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Post your phone


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I was too lazy to get a picture of my own phone, so I just swiped a picture of the model. My phone's home page looks a lot like that. Except with a much cooler background.


The only bad thing I can say about this phone is it's a whore for battery life. You use it for twenty minutes and 25% of the battery is gone. No exaggeration, depending on what you're doing in those twenty minutes.

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Welp I could get my dad's camera to take a pic of my phone (which is turned off now D=) but 1. It's nothing special (although I do like its color =3) and 2. the camera has no battery and I'd have to charge it first.

I guess the easiest thing to do is cheat.


Mine says AT&T rather than Walkman but I chose the walkman pic instead because the red they show in their pics looks much more accurate ^~^

Edited by Lord Glenn
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No pics from you, Hazu?

Actually, me misplacing my phone today was what gave me the idea for this thread, haha.

I can't find it, but it looks a lot like Charlie's in red.

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I have no cell phones.

I also wish we didn't have a telephone in my house.

*ring, ring, ring allday at the most stupid time for it to ring ring ring* :/

I suppose a cell phone i could just put in vibrator but eh. I don't need one really.

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