on how his weapon does effective damage against the person who recruits him! ;/

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FE9 and 10: Stefan, step on an random space, get character thats never introduced or hinted at before.

There is a base conversation the chapter Stefan joins you that heavily hints how you should recruit him in FE9. In the case of FE10, if you miss recruiting him they still have the base conversation letting you know that he is still alive, and if you've played FE9, you would know that you have to recruit him in the desert.

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