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Oh come on you gotta try harder than that

That's better!

Aren't spoilers such fun?

I remember Vincent doing this once so if you've gotten this far you now know I'm stealing his idea ;b The only difference is that he didn't include any words in these.


How long can you keep this up?

You must be as bored as I am right now.

Many out there would say that this is stupid but I always love doing stupid things

I <3 spoilers

Whoever is willing to go this far is great!

I'm running out of things to say

I hope there isn't a spoiler limit...

Maybe ponies really are a bad thing


Is it legal to use this much spoilers?

If you continue on I'll give you a cookie


I bet you $100 that Nightmare is lol'ing this very second, wherever he is. Maybe he's asleep and he's lol'ing in his sleep.

And btw where's Emerald?

Should I spread fake rumors about my friends?

Nah, guess I won't!

You should look at the next spoiler



Okay, you've reached the end of my boredom now. Hooraaaaaay!!!! As you can tell I was really really bored but now I feel much better!~

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Lol Freohr silly you :newyears:

Also that Pony pic was funny

lets ctrl v spoiler sutff and see the limit giggity

BTw ctrl v didn't work as expected :/

Keep going

Oh god... I should be editing my essay

I also have a bio lab to fdoo damn it, i'd hand it in late but its group stuff :/ stupid thing has to be long too ://

yay long quote chain of spoiler tags

lol poor you if you make it this far

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Lol yeah you have to paste inbetween the spoiler tags to add a new one =b

And was it supposed to do that? If not then you probably found the limit =o

Guess I could spoiler this for the size


Edited by Freohr Datia
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I tried to put it inbetween... I guess that is the limit, cookie to anyone that gets the mistake in cas there is any cause i copy pasted the same amount of [spoiler and [/spoiler tags.

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Oh I found it I'll show it in a sec =o I love cookies

green shows where it's supposed to be, red shows the culprit =b


So that affected the entire rest of that =o

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I couldn't click through all of Link's spoilers, I think it stops you from seeing more than a certain amount.

I got through them all

I clearly have way too much time on my hands

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